3.01 Voting Precincts Established
3.13 Precinct Number Twelve (Town and Country)
3.02 Precinct Number One
3.14 Precinct Number Thirteen (Town and Country)
3.03 Precinct Number Two
3.15 Precinct Number Fourteen
3.04 Precinct Number Three
3.16 Precinct Number Fifteen
3.05 Precinct Number Four
3.17 Precinct Number Sixteen
3.06 Precinct Number Five (Town and Country)
3.18 Precinct Number Seventeen
3.07 Precinct Number Six
3.19 Precinct Number Eighteen
3.08 Precinct Number Seven
3.20 Precinct Number Nineteen
3.09 Precinct Number Eight
3.21 Precinct Number Twenty (Town and Country)
3.10 Precinct Number Nine
3.22 Precinct Number Twenty-One (Town and Country)
3.11 Precinct Number Ten
3.23 Precinct Number Twenty-Two
3.12 Precinct Number Eleven
3.24 Polling Places
For the purpose of best serving the convenience of the voters, there are established election precincts within the City for elections after January 15, 2022.
Election Precinct Number One is that part of the City lying within the following described perimeter:
Beginning at the intersection of NW State Street and NW Prairie Ridge Drive; thence southeasterly along NW Prairie Ridge Drive to NW Ash Drive; thence southeasterly along NW Ash Drive to SW Cherry Street; thence southerly along SW Cherry Street to the High Trestle Trail; thence southeasterly along the High Trestle Trail to SW Walnut Street; thence southerly along SW Walnut Street to SW Railroad Avenue; thence southeasterly along SW Railroad Avenue to SW Ordnance Road; thence westerly along SW Ordnance Road to SW State Street; thence northerly along SW State Street to the intersection of NW State Street and W 1st Street; thence northerly along NW State Street to the point of beginning.
2020 Census City of Ankeny Population- 3,422