(a) The manager shall appoint and remove all deputies, clerks and employees in his or her own office and those of all boards whose members serve without compensation from the city. The officer, director or head of any department or office who is appointed by the manager shall, with the manager’s approval, appoint and remove all deputies, clerks and employees in his or her respective department or office, and the officer, director or head of any department or office, appointed by the mayor and council, shall appoint all deputies, clerks and employees in their respective departments or offices; provided, however, that all such appointments and removals of deputies, clerks or employees shall be made solely on the basis of merits as determined by the civil service rules and regulations as provided for elsewhere in this chapter.
(b) Notwithstanding the civil service provisions of this Charter, the mayor and each member of the council shall appoint and remove all employees in their respective offices, and none of the civil service provisions of the Charter, city ordinances or civil service rules and regulations shall apply to such employees.
(Mo. of 4-1-41, eff. 5-16-41; Ord. No. 4394, eff. 19-76; Ord. No. 7274, § 1, eff. 12-11-79; Prop. 404, eff. 2-2-2016)
Editors Note: Proposition 104 of an election called by Ord. No. 7274 for Nov. 7, 1989, approved by the governor Dec. 11, 1989, designated the existing text of § 13 as subsection (a) and added new subsection (b).