Editor's note – Ordinance No. 11198, § 3, adopted September 9, 2014 and effective January 1, 2015, repealed regulation 19-310.1. Formerly, such regulation pertained to proration of initial annual license fee and derived from Ord. No. 6938, § 23, 4-25-88 and Ord. No. 10448, § 9, 9-5-07, eff. 1-1-08.
Editor's note – Ordinance No. 11219, § 2, adopted December 9, 2014 and effective January 1, 2015, repealed regulation 19-350.1. Formerly, such regulation pertained to recordkeeping: out-of-city and out-of-state sales and derived from Ord. No. 6674, § 3, 3-23-87 and Ord. No. 10754, § 6, 1-20-10, eff. 7-1-08.
Editor's note – Ordinance No. 11219, § 2, adopted December 9, 2014 and effective January 1, 2015, repealed regulation 19-350.1. Formerly, such regulation pertained to proof of exemption: sale for resale; sale, rental, lease, or license of rental equipment and derived from Ord. No. 6674, § 3, 3-23-87.