Section R310.2.3 of the IRC, is hereby amended by adding the following exception:
Section R310.2.3 exception A landing may be provided to meet the maximum height of forty-four (44) inches to the bottom of the clear opening. The landing shall be not less than 36-inches (904mm) wide, not less than 12-inches (305mm) out from the exterior wall, and not more than 24-inches (610mm) in height. The landing shall be permanently affixed to the floor below or the wall under the window it serves.
Section R310.7 Alterations or Repairs of Existing Basements, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and exception and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section R310.7 Alterations or Repairs of Existing Basements New habitable spaces created in an existing basement shall be provided with emergency escape and rescue openings in accordance with Section R310.1.
Section R311.3.2 Floor Elevations At Other Exterior Doors of the IRC is amended by deleting the exception and inserting in lieu thereof:
Section R311.3.2 exception A top landing is not required where a stairway of not more than four risers is located on the exterior side of a door, provided the door does not swing over the stairway.
Section R311.7.5.1, Riser height, of the IRC, is hereby amended by adding the following exceptions:
Section R311.7.5.1 Riser height exception 3 The dimension of the top and bottom riser of a stairway may vary up to 1-inch (25mm) from the stairway riser dimension; however, in no case shall the riser height exceed seven and three-quarter inches (196mm).
Section R311.7.5.1 Profile exception 4 The opening between adjacent treads is not limited on exterior stairs serving individual dwelling units.
Section R311.7.8.4, Continuity, of the IRC, is hereby amended by adding the following exception:
Section R311.7.8.4 Continuity exception 3 Handrails within a dwelling unit or serving an individual dwelling unit shall be permitted to be interrupted at one location in a straight stair when the rail terminates into a wall or ledge and is offset and immediately continues.
Section R313.1 Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler system, of the IRC, is hereby amended by adding the following exceptions (existing exception 1 remains unchanged):
Section R313.1 Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems. Exceptions:
2. Townhouse structures that contain eight (8) or less dwelling units.
3. Townhouse structures less than eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet floor space, exclusive of any garages.
Section R313.2 One- and two-family automatic fire sprinkler systems, of the IRC, is hereby amended by adding the following exception (existing exception remains unchanged):
Section R313.2 One- and two-family automatic fire sprinkler systems exception 2 Dwelling units in which the gross square footage of the dwelling space(s), including all floor levels whether finished or unfinished and all basement areas whether finished or unfinished (exclusive of attached garage area), does not exceed 8,000 square feet.