General Provisions
92.001 Report of certain deaths
92.002 Burial grounds
92.003 Sanitary inspections
92.004 Use of common articles prohibited
92.005 Impure drinking water
92.006 Ice
92.007 Septic tanks
92.008 Rendering of animal matter
92.009 Swimming pools
92.010 Wells
92.011 Unsanitary hotel, roominghouse or lodginghouse
92.012 Requirements for new installations and replacement of underground and aboveground storage tank systems
92.013 Minimum standards for prevention of certain communicable diseases in commercial premises
Health Center Governing Board
92.025 Created
92.026 Composition of board; qualifications of members
92.027 Selection, nomination of members
92.028 Term of members
92.029 Officers
92.030 Meetings
92.031 Quorum
92.032 Minutes, records
92.033 Acceptance of county, state or federal funds
92.034 General powers and duties
Sioux Falls Board of Health
92.045 Created
92.046 Composition of board; qualification of members
92.047 Selection, nomination of members
92.048 Term of members
92.049 Officers
92.050 Meetings
92.051 Quorum
92.052 Minutes, records
92.053 General powers and duties
92.054 Health officer
92.055 Administrative and technical staff
92.056 Public health laboratory
Nuisances and Offensive Conditions
92.070 Prohibited
92.071 Illustrative enumeration
92.072 Notice to abate; issuance
92.073 Notice to abate; noncompliance
92.074 Abatement by city; costs levied against premises
92.075 Funds for abatement and removal
92.076 Abandoned property
92.077 Smoke nuisance
92.078 Storage of firewood on residential property
92.079 Disposition of unclaimed property
92.080 Enforcement officers
92.081 Responsibility of owner, occupant to maintain premises
Industrial Hygiene
92.095 Definitions
92.096 Cleanliness and repair of work places
92.097 Ventilation of workplaces
92.098 Lighting of workplaces
Communicable Diseases
92.110 Definitions
92.111 Method of reporting
92.112 Reportable diseases
92.113 Reports of deaths
92.114 Notice on premises
92.115 Precautions by attendants
92.116 Permit to leave quarantined or isolated premises
92.117 Laboratory examinations
92.118 Method of control of contacts; control of carriers
92.119 Communicable diseases in schools
92.120 Children in schools
92.121 Special rules for tuberculosis
92.122 Special rules for venereal diseases
92.123 Diseases of animals
Regulated Medical Waste Haulers
92.135 Definitions
92.136 Storage and transportation standards
92.137 Vehicle requirements
92.138 License and insurance requirements
Sioux Falls Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority
92.150 Composition
92.151 Terms
92.152 Oath
92.153 Records report
92.154 Records as evidence
92.155 Annual report
92.156 Report on demand
92.157 City approval of tax levy
92.158 Quality assurance; protections and immunities
Family Day Care Homes
92.170 Definitions
92.171 Large day care facilities
92.172 Registration
92.173 Registration form contents
92.174 Insurance
92.175 Registration
92.176 Registration certificate displayed
92.177 Registered helpers
92.178 City obligations
92.179 Exceptions
92.180 Lapsed registration/notification of parents
92.181 Number of children allowed
92.182 Substitute provider authorized in limited circumstances
92.183 Additional children permitted
92.184 Reporting of incidents or changes in circumstances
92.185 Master list
92.186 Room heaters
92.187 Dangerous materials and objects
92.188 CPR and first aid training required
92.189 Inspections
92.190 Suspension or revocation of registration
92.191 Time frame and conditions to reapply after revocation
92.192 Effective date
Tobacco-Free Policy
92.210 Definitions
92.211 Prohibited conduct
92.212 Education and enforcement
Administration, see title III
Animals and fowl, see ch. 90
Emergency management, see ch. 33
Enforcement of noise control chapter, see § 93.009
Fire protection and prevention, see ch. 91
Food and food handlers, see ch. 112
Forestry, see ch. 94
Garbage and recycling, see ch. 57
Hospitals, see ch. 114
Licenses issued by public health director, see § 110.029
Manufactured homes, see ch. 152
Notification of fumigation by holder of pest control license, see § 120.002
Pest control, see ch. 120
Planning, see ch. 154
Plumbing, see §§ 150.301 et seq.
Storing, parking or leaving an abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative motor vehicle, see § 93.026
Subdivision, see ch. 157
Tree nuisance declared, see § 94.015
Unsanitary food establishments, see § 112.010
Utilities, see title V
Statutory reference:
Abatement of nuisances, see SDCL 9-29-13
City board of health, see SDCL 9-32-2
Power to promote health and suppress disease, see SDCL ch. 9-32
(a) Every physician, surgeon, healer or practitioner of like profession and the manager or superintendent of every hospital or sanitarium shall report immediately to the police chief, and in no case later than 24 hours after the information is acquired, any death occurring or any injury sustained by a bullet or other wound or injury and any case of sickness, injury or death showing evidence of having been caused by poisoning or by any unlawful means.
(b) Every head of a household or manager or proprietor of any hotel or lodginghouse where death occurs from any of the causes shall make a report immediately if no physician, healer or practitioner was in attendance upon the deceased at, or immediately prior to, death.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.204; 1992 Code, § 19-1) Penalty, see § 10.999