(a) To be eligible for an express CFA review the following criteria must be met:
(1) Eight hundred feet or less of total street and alley paving;
(2) Eight hundred feet or less of either water or sewer infrastructure;
(3) Minor stormwater infrastructure, such as lateral and inlet reconstruction as determined by the IPRC engineering manager;
(4) Approximately, 800 feet or less of streetlights; and
(5) All required studies have been accepted and approved by the city.
(b) To be considered for an express CFA review, the design engineer must have a meeting with the IPRC engineering manager prior to submitting plans for the pre-submittal conference. At the meeting, the engineering manager will determine if the project is eligible for express CFA review based upon the criteria in this section.
(c) The intent of the city is for this section to be interpreted broadly to allow express CFA review for as many projects as possible, while providing staff with the discretion to determine which projects meet the criteria in this section required for express CFA review. The city will make the final determination on whether a project will need a standard review or express CFA review.
(d) A project that does not meet the requirements for an express CFA review will have a standard review.
(Ord. 23656-05-2019, § 1, passed 5-7-2019, eff. 6-1-2019)
(a) All IPRC engineering plan review fees and the CFA application fee specified in § 2-321 of the city code shall be paid to the city:
(1) Before a standard review project will be scheduled by IPRC for a first review; or
(2) Before an express CFA review project will be scheduled by IPRC for a pre-submittal conference.
(b) For purposes of calculating the IPRC engineering plan review fee, all detail sheets, regardless of the number of pages, will be considered one page.
(c) The IRPC engineering plan review fee will not apply to the following engineering sheets:
(1) Cover sheet;
(2) Plat notes; and
(3) General notes.
(d) When there is city participation in the design of a project, the IPRC engineering plan review fees will not be charged to the developer for the portion of the design that is attributable to the city participation in the design of the project as outlined in the written agreement between the city and the developer.
(Ord. 23656-05-2019, § 1, passed 5-7-2019, eff. 6-1-2019)
(a) The city's signing of the cover sheet for the plans and specifications shall not constitute or be deemed to be a release of the responsibility and liability of the developer, the design engineer, or the developer and design engineer's officers, agents, employees, and subcontractors, for the accuracy and competency of the plans and specifications, including but not limited to surveys, location of subsurface investigations, design, working drawings and specifications, and other engineering documents.
(b) The city's signing of the cover sheet for the plans and specifications shall not be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility and liability by the city for any negligent act, error or omission in the conduct or preparation of the subsurface investigation, surveys, designs, working drawings and specifications, and other engineering documents by the developer, the design engineer, or the developer and design engineer's officers, agents, employees, and subcontractors, it being the intent of the developer, design engineer and the city that acceptance by the city of the plans, contracts between the developer and the developer's contractors, payment, performance, and maintenance bonds, insurance certificates, and other documents signifies the city's acceptance only of the format of the documents and the general design concept of the community facilities.
(Ord. 23656-05-2019, § 1, passed 5-7-2019, eff. 6-1-2019)
(a) The contracts between the developer and the developer's contractors must incorporate the city's standard conditions.
(b) The insurance policy from the developer's contractor must be in the amounts required by the standard conditions and must name the city as an additional insured under all insurance policies.
(c) The payment, performance, and maintenance bonds must be in the total amount of the construction contract between the developer and the contractor. The bonds must meet the requirements of the city's standard conditions, Tex. Government Code Chapter 2253, and the Texas Insurance Code. The maintenance bond must cover the community facilities to be constructed against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years after completion and final acceptance of the community facilities by the city.
(Ord. 23656-05-2019, § 1, passed 5-7-2019, eff. 6-1-2019)
If a project requires an adjustment, cut, relocation, or disturbance of public infrastructure that has been accepted by the city and is covered by a maintenance bond, the contractor for the project must provide the city with a new maintenance bond covering the scope of work being performed by the contractor that is valid for a period of two years from acceptance of the community facilities. Compliance with the city's utility construction policy, if applicable, is required.
(Ord. 23656-05-2019, § 1, passed 5-7-2019, eff. 6-1-2019)
(a) All engineering plans must be designed in accordance with state and federal law, and with all applicable city policies, design specifications, and design standards, including but not limited to the:
(1) Subdivision ordinance;
(2) Traffic engineering manual;
(3) Master thoroughfare plan;
(4) Installation policy and design criteria for water, wastewater, and reclaimed water infrastructure;
(5) Access management policy;
(6) Neighborhood and community park dedication policy;
(7) Form based codes;
(8) Design overlay zoning district requirements;
(9) Stormwater criteria manual; and
(10) Utility construction policy.
(b) All engineering plans and CFA exhibits must identify the public infrastructure that the community facilities will connect to. If the public infrastructure that community facilities will connect to has not been constructed and accepted by the city, the engineering plans and CFA exhibits must identify that the public infrastructure has not been constructed.
(c) Any request for an alternative to a city design specification must be submitted in writing to the city engineer by the design engineer no later than seven business days after the design engineer receives review comments from IPRC. The policies in subsection (a) may contain a separate appeal process that must be complied with by the developer or design engineer.
(Ord. 23656-05-2019, § 1, passed 5-7-2019, eff. 6-1-2019)