1. Any person, entity, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, State agency or political subdivision ("applicant" or "person"):
A. required by law or administrative rule to obtain coverage under the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. 2 (General Permit No. 2); and/or
B. required to obtain a building permit from the City of Ankeny for new construction and/or a commercial or industrial addition
shall also be required to obtain from the City a Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Permit (COSESCO permit) in addition to and not in lieu of any State IDNR authorization for coverage.
2. The person holding the permit ("permittee") shall have primary responsibility to comply with the General Permit No. 2 and/or the City COSESCO permit requirements of this chapter.
1. Applications for COSESCO permits shall be made on forms approved by the City which may be obtained at the Public Services Building.
2. An applicant may be required to post security for compliance in accordance with Section 200.39 of this Code of Ordinances. The application form signed by the applicant for a City COSESCO permit shall include the following commitment by the applicant: "In addition to the performance security posted with this application, the undersigned applicant hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, damages or suits arising directly or indirectly out of any act of commission or omission by the applicant, or any employee, agent, assign or contractor or subcontractor of the applicant, in connection with applicant's coverage under General Permit No. 2 and/or City COSESCO permit.
3. An applicant for a COSESCO permit shall pay fees in accordance with an established fee schedule, which fee schedule may be modified from time to time, adopted by Resolution of the City Council.
4. An applicant who also has applied for coverage under General Permit No. 2 shall submit with the application two full copies of the materials described below as a basis for the City to issue a COSESCO permit:
A. Notice of Intent and supporting materials submitted to the IDNR in support of applicant's application for coverage under the General Permit No. 2;
B. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
C. Evidence of IDNR authorization for coverage received after application for a COSESCO permit shall be submitted by the applicant.
5. Every SWPPP submitted to the City in support of an application for a COSESCO permit shall:
A. Comply with all current minimum mandatory requirements for SWPPPs promulgated by the IDNR in connection with General Permit No. 2; and
B. If the applicant is required by law to file a Joint Application Form, Protecting Iowa Waters, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, comply with all mandatory minimum requirements pertaining to such applications; and
C. Include evidence of permit approval for all applicable State or Federal permits in existence at the time of application; and
D. Be prepared by a licensed professional engineer or landscape architect or a certified professional in erosion and sediment control (CPESC) or a representative of the local Soil and Water Conservation District, credentialed in a manner acceptable to the City; and
E. Include within the SWPPP a signed and dated certification by the person preparing the SWPPP that the SWPPP complies with all requirements of this chapter.
6. In addition to the SWPPP requirements stated in subsection 5 immediately above which constitute minimum mandatory requirements imposed by the Program, every SWPPP submitted to the City in support of an application for a COSESCO permit shall comply with the Statewide Urban Design Standards (SUDAS), including but not limited to design, location, and phased implementation of effective, practicable storm water pollution prevention measures.
7. When a COSESCO permit is required, it shall be obtained prior to or at the same time as issuance of a building permit, plat approval by Council or site plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
8. For so long as a construction site is subject to a General Permit No. 2 and/or a COSESCO permit, the applicant shall provide the City with current information as follows:
A. The name, address, and telephone number of the person on site designated by the owner who is knowledgeable and experienced in erosion and sediment control and who will oversee compliance with the General Permit No. 2, if applicable, and/or the City COSESCO permit.
B. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the contractors and/or subcontractors that will implement each erosion and sediment control measure identified in the SWPPP, if applicable.
C. Applicant's failure to provide current information shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
9. Property owners can transfer coverage of the General Permit No. 2 and/or the COSESCO permit responsibility with the sale of property to homebuilders or new lot owners. Contractors and subcontractors can accept transfer of responsibility as co-permittees. Transferees must agree to the transfer in writing, and must agree to fulfill all obligations of the SWPPP, the General Permit No. 2 and/or the COSESCO permit. Absent such written confirmation of transfer of obligations received by the City, the permittee remains responsible for compliance on any lot that has been sold. A permittee shall notify the City of any transfers or any Notice of Discontinuation sent to the IDNR for release of any property from a General Permit No. 2 pursuant to 567 IAC 64.6(6) or any similar successor provision.
10. Upon receipt of an application for a COSESCO permit, the City shall either find that the application complies with this chapter and issue a COSESCO permit in accordance with this chapter, or that the application fails to comply with this chapter, in which case the City shall provide a report identifying noncompliant elements of the application.