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West Jordan Overview
West Jordan, UT Code of Ordinances
West Jordan General Plan
West Jordan Midvale 3 Stations Plan
West Jordan Parks and Recreation Master Plan
West Jordan Sanitary Sewer Master Plan
West Jordan Storm Drainage Master Plan
West Jordan Active Transportation Plan
West Jordan Transportation Master Plan
West Jordan Water Master Plan
The following general requirements applies to all purchases for goods and services:
   A.   A requisition or purchase order for goods and services is required (in advance) for all purchases that are (i) not paid for with a P-Card, (ii) applied to an approved contract, or (iii) listed as a disbursement. Requirements related to requisitions are listed as follows:
      1.   Content of Requisition: The requisition submitted to the purchasing manager must contain the following, if applicable:
         a.   The program and account numbers.
         b.   The quantity, description, specifications, and scope of work.
         c.   All quotes and supporting documentation.
         d.   Department head or designee financial system workflow approval.
         e.   Email addresses of known potential suppliers.
      2.   Supporting Documentation: The supporting documentation attached to the requisition shall be submitted and recorded as follows:
         a.   If the purchase amount is less than seven thousand five hundred ($7,500), attach the supporting vendor quote documentation in the requisition.
         b.   Specifications and requirements are sent to the purchasing manager or designee to initiate a procurement process. After the procurement process has resulted in an award, the requesting department will enter a requisition with the supporting documentation provided by the purchasing manager for processing.
      3.   Approval: Requisitions are approved through the financial systems approval workflow process.
   B.   Unless otherwise exempted, all purchases over two thousand dollars ($2,000) require competitive solicitation as defined in this chapter.
   C.   Purchases that have been divided into two or more smaller purchases to avoid using a standard procurement process are prohibited.
   D.   Purchases that have been made without a requisition or purchase order ("after-the-fact" purchases), are considered non-compliant with the city's purchasing policies. Employees failing to comply with this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
   E.   For any purchase using federal funding, the contractors must be checked to ensure they have not been excluded from providing goods and services for federal award programs by checking the website.
   F.   All elected officials, city officers, and employees who use a P-Card must submit to the purchasing manager on a monthly basis all receipts, supporting documentation, and account funding information pursuant to their respective purchasing card agreement.
   G.   When determining the proper level of procurement authority for a given purchase or whether competitive solicitation is required pursuant to this chapter, the length of the contract, including all potential renewal terms, shall be considered for purposes of calculating the total estimated price of the procurement of goods or services. For example, pursuant to the required thresholds below, if the purchasing manager estimates that the purchase of a particular good or service is expected to have a value of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) annually for a contractual term of one (1) year with the option to renew for an additional four (4) one-year terms, the value of the contract would be one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) and not twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). Therefore, in this example, competitive solicitation would be required.
   H.   The mayor, purchasing manager, or their respective designees may allow others to assist in the preparation of specifications for the city's use in making procurements, provided there is no conflict of interest involved.
   I.   The city reserves the right to reject or cancel any or all invitation for bids, request for proposals, request for quotations or other solicitation. The city, in its sole discretion, may waive any informality, immaterial error, minor technicality, or other irregularity of any procurement processes or procedures if doing so would be in the best interest of the city, as determined by the mayor or purchasing manager. (Ord. 19-54, 12-11-2019, Effective at 12 noon on January 6, 2020)