Multi-use recreational trails mean a way or place, the use of which is controlled by the City, designated by the multi-use recreational trail maps, as approved by the Park Board, and no multi-use recreational trail shall be considered as a street or highway.
Except as otherwise provided, the following uses are permitted on multi-use recreational trails:
1. Persons walking, jogging or running;
2. Persons utilizing or operating a non-motorized device, such as a bicycle, skateboard, inline skates or wheelchair;
3. Persons utilizing or operating a device as defined and allowed in Chapter 76 of the Code of Ordinances, such as a low-speed electric bicycle, electric scooter, or personal transportation device;
4. Persons with mobility disabilities using manually operated or power-driven wheelchairs and manually powered mobility aids for the purpose of locomotion;
5. Persons with mobility disabilities using an other power-driven mobility device for the purpose of locomotion, as provided in 28 CFR 35;
6. Official emergency vehicles and authorized maintenance vehicles as necessary to perform the duties of the operator.
(Ord. 2135 - Apr. 23 Supp.)