All fees, charges, deposits, and other amounts required to be paid to the village must be paid by check made payable to the village of Lake Barrington, or by a credit card accepted by the village. Fees, charges, deposits, and other amounts payable to the village pursuant to the various provisions of this code include, but are not limited to, the following (The following list may not include each and every fee, deposit or other amount due and owing to the village of Lake Barrington pursuant to the provisions of this code. Reference should always be made to the applicable code section, chapter, and title as cited below for a detailed description of the fee, charge, deposit, or other amount payable to the village and the related code provisions.):
Village Code Section
Village Code Section
Fee(s) and costs imposed by the Illinois freedom of information act1
Fees and costs required to be paid to the village; payment for production of public records pursuant to the Illinois freedom of information act1. Payment to the village shall be made in the form of cash or certified or cashier's check made payable to the village. No records will be distributed to the requester unless and until all charges associated with the request are paid in full.
Note: These fees may be waived at the discretion of the FOIA officer if the FOIA officer determines that, pursuant to a written request for waiver of such fees, the request primarily benefits the general public and/or the requester is unable to pay the prescribed fees and the purpose of the request is determined to be in the public interest
Photocopy charges: Black and white, letter or legal size copies
No charge for the first 50 pages, after which the cost will be $0.15 per page
Photocopy charges: Color or irregular sized copies
Fee shall be the actual cost incurred by the village for reproducing the record(s)
Records in electronic format
Fee shall be the actual cost incurred by the village for purchasing the recording medium(s)
Certification of document
$1.00 per document
For commercial requests, in addition to paying the fees set forth above, the requester shall be responsible to pay the following:
Hourly charge for personnel in searching for or retrieving a requested record
After the first 8 hours, $10.00 for each hour thereafter
Retrieving and transporting records from off site facility
Actual cost of retrieving and transporting records from an off site facility
Filing fee (nonrefundable)
Appeal of decision(s) of building officer, fee for petition
Filing fee (nonrefundable), plus deposit(s) (balance of deposit(s) not expended is refundable)
Plat of subdivision approval, application fee (whether preliminary or final approval is sought)
$250.00, plus a minimum initial deposit of $3,500.00, plus $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof within the subject property (plus additional deposits as required by the village)
Filing fee (nonrefundable), plus deposit(s) (balance of deposit(s) not expended is refundable)
Amendment(s) to the text of this code, to the text of the village zoning ordinance, or to the village zoning map, or any combination thereof, fee for petition
$250.00, plus a minimum initial deposit of $3,500.00, plus $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof within the subject property (plus additional deposits as required by the village)
Filing fee (nonrefundable), plus deposit(s) (balance of deposit(s) not expended is refundable)
Annexation, filing fee for petition
$250.00, plus a minimum initial deposit of $3,500.00, plus $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof within the subject property (plus additional deposits as required by the village)
Filing fee (nonrefundable), plus deposit(s) (balance of deposit(s) not expended is refundable)
Special use, fee for petition
$250.00, plus a minimum initial deposit of $3,500.00, plus $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof within the subject property (plus additional deposits as required by the village)
Filing fee (nonrefundable), plus deposit(s) (balance of deposit(s) not expended is refundable)
Zoning variation, fee for petition, plus a deposit where additional relief is requested
$300.00, plus a minimum initial deposit of $1,500.00, plus $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof within the subject property (plus additional deposits as required by the village)
Administrative fee
All amounts due the village and remaining unpaid after a 30 day period shall accrue interest at a rate of 11/2 percent per month and, in addition, the petitioner or applicant shall be obligated to pay to the village an administrative fee
Annexation fee (refundable if annexation not approved)
Annexation fee
$1,000.00 for each acre, or any fraction thereof
Nonrefundable convenience fee for use of credit card for payment of any amount(s) owed to the Village
Nonrefundable convenience fee payable to the Village for use of a credit card for payment of any amount(s) owed to the Village, which shall be consistent with the conditions set forth in section 1-10-9 of this chapter
That amount established by the Village Treasurer from time to time, which shall be consistent with the conditions set forth in section 1-10-9 of this chapter
    1.    5 ILCS 140.
Village Code Section
Village Code Section
License fee (nonrefundable)
Non-refundable business license fee required to be paid to the Village on or before May 1 of each fiscal year by any person establishing, maintaining, operating, or conducting any business, occupation or establishment which is or will be located in a B (Business), O (Office and Research), or M (Manufacturing and Industrial) Zoning District of the Village
$100.00 per fiscal year, or portion thereof
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class A liquor license fee - retail sale in original package, not for consumption on premises
$2,500.00 per year (license renewal: $2,500.00)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class B liquor license fee - retail sale and serving, consumption on premises (all alcoholic liquor)
$2,500.00 per year (license renewal: $2,500.00)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class C liquor license fee - retail sale and serving, golf club
$2,000.00 per year (license renewal: $2,000.00)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class D liquor license fee - retail sale and serving, consumption on premises (beer and wine)
$2,000.00 per year (license renewal: $2,000.00)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class E liquor license fee - retail sale and serving, not-for- profit corporations, organizations and lodges (temporary sales and service - 24 hour term)
$50.00 (see subsection 2-3-6E of this Code for license renewal conditions)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class F liquor license fee - retail sale and serving, outdoor premises (see subsection 2-3-6F of this Code for license conditions)
$250.00 per year
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class F.2 liquor license fee - retail sale and serving, outdoor premises (see Subsection 2-3-6F.2 of this Code for license conditions)
$500.00 per year
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class G liquor license fee - retail sale and serving, consumption on premises (snack bar and/or restaurant within and accessory to a sports and fitness facility)
$2,000.00 per year (license renewal: $2,000.00)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class H liquor license fee - retail sale, beer and wine in the original package container but not for consumption on the premises of sale
$2,000.00 per year (license renewal: $2,000.00); provided, however, in the event the licensee also holds a valid Class B liquor license issued pursuant to this Code, then in such event, the Class H license fee shall be $500.00 per year
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class I liquor license fee - brewpub
$250.00 per year (license renewal: $250.00)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class K liquor license fee - temporary event license
$50.00 per event (no separate application fee)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class L liquor license fee - bring your own wine bottle
$100.00 per year (license renewal: $100.00)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class M liquor license fee - caterer license
$50.00 per license year
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class N liquor license fee - gas station convenience store
$2,000.00 per license year, or part thereof (license renewal: $2,000.00)
Liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Class O liquor license fee: In connection with a retail goods establishment, retail sale, serving, and consumption of alcoholic liquor on licensed premises (see Subsection 2-3-6N of this Code for license conditions)
$250.00 per year
Duplicate liquor license fee (nonrefundable)
Duplicate liquor license fee, due to loss or destruction of original
$5.00 (if original license fee was $100.00 or less)
$25.00 (if original license fee was more than $100.00)
License fee (nonrefundable)
Restaurant license fee
$100.00 per year
License fee (nonrefundable)
Itinerant restaurant, license fee
$5.00 per day
Application fee (nonrefundable)
Application fee for a certificate of registration for itinerant vendor or transient merchant
$100.00 (plus surety bond - see below)
Surety Bond
Surety bond to be deposited with the Village by each itinerant vendor or transient merchant
Amount of surety bond to be deposited with the Village shall be equal to 50 percent of the wholesale value of the merchandise applicant intends to offer for sale, but in any event, said bond shall be not less than $1,000.00 nor more than $10,000.00
Processing fee
Massage establishment license, fee for change of location
Massage establishment license fee
Massage establishment license fee, payable with application
$15.00 for initial application, and $15.00 for any renewal application
Cash bond
Amusement facility cash bond
Amount of bond shall be sufficient to cover the estimated tax which shall become due by the operation of the amusement or amusement facility, but not less than $500.00
License fee
Raffle license fee, payable with application
Based on aggregate prize value:
Aggregate Prize Value
Less than $500.00
$501.00 to $5,000.00
$5,001.00 and over
License Fee None
$ 5.00
   1.   For the Fiscal Year May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021: The Corporate Authorities of the Village do hereby temporarily waive, suspend, and/or reduce to zero ("0.0") the application of that portion of the fee chart relative to liquor license fees, business license fees, restaurant license fees, massage establishment fees, and amusement device fees otherwise required to be paid to the Village for the fiscal year May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021. [NOTE: Although this time period has passed, this Section is being restated for purposes of the clarity and accuracy of this Amended and Restated Ordinance as part of the public record.]
   2.   For the Fiscal Year May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022: The Corporate Authorities of the Village do hereby temporarily waive and suspend, and/or retroactively waive and suspend the application of that portion of the fee chart relative to liquor license fees, business license fees, restaurant license fees, massage establishment fees, and amusement device fees otherwise required to be paid to the Village for the fiscal year May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022.
   3.   For the Fiscal Year May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023: The Corporate Authorities of the Village do hereby temporarily reduce by fifty percent (50%) the application of that portion of the fee chart relative to liquor license fees, business license fees, restaurant license fees, massage establishment fees, and amusement device fees otherwise required to be paid to the Village for the fiscal year May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023.
Village Code Section
Coin operated amusement device license fee, plus sticker
Amusement device license fee and sticker, each amusement device (sticker shall be valid for 1 year beginning May 1 and ending April 30 of the next consecutive year)
$100.00 per amusement device, per year or portion thereof
Coin operated amusement device license, late fee
Amusement device license late fee
$50.00 per license, per month, or portion thereof submitted after April 30
Service charge, false alarm
False alarm service charge (first 3 false alarms are without charge)
The base service charge is $50.00 for each false alarm (4th through 6th false alarm in any calendar year), 7th and succeeding false alarm in any calendar year, service charge is increased by an additional amount equal to 100 percent of the base service charge
Registration Fee for Beekeeping and Apiaries
A nonrefundable initial registration fee and thereafter an annual nonrefundable registration fee for beekeeping and apiaries
$25.00 Per Year
   1.   For the Fiscal Year May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021: The Corporate Authorities of the Village do hereby temporarily waive, suspend, and/or reduce to zero ("0.0") the application of that portion of the fee chart relative to liquor license fees, business license fees, restaurant license fees, massage establishment fees, and amusement device fees otherwise required to be paid to the Village for the fiscal year May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021. [NOTE: Although this time period has passed, this Section is being restated for purposes of the clarity and accuracy of this Amended and Restated Ordinance as part of the public record.]
   2.   For the Fiscal Year May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022: The Corporate Authorities of the Village do hereby temporarily waive and suspend, and/or retroactively waive and suspend the application of that portion of the fee chart relative to liquor license fees, business license fees, restaurant license fees, massage establishment fees, and amusement device fees otherwise required to be paid to the Village for the fiscal year May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022.
   3.   For the Fiscal Year May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023: The Corporate Authorities of the Village do hereby temporarily reduce by fifty percent (50%) the application of that portion of the fee chart relative to liquor license fees, business license fees, restaurant license fees, massage establishment fees, and amusement device fees otherwise required to be paid to the Village for the fiscal year May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023.
Village Code Section
Vehicle sticker fee
Motor vehicle sticker (not mandatory) (sticker shall be valid for 2 calendar years)
$5.00 per vehicle
Fine for each violation of title 5, chapter 3, "Parking", of this Code, except as otherwise specified in this Code
Fine to be paid to the Village for each violation of title 5, chapter 3 of this Code, except as otherwise specified in this Code, and each day a violation occurs or continues shall constitute a separate offense
A. Fine for violation of parking reserved for persons with disabilities
The minimum fine provided from time to time by the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/11-1301.3
B. Fine for violation of fire lane
C. Fine for each parking or compliance violation, but the fine shall be $75.00 after the initial notice and opportunity for a hearing (i.e., for any fine entered by default by reason of the defendant's failure to appear), except as specified in subsection A or B above
For purpose of this Code, a "compliance violation" means a violation of any Village regulation relative to the condition or use of equipment on a vehicle, the display of a Village sticker (i.e., a Municipal Wheel Tax license) or expired vehicle registration
Notwithstanding the foregoing, all parking or compliance violations, except as specified in subsections A and B above, may be settled prior to hearing without any admission of liability as follows: A prehearing settlement of a fine will be accepted by the Village if payment of the settlement amount of $30.00 per offense is made by payment to the Village within 14 calendar days after the date of the citation or notice of violation is issued
Village Code Section
Village Code Section
Permit fee
Application fee for permit for street construction, maintenance and/or repair
Surety Bond (conditionally refundable)
Surety bond to be deposited with the Village for application for street construction, maintenance and/or repair permit
$2,500.00, or such larger amount as determined by the Village President or his or her designee
Driveway permit fee
Application fee for installation or repair of driveway or other means of ingress and egress, and/or traffic signal installation
For each point of access:
1. No highway improvement required
$ 300.00
2. Restricted access
3. Right turn lane required
4. Bypass lane required
5. Right turn lane and bypass lane required
6. Left turn lane required
7. Right turn lane and left turn lane required
8. Traffic signal installation
1,000.00 (plus the fee amount based on type of other highway improvement required)
Application fee relative to facilities construction in public rights-of- way, except as otherwise provided in this section
Nonrefundable application fee to be paid to the Village for a permit for facilities construction in a public right- of-way, unless exempted by the Simplified Municipal Telecommunication Tax Act or unless otherwise provided below and by section 6-9-21 of this Code, and except as provided herein. Nonrefundable permit application fee to be paid to the Village with and at the time of application for any such permit
$1,000.00 payable with and at the time of application, i.e., other than permits related to the collocation of small wireless facilities
Permit application fee for the placement of up to 5 separate wireless facilities on or adjacent to a Village utility pole located in a public right-of-way within the Village or on or adjacent to a Village wireless support structure within the Village, whether or not such deployment includes a new pole or a replacement pole
Nonrefundable permit application fee to be paid to the Village with and at the time of application for any such permit
$500.00 for up to 5 separate small cell facilities payable with and at the time of application
Permit application fee for the placement of more than 5 separate small wireless facilities on or adjacent to a Village utility pole located in a public right-of-way within the Village or on or adjacent to a Village wireless support structure within the Village
Nonrefundable permit application fee to be paid to the Village with and at the time of application for any such permit
$100.00 for each such additional small cell facility covered by a single application beyond 5 payable with and at the time of application
Annual recurring fee payable to the Village to collocate each small wireless facility on or adjacent to a Village utility pole located in a public right-of-way within the Village or on or adjacent to a Village wireless support structure within the Village
Annual recurring fee to be paid to the Village on or before January 1 of each year, for each respective fiscal year, for each small wireless facility located on or adjacent to a Village utility pole or on or adjacent to a Village wireless support structure located within the Village, unless such fee is modified by a final order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction
$200.00 per year, for each such small wireless facility
Village Code Section
Village Code Section
Contractor's license fee
Contractor's license: No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity shall engage as a general contractor, subcontractor, or construction manager for electrical, heating, air conditioning, sewer work, water, septic, or sewage disposal systems, storm sewer, fence, concrete, driveway, patio, roadway, or construction work of any nature and description unless they possess a current license to do business in the Village. Licenses are valid for 12 months from date of issuance.
Building permit fees, new construction 1 :
Building Permit Fee, Minimum Fee For Residential
Minimum Permit Fee: Residential (Applies to all permits except as expressly noted.)
$150.00 Minimum. Additional fees and costs may also apply. The applicant is also required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Village, including but not limited to the review and approval of the permit applicant's plans, and for inspection of the property, the site, and the work authorized by the permit.
Application fee for new Residential construction
(Non-refundable )
Application fee due at time of application for new residential
$550.00 Additional fees and costs may also apply. The applicant is also required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Village, including but not limited to the review and approval of the permit applicant's plans, and for inspection of the property, the site, and the work authorized by the permit.
Building Permit Fee, For New Residential Construction
Building permit fee for all new residential construction (Per square foot fees for new residential construction include structural, mechanical, HVAC, plumbing and electrical)
$1.20 per square foot (entire building), plus plan review and site development fees.
Additional fees and costs may also apply.
The applicant is also required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Village, including but not limited to the review and approval of the permit applicant's plans, and for inspection of the property, the site, and the work authorized by the permit.
Application fee for new commercial construction and all other new projects
(Non-refundable )
Application fee due at time of application for new commercial construction and all other new projects except as noted
$550.00 Additional fees and costs may also apply. The applicant is also required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Village, including but not limited to the review and approval of the permit applicant's plans, and for inspection of the property, the site, and the work authorized by the permit.
Building Permit Fee, For New Commercial Construction
Building permit fee for all new commercial construction
(Commercial new construction includes, but is not limited to, new buildings and additions. Charge per each $1,000.00 of total project cost, or part thereof, includes structural, mechanical, HVAC, plumbing and electrical)
$20.00 per $1,000.00 of total project cost, or part thereof (entire building) plus fire suppression and site development permits, including structural, mechanical, HVAC, plumbing and electrical. Additional fees and costs may also apply. The applicant is also required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Village, including but not limited to the review and approval of the permit applicant's plans, and for inspection of the property, the site, and the work authorized by the permit.
Building Permit Fee, Minimum Fee For Commercial and all other projects, except as noted
Minimum permit fee for commercial and all other permits, except residential (Applies to all permits except as noted. Additional fees and costs may also apply.)
$250.00 minimum. Additional fees and costs may also apply. The applicant is also required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Village, including but not limited to the review and approval of the permit applicant's plans, and for inspection of the property, the site, and the work authorized by the permit.
Application Fee and Permit Fee for Installation of New Well and Septic System
(Residential or Commercial/Non-Refundable )
Application fee and permit fee due at time of application for installation of a new well and septic system
(Residential or Commercial/Non-refundable)
Application fee for Residential
Application fee for Commercial
Permit Fee for Installation of New Well and Septic System
(Residential or Commercial)
Permit Fee for installation of new well and septic system, except where structure is connected to public sewer and water service for both new residential and new commercial projects.
$300.00 plus plan review and inspection fees
Occupancy permit fee, residential
Occupancy permit fee for all new residential construction
Application and Permit Fees (Combined) for installation of fire sprinklers, fire suppression and/or for alarm system(s) (Residential/
Application and permit fees (combined) due at time of application for all residential systems.
$150.00 plus plan review and inspection fees
Application and Permit Fees (Combined) for installation of fire sprinklers, fire suppression, and alarm system(s)
Application and permit fees (combined) due at time of application for installation of fire sprinklers, fire suppression, and alarm system(s) commercial and all other projects.
$250.00 plus plan review and inspection fees
Application fee for installation of New Sewer Connection
(Commercial or Residential/
7-2-6A and Title 13 of Village Code
Application fee due at time of application for commercial installation.
$250.00 plus plan review and inspection fees
Permit Fee for Installation of New Sewer Connection (Commercial or Residential)
7-2-6A and Title 13 of Village Code
Permit fee for installation of new sewer system connection. (Commercial or Residential)
$150.00, plus plan review fees, inspection fees, and other applicable tap-on fees
Application fee for installation of New Parking lots
Application fee, due at time of application
(Commercial/ Non-refundable)
$550.00 plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Permit Fee for Installation of New Parking lots (Commercial)
Permit fee for installation of all new parking lots, commercial
$1,500.00 plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Occupancy Permit Fee, Commercial and All Other New Projects, except as noted
Occupancy permit fee for all new commercial construction, and for all other new projects except as noted.
Site development permit fee
Site development permit fee for all new residential construction
Site Development Permit Fee
Site development permit fee for all new commercial construction and for other new projects except as noted
$2,000.00, plus plan review and inspection fees
Site development permit fee
Site development permit fee for accessory structures, additions, swimming pools
Site development permit fee
Site development permit fee for new subdivisions
Site development permit fee
Site development permit fee for all other types of development and miscellaneous engineering projects
Alterations, remodeling, build-outs, and accessory structures1:
Application Fee for Commercial and all other construction projects except as noted
(Non-refundable )
Application fee, due at time of application for commercial and all other construction projects except as noted. (Non-refundable)
The applicant is also required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Village, including but not limited to the review and approval of the permit applicant's plans, and for inspection of the property, the site, and the work authorized by the permit.
Building Permit Fees, for Commercial and all other projects except as noted
Permit fee for interior build-outs, remodeling, and accessory structures.
Commercial and for all other projects except as noted.
$20.00 per $1,000.00 of total project cost (entire building), plus fire protection and site development permits, including structural, mechanical, HVAC and electrical (but not plumbing)
Permit Fees for Plumbing, Commercial and for all other projects except as noted
Plumbing permit fees, commercial
$50.00 per fixture
Occupancy Permit Fee for Commercial and for all other projects except as noted
Occupancy permit fee (build-outs, additions, and accessory buildings) for commercial and for all other projects except as noted.
Application Fee for (Residential, other than new projects/
(Non-refundable )
Application fee, due at time of application for residential construction (other than new projects). The applicant is also required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Village, including but not limited to the review and approval of the permit applicant's plans, and/or inspection of the property, site and the work authorized by the permit (Non-refundable).
Building permit fees, residential
Building permit fee for residential additions and/or remodeling
$1.00 per square foot. Per square foot amount includes HVAC, electrical, plus plan review fees and inspection fees, but not plumbing or fire protection
Building Permit Fees for Residential Accessory Structure
Building permit fee for residential accessory structures.
$0.50 per square foot. Per square foot amount includes HVAC and electrical, plus plan review fees and inspection fees, but not plumbing or fire protection.
Plumbing Permit Fees, Residential
Plumbing permit fee for residential structures.
$50.00 per fixture
Occupancy permit fees, residential
Occupancy permit fees for build-outs, additions, and accessory buildings for residential structures.
Application and Permit Fee, for Building Permit for Deck or Patio Fees
(Residential and Commercial)
Application and permit fees, due at time of application for decks and patios.
(Residential or Commercial)
$100.00 permit fee, plus non-refundable application fees of $150.00 for Residential, and $250.00 for Commercial, plus plan review and inspections costs
Application Fee and Permit Fee, For Building Permit (Balconies)
(Non-refundable )
Application and permit fee, due at time of application for a balcony
Application Fee $150.00, Permit Fee $150.00, includes two (2) inspections and plan review (No other charges)
Application and Permit Fee, For Building Permit (Deck Posts)
Application and permit fee, due at time of application for deck posts (only posts being replaced).
$100.00 permit fee, plus non-refundable application fee of $150.00 for Residential, and $250.00 for Commercial, and inspection fees
Application and Permit Fee, For Driveway Permit (Commercial or Residential/Non-refundable)
Application and permit fee, due at time of application for a driveway permit. (Commercial or Residential/ Non-refundable)
$150.00 for Residential, and $250.00 for Commercial, includes two (2) inspections
Application and Permit Fee for Fire Suppression, Sprinkler, and Alarm Systems
Application and permit fee, due at time of application for installation of fire suppression, sprinkler, and alarm systems.
(Residential/ Non-refundable)
$150.00, plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Application and Permit Fee for Fire Suppression, Sprinkler and Alarm Systems
Application and permit fee, due at time of application for installation of fire suppression, sprinkler, and alarm systems.
(Commercial/ Non-refundable)
$250.00, plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Application Fee, For Installation of a Lawn Irrigation System
(Commercial and Residential/ Non-refundable)
Application fee, due at time of application, for installation of a lawn irrigation system (Commercial or Residential/
$150.00 Application fee for Residential, $250.00 Application fee for Commercial
Building Permit Fee for Installation of a Lawn Irrigation System
(Commercial or Residential)
Permit Fee for installation of a lawn irrigation system
(Commercial or Residential)
$100.00 permit fee for each, plus plan review and inspection fees
Application Fee for Parking Lot Improvements
Application fee, due at time of application, for parking lot improvements
(Commercial/ Non-refundable)
Parking Lot Permit Fee (Commercial)
Permit fee for removing and replacing existing parking lot, plus striping
$1,000.00 (Plus application fee, plan review fees, and inspection fees)
Parking Lot Permit Fee (Commercial)
Permit fee for regrinding and overlay of existing parking lot, plus striping
$500.00 (Plus application fee, plan review fees, and inspection fees)
Application and Permit Fee for Roofing (Residential - Single-Family/Non-refundable)
Application and permit fee, due at time of application, for roofing work, residential, single-family
$150.00, includes two (2) inspections
Application and Permit Fee for Roofing (Residential - Townhomes or Condominiums)
(Non-refundable )
Application and permit fee, due at time of application, for roofing work, residential, multi-family townhomes or condominiums, per building (Non-refundable)
$250.00, includes plan review and two (2) inspections
Application and Permit Fee for Roofing (Commercial/Non-refundable)
Application and permit fee, due at time of application, for roofing work (Commercial/ Non-refundable)
$250.00, includes two (2) inspections
Application Fee for Septic or Sewer System Connection
(Non-refundable )
Application fee, due at time of application, for septic or sewer system connection, installation, replacement and/or alteration (Non-refundable)
$150.00, includes interior inspection only, plus inspection fees (1 or 2 inspections)
Application Fee for Installation of Solar Panels (Residential or Commercial)
(Non-refundable )
Application fee, due at time of application, for installation of solar panels, Residential or Commercial
$150.00 Application fee for Residential, $250.00 Application fee for Commercial
Permit Fee for Installation of Solar Panels (Residential or Commercial)
Permit fee for installation of solar panels
$100.00, plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Application Fee for Installation of a Swimming Pool
(Non-refundable )
Application fee, due at time of application, for installation of a swimming pool
Swimming pool permit fee
Swimming pool permit fee
$1,000.00, plus plan review fees, site development fee, and two (2) inspections
Application Fee for Installation, Replacement, and/or Alteration of a Water Supply (Commercial or Residential/Non-refundable)
Application fee, due at time of application, for installation of a water supply, whether private well or connection to Village water main.
(Commercial or Residential/Non-refundable)
$150.00 for Residential, and $250.00 for Commercial
Water supply permit fee
Water supply permit fee for new well installation or new Village water main connection (such as for an additional service line).
$250.00, includes interior inspection only plus inspection fees
Water supply permit fee
Water supply permit fee for replacement or alteration
$150.00, plus inspection fees
Miscellaneous permits, fees and deposits1:
Carnival permit fees
Carnival ride permit fee
$75.00 for each ride
Carnival permit fees
Carnival stand permit fee
$25.00 for each, minimum of $50.00
Application Fee for Demolition of a Structure
Application fee, due at time of application, for demolition of a structure, residential (Non-refundable)
$550.00, including inspection
Permit Fee for Demolition of a Structure
Permit fee for demolition of a residential structure
$150.00, including inspection
Application Fee for Demolition of a Structure
Application fee, due at time of application, for demolition of a structure, commercial
$1,100.00, including inspection
Permit Fee for Demolition of a Structure
Permit fee for demolition of a commercial structure
$150.00, including inspection
Application Fee for Early Start Foundation
Application fee, due at time of application, for early start foundation. (Residential/ Non-refundable)
Early Start Permit Fees, Residential
Early start foundation permit fee, residential
$450.00, plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Application Fee for Early Start Foundation
Application fee, due at time of application, for early start foundation. (Commercial/ Non-refundable)
Building Permit Fee for Early Start Foundation, Commercial
Early start foundation permit fee, commercial
$600.00, plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Application Fee for Installation of an Elevator
Application fee, due at time of application, for installation of elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and wheelchair lifts ("Elevators")
(Commercial /Non-refundable)
Elevator Permit Fee
Permit fees for installation of elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and wheelchair lifts ("elevators")
$150.00, plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Application Fee for Installation of an Elevator (Commercial/Non-refundable)
Application fee, due at time of application, for installation of elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and wheelchair lifts ("Elevators")
(Commercial/ Non-refundable)
Elevator permit fee
Permit Fee for installation of elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and wheelchair lifts ("Elevators") (Commercial)
$500.00, plus $25.00 for each floor served, plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Extension of permit (Residential)
7-2-6A and 7-2-5E
Extension of permit term for a residential permit, at the discretion of the Building Commissioner, if the Building Commissioner finds such extension has not resulted from any fault of the property owner or of the permit holder
$150.00 for up to 90 days
Extension of permit (Commercial)
7-2-6A and 7-2-5E
Extension of permit term for a commercial permit, at the discretion of the Building Commissioner, if the Building Commissioner finds such extension has not resulted from any fault of the property owner or of the permit holder
$250.00 for up to 90 days
Application and Permit Fee for Installation of a Fence
Application and permit fee, due at time of application, for installation of a fence. (Non-refundable)
$150.00 Residential, $250.00 Commercial, includes two (2) inspections
Occupancy permit fee
Occupancy permit fee for motel, hotel, dormitories, nursing homes, apartments
$40.00 per separately occupied unit
Application Fee for Installation of a Permanent Wall or Ground Sign (Residential or Commercial/Non-refundable)
Application fee, due at time of application, for installation of a permanent wall or ground sign (Residential or Commercial/Non-refundable)
Ground Sign permit fee
Permit fee for installation of a permanent ground sign
$250.00, plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Wall Sign, Permit Fee
Permit fee for permanent wall sign
$200.00, plus plan review fees and inspection fees
Temporary Sign, Permit Fee (only when permit required)
Permit fee for temporary sign (only when permit required)
$100.00, maximum display time of 90 days total in a 12-month period
Building permit fees
Fee for removal of Stop Work Order and surcharge for doing work without a required permit
2 times permit fees (i.e., $1.00 for each $1.00 of applicable permit fees), up to $5,000.00
Temporary Occupancy permit fee
Fee for a certificate of temporary occupancy permit, whether commercial or residential
$500.00; May not exceed six (6) months in length
Application and Other Fees for Permits Relative to Work Within the Lake Barrington Shores Planned Development ("LBS")
Application fee, due at time of application, and other fees to be paid to the Village for issuance of a Blanket Building Permit which may be issued to the Lake Barrington Community Homeowners' Association ("LBCHA") for those projects identified herein.
Concrete sidewalk(s), repair or replacement
$250.00 application fee, plus the payment of any plan review fee(s) and inspection fee(s)
Resurfacing, repair, and/or replacement of driveways
$250.00 application fee, plus the payment of any plan review fee(s) (Inspections shall be made by the LBCHA.)
Resurfacing or repair of roadway
$250.00 application fee, plus the payment for any engineering fees incurred by the Village
Removal and/or replacement of existing private road, and/or addition of a new private road, and/or repair or replacement of any private road which requires the base to be reconstructed and replaced
$250.00 application fee, plus the payment for any engineering fees incurred by the Village
Fence repair and/ or replacement
$250.00 application fee, plus the payment of any plan review fee(s)
Installation and/or repair of retaining walls 48 inches in height or greater (no permit or fee shall be required for work on retaining walls which are less than 48 inches in height.) Any retaining wall constructed by an individual unit owner within LBS or the contractor for the unit owner shall be addressed by other provisions of this Village Code. (A building structural repair permit may also be required.)
$250.00 application fee, plus the payment of plan review and inspection fee(s)
Storm sewers(a building structural repair permit may also be required.)
$250.00 application fee, plus the payment of plan review and engineering fees incurred by the Village
Plan review fee
Actual cost billed to the Village by Village inspector(s) and/or Village Engineer(s)
Application and Other Fees for Permits Relative to Work Within the Lake Barrington Shores Planned Development ("LBS")
Project Permit:
Application fee, due at time of application, and other fees to be paid to the Village, for a Project Permit which may be issued to the LBCHA or to a Condominium Association
Roof replacement (multi-family roofing permit) (one permit will be issued for each entire building)
$250.00 application fee (includes 2 inspections) for each building. Each additional inspection shall be $50.00.
Building structural repairs (excludes interior work in an individual condominium unit and other unit owner items such as windows and doors); outside storage closets (project/structural repair permit required)
$250.00 application fee, plus the payment of plan review fee(s) and inspection fee(s)
fireplaces: repair or replacement of any component below the roofline the condominium unit owner is required to obtain a permit. (this is the same process as window and exterior door permits. These components are not the HOA's responsibility.)
$150.00 application fee, plus the payment of any plan review and/or inspection fee(s)
Work relative to Lake Barrington and/or related shoreline (in some cases, a watershed development permit shall also be required.)
$250.00 application fee, plus the payment of any plan review, engineering, and/or inspection fee(s), and reimbursement to the Village of any other costs incurred relative to said project
Sanitary sewers (unit to lateral line)
$150.00 application fee, plus the payment of plan review and inspection fee(s)
Plan review fee
Actual cost billed to the Village by Village inspector(s) and/or Village Engineer(s)
Inspection fee
$50.00 for each inspection
Open burning permit
Open burning permit fee
(No fee, but application and notification of neighboring property owners required)
No fee.
   1.    All fees relative to title 7 of this Code are non-refundable, unless otherwise indicated.
Village Code Section
Tents and Other Temporary Structures (Commercial)
Tents are viewed as accessory structures by the Village's Building Department, and the fee(s) for a Temporary Use Permit for any tent, or other temporary structure which will be maintained on the same lot or parcel for a period of not more than 15 days in the aggregate during any calendar year or during any twelve (12) month period, shall consist of the respective fee(s) for the following permits fees, if applicable: (i) an application fee, (ii) an electric permit fee, (iii) a plumbing permit fee, and (iv) an occupancy permit fee, which fees are applicable to an accessory structure, in addition to any fire inspection fee.
(Various; See "Description")
Application and Permit Fees for Tents 144 square feet or less -
(Residential or Commercial)
For a tent or other temporary structure 144 square feet or less, combined application and permit fee required to be paid at time of application
$50.00 non-refundable application and permit fee for permit valid up to 15 days, plus plan review and inspection costs
Application and Permit Fees (combined) for Tents larger than 144 square feet -
For a tent or other temporary structure larger than 144 square feet, combined application and permit fee required to be paid at time of application.
$100.00 non-refundable Application and permit fees due at the time of application; plus $200.00 permit fee, plus plan review and inspection costs.
Tents up longer than 15 days are subject to an additional permit fee of $200.00 for each 15-day permit extension.
Signage bond for variation hearing, refundable
Signage bond for variation hearing, signage bond, refundable: Each petitioner for a variation shall post a bond with the Village for each sign erected to notify the public of public hearing scheduled relative to the requested variation
$50.00 per sign (refunded upon return of each sign within 10 days following conclusion of public hearing for which sign was posted)
Signage bond for special use hearing, refundable
Signage bond for special use hearing, refundable: Each petitioner for a special use shall post a bond with the Village for each sign erected to notify the public of public hearing scheduled relative to the requested variation
$50.00 per sign (refunded upon return of each sign within 10 days following conclusion of public hearing for which sign was posted)
Fee, zoning permit
Zoning permit fee which must accompany application for a zoning permit
Village Code Section
Signage bond, subdivision requests, refundable
Each petitioner relative to an application for subdivision approval shall post a bond with the Village for each sign erected to notify the public of public hearing scheduled relative to such application
$50.00 per sign (refunded upon return of each sign within 10 days following conclusion of public hearing for which sign was posted)
Village Code Section
Fee, minimum administrative (nonrefundable)
Fee to accompany any application, petition or request for any permit, approval, appeal, variation, and/or review required by the provisions of the Lake County watershed development ordinance, or any combination thereof. (In addition to the minimum administrative fee, applicant or petitioner is also obligated to reimburse the Village for all expenses incurred by the Village relative to said request.)
$400.00, plus such additional fee as is sufficient to reimburse the Village for the estimated time spent by various Village employees in connection with such request
Cash deposit, initial (refundable balance)
Cash deposit to accompany any application, petition or request for any permit, approval, appeal, variation, and/or review required by the provisions of the Lake County watershed development ordinance, or any combination thereof. (In addition to the minimum administrative fee, applicant or petitioner is also obligated to reimburse the Village for all expenses incurred by the Village relative to said request.)
$1,500.00 minimum deposit, plus $100.00 per acre or fraction thereof within the subject property
Cash deposit, additional (balance of deposit(s) not expended is refundable)
Where it appears that such application, petition or request will involve additional expenditures by the Village, the applicant or petitioner is required to deposit such additional amounts necessary to pay the estimated amount of such expenses and charges. Such deposit(s) may be increased from time to time
As determined by the Village
Fee, minimum administrative (nonrefundable)
If rereview of a project is required due to major redesign, the payment of the minimum administrative fees shall again be required
$400.00, plus such additional fee as is sufficient to reimburse the Village for the estimated time spent by various Village employees in connection with such request, with total fees not to exceed $800.00
Village Code Section
Fee in lieu of replacement trees
Tree replacement fee in lieu: In the event a site cannot accommodate all of the required replacement trees, a fee in lieu of such replacement trees shall be paid to the Village based upon an estimated cost for each replacement tree and planting thereof as approved by the Village Administrator, or his or her designee
$1,210.00 fee charged is based upon a current estimated cost for each replacement tree and planting thereof
Permit, tree
A permit is required for a person, corporation, public utility company or its agent, or other entity, except a person or contractor authorized by the Village, to plant, treat, prune, trim, remove, attach an object to, or otherwise disturb any tree, shrub, or other plant on Village property, or to dig a tunnel or trench on Village property (see section 11-1-7 of this Code for further details)
No fee is due for such permit
Village Code Section
Village Code Section
Septic permit fee, construction
Construction permit fee for construction or repair of individual sewage disposal system. Note: Only a person, company, or other entity having a current, valid private sewage system installation contractor's license may apply for and obtain the required construction permit from the Village for construction and/or repair of any individual sewage disposal system. Such permit must be posted on the job site in a prominent location
$280.00 - Design flow less than 1,500 gallons per day
$400.00 - Design flow greater than 1,500 gallons per day
Septic permit fee, alterations and additions
Permit fee for alteration(s) or addition(s) to individual sewage disposal system - increased water usage/square footage increase greater than 50 percent
Septic permit fee, alterations and additions
Permit fee for alteration(s) or addition(s) to individual sewage disposal system - no water increase/square footage increase less than 50 percent
Septic permit fee, alternative system
Alternative system permit fee: Construction of alternative individual sewage disposal system
Septic permit fee, property alteration
Permit fee for property alteration
Septic fee, for request for variations and/or appeals
Fee - request for a variation, an appeal request, or hearing
Septic fee, to reinstate expired septic permit
Reinstate expired individual sewage disposal system permit
Septic fee
Soil identification/evaluation, per lot
$200.00 per lot
Septic fee
Holding tank agreement
Septic fee
Holding tank agreement renewal (every 6 months)
Septic fee, review
Subdivision - initial review, per lot
$110.00 per lot
Septic fee, review
Subdivision - resubmittal review, per lot
$30.00 per lot
Septic fee, sludge disposal site
Sludge disposal site
Septic bond, septic cash performance (conditionally refundable)
Cash performance bond must be deposited with the Village prior to issuance of any permit under title 12 of this Code for any alteration(s) or repair(s) to an existing individual sewage disposal system or for the installation of each such new individual sewage disposal system
$1,000.00 per system
Village Code Section
Village Code Section
Fee for annual inspection(s) and reinspection(s) of required interceptors for fats, oils, grease, and sand (per device)
Annual fee to be paid to the Village for inspection(s) and reinspection(s) of required interceptors for fats, oils, grease, and sand (per device). (Inspection fees and reinspection fees for required interceptors for fats, oil, grease, and sand, and the related administrative fees, shall be included in the bi- monthly sewer and water invoices for the property and/or for the premises where each such device is located.)
Each fee is "per device"
1. Annual inspection fee
Plus: Administrative fee
Total annual inspection fee
2. Fee for each reinspection
Plus: Administrative fee
Total reinspection fee
Building sewer permit and inspection fee
Building sewer permit fee shall accompany application for a building sewer permit. (This fee is in addition to other required connection fees.)
Sanitary sewer connection fee
Water and sewer fee to connect property to the special service area number three water and sanitary sewer systems paid pursuant to intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Fox River Grove. There is no separate connection charge for a sprinkler system
Domestic Water Line Size
1" diameter
Greater than 1" and up to and including 11/2" diameter
Greater than 11/2" and up to and including 2" diameter
Greater than 2"
Fee determined by Board of Trustees
Water and sewer basic service charge
Water and sewer basic service charge begins on the first day of the month at least 60 days after notice to property owner that premises is required to be connected to the Lake Barrington business and industrial park sanitary sewer system and water system
$110.00 per month
Water and sewer usage charge
Water and sewer usage charge
For each 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof of metered water usage:
Effective May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016: $11.42
Effective May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2017: $11.76
Effective May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018: $12.11
Effective May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019: $12.47
Effective May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020: $12.84
Water and sewer metered bulk usage charge
Water and sewer metered bulk usage charge
For each 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof, per 1,000 gallons of metered bulk water usage:
Effective May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016: $4.77
Effective May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2017: $4.91
Effective May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018: $5.06
Effective May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019: $5.21
Effective May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020: $5.37
Sewage treatment service surcharge
Treatment service surcharge shall be levied to all sewer users whose wastewater exceeds the normal concentrations of 200 milligrams per liter of BOD and 250 milligrams per liter of suspended solids
$0.22 per pound of BOD in excess of 0.17 pound per 100 gallons
$0.17 per pound of suspended solids in excess of 0.10 pound per 100 gallons
Supplemental sewer and water charge where the property is or is eligible to be tax exempt
In addition to the basic water and sewer service charges and water and sewer usage fees as set forth in subsection 13-5-6B of this Code, a supplemental sewer and water charge shall be paid by the owner and/or occupant of the property in order to provide an equitable contribution toward the cost of providing the capital infrastructure of and the financing thereof, which charges shall be paid by each user of such services where the property of such user is or is eligible to be declared exempt from Real Estate Taxes
For each 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof, of metered water usage:
Effective May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016: $36.33
Effective May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2017: $37.42
Effective May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018: $38.54
Effective May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019: $39.70
Effective May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020: $40.89
Reinstatement of water and/or sewer service fee
If water or sewer service charges remain unpaid for a period of 40 days after rendition of the bill for such service, water and sewer service to a premises may be shut off. Such service shall not be reinstated until all past due bills and penalties thereon are paid in full, together with the payment of a fee to cover the cost of reinstating said service
Annual cross connection certification fee
An annual fee for certification of required cross connection control devices is required to be paid for each device on a premises. This fee is included as part of the bimonthly billing period for each cross connection control device certified
Fee per device on a premises   $75.00
Administrative fee    15.00
Total fee, per device    90.00
Reconnection fee
The premises of a consumer who violates a provision of title 13, chapter 7 of this Code may be disconnected from the public water supply system, and a reconnection fee shall be paid to the Village after the condition which caused the violation is corrected
Chemical substance storage permit
A permit must be obtained from the Village in order to store certain chemicals on property located within the Village, and the duration of such permit shall be determined by the Village Administrator
No application fee
(Ord. 2008-O-15, 4-1-2008; amd. Ord. 2008-O-25, 9-2-2008; Ord. 2009-O-18, 12-1-2009; Ord. 2009-O-20, 12-1-2009, eff. 1-1-2010; Ord. 2009-O-21, 12-1-2009; Ord. 2010-O-09, 5-4-2010; Ord. 2011-O-13, 5-3-2011; Ord. 2011-O-25, 11-1-2011; Ord. 2011-O-27, 12-6-2011; Ord. 2013-O-03, 2-5-2013; Ord. 2013-O-07, 6-5-2013, eff. retroactive to 4-26-2013; Ord. 2013-O-12, 9-3-2013; Ord. 2014-O-15, 11-5-2014; Ord. 2014-O-19, 12-2-2014; Ord. 2015-O-08, 5-5-2015; Ord. 2017-O-12, 5-2-2017; Ord. 2018-O-06, 4-3-2018; Ord. 2018-O-12, 6-6-2018, eff. 7-1-2018; Ord. 2018-O-15, 7-10-2018; Ord. 2018-O-16, 7-10-2018; Ord. 2018-O-17, 8-7-2018; Ord. 2018-O-18, 9-4-2018; Ord. 2018-O-26, 12-4-2018, eff. 12-14-2018; Ord. 2019-O-03, 4-2-2019; Ord. 2019-O-12, 12-10-2019; Ord. 2020-O-05, 2-4-2020; Ord. 2020-O-12, 5-5-2020; Ord. 2022-O-03, 2-1-2022; Ord. 2022-O-15, 12-6-2022; Ord. 2023-O-06, 3-2-2023; Ord. 2023-O-08, 3-2-2023; Ord. 2023-O-15, 6-13-2023; Ord. 2024-O-11, 5-9-2024; Ord. 2024-O-12, 8-6-2024; Ord. 2024-O-17, 10-7-2024)