General Provisions
   91.001   Definitions
   91.002   Animals as nuisances
   91.003   Hunting; cruelty
   91.004   Diseased animals
   91.005   Abatement of nuisances
   91.006   Enforcement
   91.007 through 91.019   Reserved
   91.020   License tag required; fee
   91.021   Record to be kept
   91.022   Dog tags to be issued and attached to collar
   91.023   Keeping more than three dogs a nuisance
   91.024   Dogs running at large and in public places deemed a nuisance; damage to property; female dog in heat
   91.025 through 91.034   Reserved
   91.035   Inoculations
   91.036   Keeping more than four cats a nuisance
   91.037 through 91.049   Reserved
Other Animals
   91.050   Certain animals prohibited
   91.051   Confinement of small domesticated animals
   91.052   Inoculations
   91.053   Running at large prohibited
   91.054   Keeping more than one small domesticated animal a nuisance
   91.055   Exceptions
   91.056 through 91.059   Reserved
Dangerous Animals
   91.060   Fierce, vicious and dangerous animals
   91.061   Duty of owner of animal which has bitten person or animal
   91.062   Report of rabies
   91.063   Animals biting other animals
   91.064   Authority of officer to enter premises to seize animals
   91.065   Procedure for warrant
   91.066   Dangerous animals not to run at large
   91.067 through 91.079   Reserved
Impoundment of Animals
   91.080   Chief of Police ex officio poundmaster
   91.081   Duty to impound animals and give notice
   91.082   Poundmaster; register and notice of owners
   91.083   Redemption from pound; impounding fees
   91.084   Disposition of unredeemed impounded animals
   91.999   Penalty