Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, the city shall have the right to repair or maintain any existing sidewalk and pursue reimbursement for such repair or maintenance costs from owner(s), pursuant to city ordinance.
(Ord. 50-22, passed 5-4-2022)
The city shall keep on file all copies of permits issued under this subchapter and to inspect from time to time all pavement, or other street surfacing, disturbed pursuant to those permits. If the pavement or surfacing is not restored and maintained as nearly as possible to the original condition, notice shall be given the permittee, who shall put the pavement or surfacing in good condition within three days. If the permittee fails after notice given to restore and maintain the pavement or the surface thereof, the city may make the necessary repairs and the permittee shall pay the costs thereof, and until the costs are paid, no other permit shall be issued to him or her or to any person in his or her behalf.
(1992 Code, § 38-58) (Ord. 104-99, passed 10-14-1999)
No person shall make or cause to be made any excavation on any lot adjacent to any street, alley, public ground or traveled road, or roadway, except the excavations be securely guarded so as to prevent the injury of any person or animal passing upon or along the street, alley, ground or road.
(1992 Code, § 38-59) (Ord. 104-99, passed 10-14-1999)