1. In the event the Council determines the necessity of constructing a major sanitary sewer facility or major water main facility, and determines that the utilization of a connection fee is the most equitable manner in which to recover the City’s costs associated therewith, the Council shall cause a “Notice of Public Hearing on the Proposed Adoption of an Ordinance to Establish a Benefited District and a Connection Fee” to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City as hereinafter provided. In addition to indicating the date, time and place of the public hearing, the notice shall:
A. Identify by general description the proposed benefited district to be served by the major sanitary sewer facility or facilities, or major water main facility or facilities; and
B. Set forth the proposed schedule of connection fees to be paid by property owners within the benefited district who connect to said facilities, expressed in dollars per acre of land area served or such other method as the City shall determine to be equitable for the benefited district.
2. The notice shall also state that the proposed connection fee ordinance is on file, along with a plat of the area to be served, and both are available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. The notice shall be published not more than 45 days and not less than 20 days prior to the scheduled date of the public hearing, and shall be mailed to each property owner within the benefited district as shown by the records of the County Assessor.
3. At the public hearing, the owners of property within the proposed benefited district shall be heard and may offer comments or objections as to:
A. The calculation of the area benefited by the proposed major sanitary sewer facilities or major water main facilities; and
B. The proposed connection fee.
4. Upon concluding the hearing, the City Council shall rule upon the objections presented during the hearing and may consider the adoption of the proposed connection fee ordinance. Upon consideration of the proposed connection fee ordinance, the Council may:
A. Adopt the ordinance as proposed;
B. Delete elements or portions of the proposed major sanitary sewer facilities and major water main facilities and the properties served thereby from the benefited district proposed; or
C. Amend the ordinance to revise the connection fee.