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   (a)   The development coordination office will reconcile the final actual construction costs with the costs reflected in the CFA.
   (b)   The development coordination office will reconcile the actual cost of administrative material testing service fees, construction inspection service fees, and water testing lab fees with the estimated fees paid by the developer. If the actual costs of the fees is more than the estimated payments made by the developer, the developer must pay the difference to the city before the improvements will be accepted by the city. If the actual costs of the fees is less than the estimated payments made by the developer, the city will refund the difference to the developer. If the difference between the actual costs and the estimated payments made by the developer for administrative material testing service fees, construction inspection service fees, and water testing lab fees is less than $50, the city will not issue a refund and the developer will not be responsible for paying the difference.
   (c)   If the developer owes the city administrative material testing service fees, construction inspection service fees, or water testing lab fees, the fees shall be paid before the financial guarantee can be released by the city. Any refunds for administrative material testing service fees, construction inspection service fees, or water testing lab fees owed by the city to the developer shall be processed after reconciliation of the CFA is complete.
   (d)   Once the CFA has been fully reconciled and all fees have been paid to the city, the financial guarantee for the CFA will be released.
(Ord. 23656-05-2019, § 1, passed 5-7-2019, eff. 6-1-2019)