Section R108.2.1, Plan review fees, of the IRC, is hereby established by adding the following section:
Section R108.2.1 Plan review fees Fees for all plan reviews shall be as set forth and established by resolution of the City Council. All such fees shall be paid in accordance with the terms and requirements of such resolution or as the same may be amended by the City Council from time to time.
Section R108.6, Work commencing before permit issuance, of the IRC, is hereby established by adding the following sentence after said section:
Section R108.6 Work commencing before permit issuance Said fee shall be 100 percent of the usual permit fee in addition to the required permit fees.
R110.1, Use and occupancy, of the IRC, is hereby amended by addition of the following paragraph and by deleting exception #2.
SSections R110.1 Use and Change of Occupancy Fees for all Final Occupancy Certificates shall be as set forth and established by resolution of the City Council. All such fees shall be paid in accordance with the terms and requirements of such resolution or as the same may be amended by the City Council from time to time.
R110.4, Temporary occupancy, of the IRC, is hereby amended by addition of the following paragraph:
Sections R110.4 Temporary occupancy Fees for all Temporary Occupancy Certificates shall be as set forth and established by resolution of the City Council. All such fees shall be paid in accordance with the terms and requirements of such resolution or as the same may be amended by the City Council from time to time.
Section R111.4, Service Utilities, of the IRC, is hereby established by adding the following sections:
Sections R111.4 Underground utility installation All electrical service lines not exceeding four hundred eighty volts and all telephone and cablevision service lines, as well as other utility lines serving any new building or structure, including signs and billboards, requiring permanent electrical service shall be placed underground unless a waiver from such is approved by the city engineer.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to existing buildings or additions to such buildings. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to temporary service when defined as such by the utility company.