The rates and charges for the use of and for the services supplied by the LBBIP water system and LBBIP sewage system, based upon meter readings of the amount of water consumed in each two (2) month period on each premises located within the corporate limits of the village of Lake Barrington special service area number three, supplied with water and/or sewage service by said system, shall include a basic service charge and user charge.
   A.   Effective May 1, 2006, the basic water and sewer service charge ("the basic service charge") to be paid by each user shall be as specified from time to time in section 1-10-7 of this code. Said basic service charge shall begin on the first day of the month beginning at least sixty (60) days after notice to the owner, beneficial owner, and/or occupant of the premises that they are required to connect the premises to the LBBIP sanitary sewer system and the LBBIP water system is given by the village via regular mail and via certified mail, return receipt requested, as provided by subsection 13-1-2B of this title.
   B.   The sewer and water usage charge to be paid by each user shall be as specified from time to time in section 1-10-7 of this code.
   C.   Only with the prior approval of the superintendent, a user of bulk amounts of water from the LBBIP water system for uses which in no way directly or indirectly contribute to sanitary sewage flows to the LBBIP sewage system also have a separate service connection on the premises metered, at the user's expense, for bulk water usage. The charge for such separately metered bulk water usage shall be as specified from time to time in section 1-10-7 of this code.
   D.   A treatment service surcharge shall be levied to all sewer users whose wastewater exceeds the normal concentrations of two hundred milligrams per liter (200 mg/l) of BOD and two hundred fifty milligrams per liter (250 mg/l) of suspended solids, as determined by waste sampling which shall be performed as often as deemed necessary by the superintendent and shall be binding as the basis for computing the surcharge. The surcharge rates shall be as specified from time to time in section 1-10-7 of this code.
All such surcharges collected by the village of Lake Barrington shall be paid to the village of Fox River Grove.
   E.   The rates and charges for the use of and for the services supplied by the village of Fox River Grove shall be paid to the village of Fox River Grove pursuant to the current intergovernmental agreement providing for such services. (Ord. 2008-O-05, 2-5-2008)
   F.   In addition to the basic water and sewer service charge and water and sewer usage fees as set forth in this section, a supplemental sewer and water charge as specified in section 1-10-7 of this code in order to provide an equitable contribution to the village of Lake Barrington special service area number three toward the cost incurred by village of Lake Barrington special service area number three in providing the capital infrastructure of the Lake Barrington business and industrial park water system and of the Lake Barrington business and industrial park sewage system and the financing thereof, which charges shall be paid by each user of such services where the property of such user located in the village of Lake Barrington special service area number three is or is eligible to be declared exempt from real estate taxes.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection to the contrary, the village board reserves the right to and may, at its sole discretion, from time to time, adjust such supplemental charges provided by this subsection, pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement approved by the village board. (Ord. 2008-O-25, 9-2-2008)