1. "Entertainment District" means the commercial businesses operating within the following defined areas:
A. The District at Prairie Trail. Defined as the area in the Prairie Trail Planned Unit Development (PUD) that is bounded:
(1) On the north by SW Magazine Road;
(2) On the south by SW Prairie Trail Parkway;
(3) On the west by SW State Street; and,
(4) On the east by the rear property line of the District Brownstones, which are generally located on the west side of SW Westview Drive.
B. Uptown Entertainment District. Defined as the commercially zoned properties (C-2 and C-2a) generally bounded:
(1) On the north by W 1st Street and SW 2nd Street;
(2) On the south by SW 4th Street and SW 5th Street;
(3) On the west by the rear property lines of the properties that front onto SW Scott Street and SW Elm Street; and,
(4) On the ease by the alley between SW Walnut Street and SW Pleasant Street and the alley between SW Pleasant Street and SW School Street.
2. "Receiving Property" for purposes of this chapter, receiving property means the nearest property line of the real property where the sound is being heard, and where appropriate level restrictions apply.
As described below, Entertainment Districts shall be exempt from certain sections of Chapter 44, Noise Control.
A. Noise from properties within the entertainment district shall not exceed the following levels measured at the receiving property line:
(1) 75 dB between 7:00am and 10:00pm Sunday - Thursday and 7:00am and midnight Friday - Saturday, as well as on the eve of and on all Federal Holidays, St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo.
(2) 70 dB all other times.
B. The occasional playing of Live Music, use of Sound Equipment and/or uses that require a Special Events Permit, which may exceed the above decibel limitations shall be required to obtain a Noise Permit as outlined in Section 44.06.
(1) Properties issued Noise Permits within the District at Prairie Trial shall not have noise levels that exceed the following:
(a) 85 dB between 7:00am and 10:00pm Sunday -Thursday and 7:00am and midnight Friday - Saturday, as well as on the eve of and on all Federal Holidays, St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo.
(b) 80 dB all other times.
(2) Noise Permits issued within the District at Prairie Trail shall be limited to six (6) hours in duration. However, a Noise Permit issued in conjunction with a City approved Special Events Permit may be modified or extended beyond six hours.
A. Noise from properties within the entertainment district shall not exceed the following levels measured at the receiving property line:
(1) 70 dB between 7:00am and 9:00pm Sunday -Thursday and 7:00am and 11:00pm Friday - Saturday, as well as on the eve of and on all Federal Holidays, St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo.
(2) 65 dB all other times.
B. The occasional playing of Live Music and use of Sound Equipment and/or uses that require a Special Events Permit, which may exceed the above decibel limitations, shall be required to obtain a Noise Permit as outlined in Section 44.06.
(1) Properties issued Noise Permits within the Uptown Entertainment District shall not have noise levels that exceed the following:
(a) 80 dB between 7:00am and 9:00pm Sunday - Thursday and 7:00am and 11:00pm Friday - Saturday, as well as on the eve of and on all Federal Holidays, St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo.
(b) 75 dB all other times.
(2) Noise Permits issued within the Uptown Entertainment District shall be limited to six (6) hours in duration. However, a Noise Permit issued in conjunction with a City approved Special Events Permit may be modified or extended beyond six hours.
(Chapter 143 - Ord. 2098 - Apr. 22 Supp.)