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(a) Enclosure. Every motion picture projector using flammable films, together with all electrical devices, other film equipment, and all films shall be enclosed in a room as herein required.
(b) Construction. Every projection block shall be enclosed with walls, floors and ceiling providing fire resistance of not less than two hours. All wall and ceiling finish, fixtures and trim of the projection room and rooms appurtenant thereto shall be of noncombustible materials.
(c) [Reserved.]
(d) Protection of Openings. Doors to projection blocks shall be self-closing Class B fire doors. Openings or portholes in projection rooms shall be provided with automatic metal shutters operating in vertical guides, arranged to fall by gravity when released and completely cover the portholes. Such shutters shall be controlled by heat-actuated devices arranged to close all shutters in the projection room automatically. In addition, there shall be provided suitable means for manually closing all shutters from a point within the projection room near each exit door.
Openings and shutters shall conform to the Regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film, Pamphlet No. 40, November, 1953.
(e) Storage Limitations. No provision shall be made in any projection block for storing materials of a combustible nature other than films.
(g) Projection rooms in theaters designed to house more than one motion picture projector shall be provided with not less than one water closet and one lavatory located within the projection block.
(Prior code § 54-6.6; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 18; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. II, § 29)
(a) Bowling pin finishing or refinishing operations shall be performed in a separate building or in a separate room, separated from the other parts of the building by walls or partitions providing fire resistance of not less than two hours. Openings in such walls and partitions shall be protected with Class C fire doors.
(b) Concealed spaces between a ceiling of a bowling alley and the roof construction immediately above shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) Such concealed spaces shall be divided into horizontal areas not exceeding 4,000 square feet by separations providing fire resistance of not less than one hour.
(2) Each concealed space shall be equipped with fire and explosion vents having a net open area of not less than two percent of the horizontal area of the concealed space. Such fire and explosion vents shall be actuated by a device meeting the approval of the fire commissioner and connected with a local alarm placed in the office of the bowling alley.
(3) A gravity type of roof ventilator shall be provided for each concealed space. Such ventilator shall be located at the high point of the roof and shall have a net open area of one square inch for each ten square feet of horizontal area of the concealed space.
(c) Mechanical ventilating systems in bowling alleys shall be equipped with a rate of rise temperatures actuating device to stop operation of fans in the event of fire.
(Prior code § 54-6.7; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 39)
Every Type I school shall comply with the following planning requirements:
(a) Basement Rooms. No floor of a classroom or study room shall be located more than two feet below the building grade adjacent to such rooms except rooms used for shops and other vocation classes.
(b) Fire Department Access Requirements. Excluding exterior wall areas of auditoriums, assembly halls, field houses, gymnasiums, swimming pools and theater areas, exterior wall areas in Type I schools which exceed 100 linear feet without windows, doorways, or other openings shall be provided with fire department access panels at each floor level spaced at intervals not exceeding 50 feet. Such access panels shall be not less than 32 inches wide and 48 inches high with the bottom of the access panel not over 32 inches above the floor. Panels shall be constructed of materials and installed in such a manner to be readily removed by the fire department. Their construction and installation shall be approved by the fire commissioner.
(Prior code § 54-7; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 40)
Every Type III school shall comply with the following planning requirements:
(a) Ceiling Heights. Minimum ceiling height eight feet, in any room; beams or furred spaces constituting not more than 20 percent of the ceiling area may project not more than one foot below the minimum ceiling height.
(b) Basement Rooms. Classrooms in a Type III school shall not be more than two feet below the building grade adjacent to such rooms, except that such classrooms may have floors up to six feet below grade, provided each such room has a direct outside exit.
(Prior code § 54-7.1)
(a) Schools. The capacity of exits in schools shall be computed as follows:
(1) Stairs and other vertical exits: 100 persons per unit of exit width.
(2) Doorways, corridors and horizontal exit connections: 115 persons per unit of exit width.
When lockers are installed in corridors of schools, the full required clear width of the corridor shall be provided between locker doors when open.
(b) Assembly Units Other than Schools. The capacity of exits in assembly units other than schools shall be computed as follows:
(1) Stairs and other vertical exits except in buildings of Type III construction: 60 persons per unit of exit width; in buildings of Type III construction, 40 persons per unit of exit width.
(2) Doorways, corridors and horizontal exit connections: 90 persons per unit of exit width.
(c) Open Plan Schools. The capacity of exits in open plan schools shall be computed as follows:
(1) Stairs and other vertical exits: 85 persons per unit of exit width;
(2) Doorways and other horizontal exits: 100 persons per unit of exit width.
Doors located at the end of an aisle and serving only that aisle shall not be required to have a width greater than the width of the aisle as provided in Section 13-84-230.
(Prior code § 54-8.2; Amend Coun. J. 3-30-88, p. 11380)
(a) Exits shall be located as remote from each other as is practicable. In rooms, spaces or seating levels having fixed seats and requiring more than two exits, the exits shall be so located as to serve both sides of the front half and both sides of the rear half of the seating level.
(b) All required stairs in Type I schools shall open directly to the outside air or to a public vestibule or lobby leading to the outside. The travel distance from the stairway to the outside exit door of such vestibule or lobby shall not exceed 20 feet.
(Prior code § 54-8.3)
(a) In theaters, the foyer at the main floor level shall connect to a public street or streets either directly or through a straight and unobstructed corridor equal in minimum width to the aggregate required width of exit; except that not more than one-third of the aggregate exit width may lead to alleys, courts or exit passageways complying with the requirements of Section 13-84-210. Foyers and connecting corridors may have ramps having a slope of not more than one in 10.
(b) In rooms of assembly units other than theaters, exits may lead to any horizontal or vertical means of exit complying with the requirements of Chapter 13-160.
(c) Vertical exits shall be cumulative between floors in case of open multileveled type spaces such as balconies and mezzanines in theaters.
(Prior code § 54-8.4)