General Provisions
96.001 Ordinances saved from repeal
96.002 Names of streets and avenues
96.003 Roadway widths
96.004 Eave pipes
96.005 Damage
96.006 Goods on sidewalk
96.007 Fences in residential districts
96.008 Saltwater mixtures on streets prohibited
96.009 Stair railings
96.010 Parking strip landscaping
96.011 Right-of-way vacation petition
Public Improvements Generally
96.025 Engineering design standards
96.026 Public improvements
96.027 Petitions for street and alley improvements
96.028 Interference with contractors
96.029 Interfering with barricades
96.030 Contractor’s liability policy and surety bond
96.031 Certificate of self-insurance
96.032 Protection of public
96.033 Front foot assessments for street maintenance
96.034 Assessment for local/collector street improvements
96.035 Assessment for arterial street sidewalk improvements
Sidewalk and Driveway Approach Construction
96.050 Responsibility
96.051 Specifications and supervision
96.052 Permit required
96.053 Approval and inspection
96.054 Sidewalk in planned unit developments
96.055 Property owner(s) duty to repair and maintain sidewalk
96.056 Failure to repair sidewalk defects and damage prohibited
96.057 Failure to abate public nuisance
96.058 City's right to repair or maintain
96.070 Supervision
96.071 Refilling excavations
96.072 Restoring pavements or street surfacing to former condition
96.073 Excavations near street
Permit Required
96.085 Permit required
96.086 Application for permit
96.087 Permit fee
96.088 Condition of issuance of permit
96.089 Railroad company’s repair and maintenance of street crossings, ditches and drains, lighting and crossing alarms
Snow and Ice Removal
96.100 Duty to remove snow
96.101 Notice
96.102 Disposal of snow and ice
96.103 City may remove
96.104 Special assessment for snow and ice removal
96.105 Violation
Parking on City Streets During Snow Removal
96.120 Definitions
96.121 Declaration of snow removal alert
96.122 Parking during snow removal alert—Zone 1
96.123 Parking during snow removal alert—Zone 2
96.124 Parking during snow removal alert—Zone 3
96.125 Authorization for otherwise prohibited or restricted parking
96.126 Determination of street direction
96.127 Snow gates
Numbering of Buildings
96.140 Designation
96.141 Central point
96.142 Numbering north and south streets
96.143 Numbering east and west streets
96.144 Issuance
96.145 Numbering intervals
96.146 Display of numbers
96.147 Specifications for numbers
96.148 Cost assessed
Bus Passenger Shelters and Courtesy Benches
96.160 Authorized
96.161 Approval required
96.162 Specifications and advertising
96.163 Application for approval process
96.164 Issuance of permit
96.165 Permit nonassignable
96.166 Revocation of approval
Assemblies, Parades and Processions
96.180 Definitions
96.181 Permits and exceptions
96.182 Insurance requirements
96.183 Application for permit; hold harmless
96.184 Application fees; special event
96.185 Application; review; requirements
96.186 Permit; issuance
96.187 Special event fees
96.188 Display of permit
96.189 Revocation of permit
96.190 [Reserved]
96.191 Appeal
96.192 Residential picketing prohibited
Plan Review Fees
96.205 Construction plan review fee
96.206 Final plan review fee
Arterial Street Platting Fee
96.220 Arterial street platting fee
Right-of-Way Construction and Administration
96.235 Declaration of findings and purpose; scope
96.236 Definitions
96.237 Right-of-way administration
96.238 Right-of-way permits
96.239 Construction and restoration
96.240 Enforcement of permit obligation
96.241 Right-of-way bonds
96.242 Indemnification and liability
96.243 General provisions
Administration, see title III
Bicycles and recreational vehicles, see ch. 81
Building, see ch. 150
Consumption of alcoholic beverages on public streets or alleys, see § 111.023
Forestry, see ch. 94
Historic preservation, see ch. 151
Improvements in unapproved streets, see § 154.038
Licenses, see ch. 110
Manufactured homes, see ch. 152
Obstructing snow removal and street cleaning, see § 77.008
Peddlers and vendors, see ch. 117
Planning, see ch. 154
Plumbing, see §§ 150.301 et seq.
Signs and outdoor advertising, see ch. 155
Storm drainage fee, see § 51.100
Subdivisions, see ch. 157
Traffic code, see title VII
Utilities, see title V
Vehicles for hire, see ch. 124
Statutory reference:
Authority to require snow removal, see SDCL 9-30-5
Regulation of streets and public places, see SDCL ch. 9-30
Sidewalk improvements, see SDCL ch. 9-46
Street and alley improvements, see SDCL ch. 9-45
Street names and numbering of houses, see SDCL 9-45-2
Nothing contained in this Code, nor in the ordinance adopting this Code, shall be construed to repeal or otherwise affect in any manner:
(a) Any ordinance dedicating, naming, establishing, locating, relocating, opening, widening, paving, improving or abandoning any street, alley or other public way in the city; or
(b) Any ordinance establishing the grades and widths of any street, alley or other public way in the city; and all ordinances are hereby saved from repeal and recognized as continuing in full force and effect to the same extent as if set out at length in this Code.
(1992 Code, § 38-1)
The names of the streets and avenues in the city are hereby fixed and adopted in accordance with and as shown by the map of the city designated as map A, on file in the office of the city engineer, which is hereby designated and adopted as the official map of the city.
(1992 Code, § 38-2)
The widths of the roadways between curblines for vehicular traffic on the various streets in the city are hereby fixed and established in accordance with the official record of the width of roadways in the city on file in the office of the city engineer, which record is incorporated in this section by reference and is designated and adopted as the official record of the width of roadways in the city.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 11.104; 1992 Code, § 38-5)