No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity shall engage as a general contractor, subcontractor, or construction manager, for electrical, heating, air conditioning, sewer work, water, septic or sewage disposal systems, storm sewer, fence, concrete, driveway, patio, roadway, or construction work of any nature and description in the village of Lake Barrington, unless they possess a current license to do business in the village of Lake Barrington. Fees for such contractors' licenses shall be as specified from time to time in section 1-10-7 of this code per year, and each such license shall be valid for twelve (12) months from the date of issuance. The village administrator shall have the right to suspend or revoke any such license, after thirty (30) days' notice sent by regular U.S. mail to the last known address of the licensee in order to provide the licensee an opportunity to be heard. The village administrator may consider customer complaints, previous job related issues, failed inspections, and other relevant information in determining whether or not to revoke, suspend, and/or decline to reissue such a license. (Ord. 2013-O-12, 9-3-2013)