A.   General: Any request for a permit to construct an individual sewage disposal system submitted in accordance with subsection 12-10-2A of this title shall be submitted.
   B.   Application: An application for a construction permit shall be completed and submitted.
   C.   Fee: A fee as specified from time to time in section 1-10-7 of this code shall be submitted.
   D.   Revised Plan: A revision of the approved plan, if applicable, depicting any changes to the plan or site shall be submitted.
   E.   Permit Review: Upon receipt of an application for a construction permit and the appropriate fee, the enforcement officer shall review the application and construction plan for compliance with this title and for substantial agreement with the approved plan.
   F.   Notification Process: The enforcement officer shall issue or decline to issue a construction permit within five (5) working days, and shall notify any applicant whose permit is refused of the reason(s) preventing approval and of any technical or administrative solution remaining.
   G.   Permit Period: The construction permit shall be valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of approval. The enforcement officer may, without additional fee, extend the construction permit for thirty (30) days provided that such extension shall apply only to the licensed septic contractor to whom the permit was originally issued. (Ord. 2008-O-05, 2-5-2008)