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Every building or part of a building hereafter designed, erected, altered or converted for the purposes of an assembly unit as defined in Section 13-56-070 shall comply with the special provisions of this chapter and also with the general provisions of this Code pertaining to buildings, including, but not limited to, the following:
Chapter 13-56 Classifications of Buildings by Occupancy.
Section 13-56-230 Mixed occupancy.
Section 13-56-300 Occupancy content.
Chapter 13-60 Classification of Buildings by Construction Type.
Chapter 13-116 Fire Limits – Location Limitations.
Sections 13-116-040 and 13-116-050 Location on property.
Sections 13-116-080 to 13-116-130 Inclusive. Limitations within fire limits.
Chapter 13-48 Height and Area Limitations.
Section 13-48-010 Height limitations.
Section 13-48-050 Area limitations.
Section 13-48-100 Mixed occupancy.
Chapter 15-8 Fire-Resistive Requirements.
Section 15-8-010 Fire walls.
Section 15-8-070 Exterior walls.
Section 15-8-250 Partitions.
Section 15-8-280 Exterior trim.
Section 15-8-330 Roof coverings.
Section 15-8-370 Interior wall and ceiling finish and trim.
Section 15-8-450 Flooring.
Section 15-8-510 Roof structures.
Section 15-8-570 Firestopping.
Chapter 18-28 Chimneys, Flues and Vents.
Chapter 15-16 Fire Protection Equipment.
Chapter 15-12 Fire-Resistive Materials and Construction.
Chapter 13-160 Exit Requirements.
Section 13-160-030 Types of exits.
Section 13-160-050 Minimum number of exits.
Section 13-160-060 Arrangement and location of exits.
Section 13-160-110 Travel distance to exits.
Section 13-160-170 Width of exits.
Section 13-160-230 Outside exits.
Section 13-160-240 Doors.
Section 13-160-290 Stairways.
Section 13-160-360 Smokeproof towers.
Section 13-160-430 Ramps.
Section 13-160-480 Horizontal exits.
Section 13-160-580 Exterior stairs.
Section 13-160-630 Fire escapes.
Section 13-160-660 Exit lighting.
Section 13-160-700 Exit signs.
Chapter 13-52 Minimum Design Loads.
Chapter 13-120 Materials, Methods and Tests.
Chapter 13-132 Foundations.
Chapter 13-140 Masonry Construction.
Chapter 13-144 Wood Construction.
Chapter 13-136 Concrete Construction.
Chapter 13-148 Steel and Metal Construction.
Chapter 13-124 Safety Requirements.
Chapter 13-124 Safeguards During Construction.
Chapter 13-128 Use of Public Property.
Chapter 13-196 Existing Buildings.
Chapter 18-28 Heating.
Chapter 18-28 Ventilation.
Chapter 13-172 Light And Ventilation.
Chapter 18-29 Plumbing.
Chapter 18-29 Sanitation Requirements.
Title 14C Conveyance Devices.
Title 14E Electrical Requirements.
(Prior code § 54-1; Amend Coun. J. 6-14-95, p. 2841; Amend Coun. J. 4-29-98, p. 66679, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 10-17-09, p. 72419, § 15; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 18; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. II, § 26; Amend Coun. J. 3-28-18, p. 74459, Art. II, § 12)
The total capacity of a school shall be determined in accordance with the occupancy content factors established in Section 13-56-310, except that rooms not used or used only occasionally by students shall not be included in computing each total capacity. Such rooms and spaces include the following:
Assembly rooms and gymnasiums;
Cafeterias and lunchrooms;
Locker, toilet and storage rooms;
Corridors and other circulation space;
Service and equipment rooms.
(Prior code § 54-2)
Every assembly unit shall have frontage upon one or more open spaces consisting of streets not less than 30 feet wide or public alleys or other open spaces not less than ten feet wide which lead directly to a street. Frontage requirements shall be determined according to capacity and shall comply with the requirements established in Table 13-84-030 as set out in this section.
Capacity Frontage | Frontage | ||
Type I Schools | Other Assembly Units | On Street | On Street or Other Open Space |
– | 200 or less | One side | – |
501 or less | 200 to 800 | One side | One side |
501 to 1,000 | More than 800 | One side | Two sides |
1,001 to 2,500 | – | Two sides | One side |
More than 2,500 | – | Three sides | One side |
(Prior code § 54-3)
(a) The main seating level of every theater shall be so located that normal exits from the foyer shall lead to a public street without change in level other than by means of ramps having a slope not exceeding one in 10.
(b) No seating level in rooms used for assembly occupancy and having a capacity of more than 300 persons shall be at a level more than 20 feet above grade except in buildings of Types I-A or I-B construction.
(c) No assembly occupancy shall be located at a level more than 20 feet below grade in buildings of Types I-A or I-B construction, nor more than ten feet below grade in buildings of other types of construction.
(Prior code § 54-4)
(a) The floor construction and enclosing partitions of assembly rooms having a capacity exceeding 300 persons shall be of construction providing fire resistance of not less than two hours.
(b) The floor construction and enclosing partitions of assembly rooms having a capacity not exceeding 300 persons shall be of construction providing fire resistance of not less than one hour.
(c) Partitions, floor constructions and ceiling construction enclosing all public corridors of assembly units shall be of construction providing fire resistance of not less than one hour.
(d) Floor construction over basements of Type III schools shall comply with Section 13-60-200 of this Code.
(Prior code § 54-5)
The terms used in this section are hereby defined as follows:
(a) Stage. “Stage” means the space in a theater or assembly room separated from the auditorium equipped for theatrical or similar performances that provide for the use of curtains, portable or fixed scenery, lights, or mechanical appliances.
Recesses at the front of an auditorium used or designed solely for the mounting of a motion picture screen and its required sound equipment containing no fixed or movable scenery other than curtains of flame- resistive material shall not be deemed to be a stage under the requirements of this section.
(b) Type 1 Stage. “Type 1 stage” means every stage other than a Type 2 stage as defined in paragraph (c).
(c) Type 2 Stage. “Type 2 stage” means a stage complying with each of the following conditions:
(1) The stage shall be located in a school, church, community building, club or similar occupancy in which the use of the stage for theatrical productions is occasional.
(2) The capacity of such assembly rooms shall not exceed 1,000 persons.
(3) The proscenium opening between the stage and the auditorium shall not exceed 32 feet in width nor 22 feet in height.
(4) All stage material, scenery, decorations, drapes and curtains shall be of noncombustible materials.
(d) Stage Block. “Stage block” means that portion of a theater or assembly room containing only the stage or the stage in combination with dressing rooms, storage and property rooms, workshops and other rooms appurtenant to the operation thereof.
(e) Projection Block. “Projection block” means that portion of a theater or assembly room containing a projection room alone or in combination with other rooms appurtenant to the operation thereof.
(f) Dressing Room. “Dressing room” means a room used or intended to be used by a performer or performers for dressing or changing of clothing.
(g) Proscenium. “Proscenium” means the vertical plane of separation between an auditorium and a stage.
(h) Property Room. “Property room” means a room for the storage of any adjunct of a theatrical or similar performance, except scenery, commonly known and described as stage properties.
(i) Stage Workshop. “Stage workshop” means any shop or room in which carpentry, electrical work, painting, or any other work incidental to the preparation, operation, or maintenance of any stage is done.
(j) Storage Room. “Storage room” means a room other than a property room used for storage purposes.
(Prior code § 54-6.1)
Type 1 stages shall comply with the following construction requirements:
(a) Enclosure. The stage block, including the stage and dressing rooms, storage rooms, property rooms, workshops and other rooms appurtenant to the operation thereof, shall be enclosed by walls providing fire resistance of not less than three hours. The floor below the stage block and the floor or roof above the stage block shall be of Type I-A construction.
(b) Protection of Openings.
(1) There shall be no openings in the wall separating the stage from the auditorium except the proscenium opening, one doorway at each side of the proscenium opening at the stage floor level, one doorway at the level of the musicians' pit and, where necessary, a doorway to the organ. Each such doorway shall be not more than 21 square feet in area and shall be protected by an automatic Class A fire door on one side of the wall and a self-closing Class A fire door on the other side of the wall.
(2) The proscenium opening shall be protected by a proscenium curtain or a fire protection system which comply with the requirements of Section 13-84-110.
(3) In the other enclosing walls of the stage block, door openings shall be equipped with approved selfclosing Class D fire doors, and windows shall be approved fire windows. No windows shall be permitted where such walls are located within five feet of a property line other than a street line.
(c) Stage Floor. Trap doors shall be located only in an area not extending beyond the width of the proscenium opening nor within one foot of the proscenium curtain. Trap doors shall be tight-fitting and constructed of solid wood not less than two inches thick and shall be supported by structural members of noncombustible materials. Except within the area where trap doors are permitted for working scenery, traps and appliances, the stage floor shall be of Type I-A construction.
(d) Auxiliary Rooms. Dressing rooms, storage rooms, property rooms, workshops and other rooms appurtenant to the stage shall be of Type I-A or I-B construction and shall be separated from the stage and other parts of the buildings by walls providing fire resistance of not less than one hour. Such rooms and spaces shall be separated from each other by noncombustible partitions providing fire resistance of not less than one hour. No openings connecting such rooms with the stage shall be permitted except the necessary doorways, which shall be protected with self- closing Class C fire doors.
(e) Rigging Lofts. The rigging lofts and fly galleries, including pinrails, shall be of noncombustible materials.
(f) Lighting Troughs. The troughs or frames for footlights and border lights shall be of metal or other noncombustible materials. When disappearing footlights are used, the frame and upper face of the cover may be of hard wood.
(g) Protection of Electrical Equipment. All electrical equipment shall be protected from falling objects and from contact with stage equipment, and shall conform with the electrical requirements of Title 14E
(h) Storage Space in Rooms. All shelving, lockers and similar fixtures in dressing rooms, property rooms or storage rooms, shall be constructed of noncombustible materials.
(Prior code § 54-6.2; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 18; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. II, § 27)
Type 2 stages shall conform to the following construction requirements.
(a) Enclosure. The stage block, including the stage, and dressing rooms, storage rooms, property rooms, workshops and other rooms appurtenant to the operation thereof, shall be enclosed by walls, floors and roof of noncombustible materials providing fire resistance of not less than one hour.
(b) Stage Floor. Except where trap doors are permitted for the working of scenery, traps and appliances, the stage floor shall be of construction not less fire-resistive than Type I-C. The location of trap doors shall conform to the requirements for Type 1 stages.
(c) Auxiliary Rooms. Dressing rooms, storage rooms, property rooms, workshops and other rooms appurtenant to the stage shall be of construction not less fire-resistive than Type I-C.
(d) Equipment. Rigging lofts, lighting troughs and electrical equipment shall conform to the requirements for Type 1 stages.
(e) All shelving, lockers and similar fixtures in dressing rooms, property rooms or storage rooms shall be constructed by noncombustible materials.
(Prior code § 54-6.3)