A.   Any license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be applicable only to the specific licensee and location designated, and may not be sold, transferred, or otherwise assigned. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the licensee remains the same and a request is made to designate and substitute a different location, the village clerk may approve such new location upon submission of proof that such location is in compliance with all of the provisions of this chapter. A fee as specified from time to time in section 1-10-7 of this code shall be required for processing a request to change the location of the massage establishment.
   B.   A transfer in the ownership or control of a massage establishment shall constitute a change in the licensee and the existing license shall be deemed surrendered and extinguished. A new application for such license shall be filed and processed as provided in this chapter prior to such transfer taking effect. Any transfer in the ownership or control of a massage establishment in violation of this chapter shall constitute the operation of an unlicensed massage establishment.
   C.   Notice shall be provided prior to any change of the designated manager conducting business for the massage establishment licensee. The new manager must be qualified to operate the massage establishment as provided in this chapter. The licensee shall, not less than ten (10) business days before such change is to take effect, give the village clerk notice of such change. The notice shall include any information concerning the new manager which is required in this chapter. (Ord. 2008-O-05, 2-5-2008)