General Provisions
   94.001   Definitions
Trees on Private Property
   94.015   Nuisance tree declared
   94.016   Control on private property
   94.017   Duty to correct
   94.018   Nuisance tree removal fund
   94.019   Planting of ash trees prohibited
Trees in Public Places
   94.030   General supervision
   94.031   Director’s authority generally
   94.032   Supervision of work
   94.033   Rules and regulations; permit fees
   94.034   Disposition of fees
   94.035   Permit to remove; required
   94.036   Permit to remove; application data
   94.037   Street trees permitted
   94.038   Planting in public rights-of-way
   94.039   Abuse or mutilation of trees
   94.040   Injury to trees by moving; trimming
   94.041   Duties of private owners
   94.042   Assessment for maintenance
   94.043   Order to remove; procedure
   94.044   Order to remove; time for compliance
   94.045   Order to remove; appeal or order
   94.046   Order to remove; failure to comply
   94.047   Order to remove; special assessment
Arborist’s License
   94.060   Required
   94.061   Chapter 110 applicable
   94.062   Application
   94.063   Examination required
   94.064   Reexamination
   94.065   Expiration
   94.066   Reexamination upon failure to renew
   94.067   Revocation
   94.068   Appeals
   Health and sanitation, see ch. 92
   Licenses, see ch. 110
   Nuisances and offensive conditions, see §§ 92.070 through 92.081
   Parks and recreation, see ch. 95
   Streets and sidewalks, see ch. 96
Statutory reference:
   Authority to require removal of weeds, see SDCL 9-30-5
   Noxious and unhealthful vegetation, see SDCL 9-32-12
   Weed control generally, see SDCL ch. 38-22