All buildings and houses shall be numbered according to the plats now on file in the office of the Clerk. Such plats shall be preserved in said office and the same shall be extended, as prepared by an engineer, as new streets or new additions are opened and buildings placed thereon.
It is the duty of the Clerk to deliver to each owner, agent, or lessee making application therefor, and furnishing the Clerk a description of the premises and an accurate statement of the location thereon of the building for which a number is sought, a certificate showing the number to be placed on said building.
It is made the duty of the owner, agent or lessee of any building owned, controlled or occupied by person and not now bearing a proper number, to place or cause to be placed on such building in a conspicuous place, as near as may be to the main entrance thereto so that it may be easily seen from the street extending in front of said building, the number of such building as shown by the certificate issued by the Clerk.