   Buildings on the east or north side of any street or avenue shall be given even numbers, and the buildings on the west or south side thereof shall be given odd numbers.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 11.201; (1992 Code, § 38-94)
   All buildings on the streets and avenues of the city shall be numbered, commencing from Phillips Avenue and Ninth Street, and shall be numbered north, south, east and west from Phillips Avenue and Ninth Street, as the case may be, as far as the streets or avenues may be extended.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 11.202; 1992 Code, § 38-95)
   On all streets and avenues intersecting Ninth Street and running north and south the first block to the north or south of Ninth Street shall be numbered 100, north or south as the case may be, and the numbers shall be increased at the rate of 100 for each block or space between two streets, north or south of Ninth Street. The first number to the north or south of any intersection of the streets and avenues running north and south shall be a multiple of 100, and therefrom within each block the buildings or lots shall be numbered consecutively to the north or south as the case may be. To designate the numbers on streets or avenues running north and south of Ninth Street, the word “north” or “south” shall be placed between the number and name of the street or avenue, as the street may be north or south of Ninth Street.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 11.203; 1992 Code, § 38-96)
   On all streets and avenues intersecting Phillips Avenue and running east and west the first block to the east or west of Phillips Avenue shall be numbered 100, east or west as the case may be, and the numbers shall be increased at the rate of 100 for each block or space between two streets, east or west of Phillips Avenue. The first number to the east or west of any intersection of the streets and avenues running east and west shall be a multiple of 100, and therefrom within each block the buildings or lots shall be numbered consecutively to the east or west as the case may be. To designate the numbers on streets or avenues running east and west of Phillips Avenue the word “east” or “west” shall be used between the number and the name of the street or avenue, as the street may be east or west of Phillips Avenue.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 11.204; 1992 Code, § 38-97)
§ 96.144 ISSUANCE.
   The city engineer is hereby authorized and directed to issue numbers for each building, business place, dwelling house or lot fronting on a street or avenue in the city in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 11.205; 1992 Code, § 38-98)