For the purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
SNOW REMOVAL ALERT. Those times as there is a snow accumulation on the public streets of two inches or more, or those times as the public works director, or the director’s designee declares that snow removal operations on the public streets will commence and that the provisions of this subchapter in regard to parking on public streets during snow removal operations are effective and will be enforced.
STREET. The entire width of any public roadway within the city and it shall not be limited to those roadways designated as a STREET, but include avenues and all other names by which public roadways are designated.
ZONE 1. Phillips Avenue from Falls Park Drive to Fifth Street, Main Avenue from Falls Park Drive to Fourth Street, Sixth Street from Weber Avenue to Phillips Avenue, Eighth Street from Phillips Avenue to Cliff Avenue and that area of the city enclosed within the boundaries of Minnesota Avenue on the west, Fourth Street on the north, Third Avenue on the east and Fourteenth Street on the south.
ZONE 2. The area of the city enclosed within the boundaries of Russell Street on the north, Cliff Avenue on the east, Thirty-Third Street on the south, and Western Avenue on the west, except Zone 1, including the entire roadway of those designated streets and avenues.
ZONE 3. That area of the city not included in Zone 1 or Zone 2.
(1992 Code, § 38-79) (Ord. 105-99, passed 10-18-1999; Ord. 109-04, passed 11-8-2004)
Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 10.002
When the public works director, or the director’s designee, determines that snow removal from the public streets will commence, the director or designee will announce the declaration of a snow removal alert through local news media and whatever other sources are available. The announcement shall indicate that the provisions of this subchapter will be effective and be enforced. It shall also designate the date and time when the alert begins. The determination to declare a snow removal alert will be based on the then existing weather conditions, and the amount of snow then on the ground or expected according to forecasts from weather forecasting services.
(1992 Code, § 38-80) (Ord. 105-99, passed 10-18-1999)
During a snow removal alert within zone 1, as that term is defined by § 96.120, no person shall park or allow to remain parked any vehicle on any public street between the hours of 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
(1992 Code, § 38-81) (Ord. 105-99, passed 10-18-1999)
During a snow removal alert within Zone 2, during the hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., no person shall park or allow to remain parked any vehicle on any public street which runs north and south until the street is plowed curb to curb, and during the hours of 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., no person shall park or allow to remain parked any vehicle on any public street which runs east and west until the street is plowed curb to curb.
(1992 Code, § 38-82) (Ord. 105-99, passed 10-18-1999)
The City of Sioux Falls shall use snow gates or other devices to prevent snow, in an amount that prevents usual access, from being plowed or placed into driveways or their openings to public streets from and after November 1, 2013. This section shall cover City employees and contract employees. Snow gates are discretionary upon the declaration of a snow emergency on routes that have been declared snow emergency routes.
(Ord. IM01-14, approved by the voters on 4-8-2014)