Table R302.1(1), Exterior Walls, of the IRC, is hereby amended by modifying said table as follows:
Exterior Wall Element | Minimum Fire-Resistance Rating | Minimum Fire Separation Distance | |
Walls | (Fire-resistance rated) | Dwellings - 1 hour - tested in accordance with ASTM E119, UL 263 or Section 703.3 of the International Building Code with exposure from both sides | < 5 feet |
(Fire-resistance rated) | Accessory Structures - 1 hour - tested in accordance with ASTM E119, UL 263 or Section 703.3 of the International Building Code with exposure from both sides | < 3 feet | |
(Not fire-resistance rated) | Dwellings - 0 hours | ≥ 5 feet | |
(Not fire-resistance rated) | Accessory Structures - 0 hours | ≥ 3 feet | |
Projections | (Fire-resistance rated) | Dwellings - 1 hour on the underside, or heavy timber, or fire-retardant-treated wood | < 3 feet |
(Fire-resistance rated) | Accessory Structures - 1 hour on the underside, or heavy timber, or fire-retardant-treated wood<2 feet | <2 feet | |
(Not fire-resistance rated) | Dwellings - 0 hours | ≥ 3 feet | |
(Not fire-resistance rated) | Accessory Structures - 0 hours | ≥ 2 feet | |
Openings | Not allowed | N/A | < 3 feet |
25% Maximum Wall Area | 0 hours | ≥ 3 feet | |
Unlimited | 0 hours | ≥ 5 feet | |
Penetrations | All | Comply with Section R302.4 | < 3 feet |
None required | ≥ 3 feet | ||
Section R302.3 Two-family dwellings, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and exceptions and inserting in lieu thereof the following section:
R302.3 Two-family dwellings For purposes of fire-resistive separation, two-family dwelling units shall be considered as townhouse units and shall be constructed in accordance with R302.2
Section R302.6, Dwelling/garage fire separation, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following section:
Section R302.6 Dwelling/garage fire separation The garage shall be separated throughout as required by Table R302.6. Openings in garage walls shall comply with section R302.5.
Table R302.6 Dwelling/Garage Separation, of the IRC, is hereby amended by modifying said table as follows:
Table R302.6, Dwelling/garage separation
Separation | Material |
From the residence & attics – common wall with garage | 5/8” “X” fire code sheetrock or equivalent applied to the garage side |
From all habitable rooms above the garage | 5/8” “X” fire code sheetrock or equivalent – throughout garage |
Structures supporting floor/ceiling assemblies used for separation required by this section | 5/8” “X” fire code sheetrock or equivalent – throughout garage |
Detached garages located less than six feet (6’) from a dwelling unit(s) on the same lot | 5/8” “X” fire code sheetrock or equivalent – throughout garage |
Section R302.13, Fire Protection of Floors, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting exception 4 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section R302.13 exception 4 Approved floor assemblies demonstrating equivalent fire performance by an approved testing company showing length and time duration for exposure to fire. It shall be defined by performance equivalent to 26 minutes using ASTM E119 standard fire endurance testing with a superimposed load simulating a maximum load condition (i.e. 100% design load).
Section R303.3, Bathrooms, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following section and also by adding the following exception:
Section R303.3 Bathrooms Bathrooms shall be provided with a mechanical ventilation system. The minimum ventilation rates shall be 50 cfm for intermittent ventilation or 20 cfm for continuous ventilation. Ventilation air from the space shall be exhausted directly to the outside.
Exception: Toilet rooms containing only a water closet and/or lavatory may be provided with a recirculating fan.
Section R305.1.1, Basements, of the IRC, is amended deleting the exception and inserting in lieu thereof:
Section R305.1.1 exception Existing basements not having a height as specified in this section are allowed to be finished with a ceiling height that is not decreased more than the minimal measurement created by applying a finished ceiling of gypsum board or acoustical ceiling tiles.
Section R308.4.2, Glazing Adjacent To Doors, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and items #1 and #2 and inserting in lieu thereof the following (exceptions remain unchanged):
Section R308.4.2 Glazing Adjacent To Doors Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel adjacent to a door where the nearest vertical edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch (610 mm) arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches (1524 mm) above the walking surface shall be considered to be a hazardous location.
Section R310.2.2, Minimum Dimensions, of the IRC, is hereby amended by adding the following:
Section R310.2.2 Minimum Dimensions The net clear opening dimensions required by this section and shall not require the removal of a sash or other component of the emergency escape and rescue opening.
Section R310.2.3 of the IRC, is hereby amended by adding the following exception:
Section R310.2.3 exception A landing may be provided to meet the maximum height of forty-four (44) inches to the bottom of the clear opening. The landing shall be not less than 36-inches (904mm) wide, not less than 12-inches (305mm) out from the exterior wall, and not more than 24-inches (610mm) in height. The landing shall be permanently affixed to the floor below or the wall under the window it serves.
Section R310.7 Alterations or Repairs of Existing Basements, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and exception and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section R310.7 Alterations or Repairs of Existing Basements New habitable spaces created in an existing basement shall be provided with emergency escape and rescue openings in accordance with Section R310.1.