A.   Application: The applicant shall submit an application signed by the owner(s) of record to the enforcement officer. Additional information shall be provided by the applicant as required in writing by the enforcement officer.
   B.   Certification Of Engineer Or Architect: Applications for M, B and O district zoning permits shall include certification by an engineer or architect registered in Illinois that the applicable performance standards will be met.
   C.   File Maintained: The enforcement officer shall keep a permanent file of all applications with accompanying plans and all permits issued. This file shall be referenced by location of lot.
   D.   Approval: If the application for the proposed construction or alteration conforms with all applicable provisions of this title and all other applicable provisions of this code, the enforcement officer shall issue a zoning permit.
   E.   Nonapproval: If the proposed construction or alteration does not conform with all applicable provisions of this title, the enforcement officer shall refuse to issue a zoning permit and shall deliver written notice to the applicant stating the reasons for this refusal.
   F.   Action Of Enforcement Officer: The enforcement officer shall act upon applications for zoning permits within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of their submission.
   G.   Fee: The applicant for a zoning permit must pay a fee as specified from time to time in section 1-10-7 of this code. (Ord. 2008-O-05, 2-5-2008)