The remaining sections in this chapter represent amendments to the requirements contained in the IRC. In the event requirements of this code conflict with applicable State and/or Federal requirements, the more stringent shall apply except that all references to flood hazard construction shall be coordinated in concurrence with Ankeny NFIP adoption dated 1-February-2019. ICC ANSI A117.1 references throughout this code shall denote ICC ANSI A117.1-09
Section R101.1, Title, of the IRC, is hereby deleted and there is enacted in lieu thereof the following section:
Section R 101.1 Title. These provisions shall be known as the Ankeny Residential Code for One- and Two - Family Dwellings, and shall be cited as such and will be referred to herein as “this code.”
Section R101.3.1, Intent, of the IRC, is hereby established by adding the following section:
Section R101.3.1 Intent. The provisions of the International Energy Conservation Code as currently adopted and amended by the Iowa State Building Code Bureau shall apply to all matters governing the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency. Administration shall be as prescribed in "this code' and these regulations shall be known as the Ankeny Energy Code. Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to 3rd party inspections. The Code Official is authorized to accept reports of approved inspection agencies, provided such agencies satisfy the requirements as to qualifications and reliability. Any portion that does not comply shall be corrected and such portion shall not be covered or concealed until authorized by the Code Official.
Sections 105.1, Required, of the IRC, is hereby amended by adding the following to said section:
R105.1 Platting required. A building permit shall not be issued unless the land upon which the proposed work is to be done is platted pursuant to the provisions of the subdivision regulations.
A building permit shall not be issued permitting the construction of any building or other structure on any lot designated on any plat as an outlot, without such lot being replatted in accordance with the provisions of the subdivision regulations. Such platting may be waived by the city council if that body determines that no portion of the land is needed for public purposes or if that portion needed for public purposes, as determined by the council, is dedicated to the city; provided further, that such platting may be waived by the zoning administrator if the requested building permit is for one of the following purposes:
A building permit shall not be issued permitting the construction of any building or other structure on any lot designated on any plat as an outlot, without such lot being replatted in accordance with the provisions of the subdivision regulations. Such platting may be waived by the city council if that body determines that no portion of the land is needed for public purposes or if that portion needed for public purposes, as determined by the council, is dedicated to the city; provided further, that such platting may be waived by the zoning administrator if the requested building permit is for one of the following purposes:
1. Any accessory structure or addition for a one or two family residence;
2. The removal, repair or alteration of a structure on unplatted premises, provided that there is no change in the use classifications of such structure;
3. The term "alteration" shall be deemed to mean any change or modification of a structure that does not serve to increase the size of the original structure by more than ten percent.
Section R105.2, Work exempt from permit, of the IRC is hereby amended by deleting the following items and adding a sentence to said sections as follows:
R105.2 Work Exempt From Permit
Section R105.2 Building - Item #1 Detached structuresnot exceeding 200 sq. ft. Delete
Section R105.2 Building - Item #2 Fences not over 7 feet high Delete
Section R105.2 Building - Item #5 Sidewalks and driveways Delete
Section R105.2 Building - Item #7 Prefabricated swimming pools Delete
Section R105.2 Building - Item #10 Decks not exceeding 200 sq. ft. Delete
Exemption from permit requirements of this chapter shall not preclude requirements for permitting of plumbing, electrical and mechanical installations and systems or compliance with Ankeny Code of Ordinances.