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13-84-230  Aisles and seating.
   All aisles and seating in assembly units shall comply with the requirements of this section.
   (a)   Arrangement of Aisles. Every aisle shall lead to an exit door or to another aisle leading directly to an exit.
   (b)   Seating. No row of seats shall have more than 14 seats between aisles and not more than seven seats abutting an aisle at one end only, with the following exceptions:
      (1)   In assembly units of Type I-A or I-B construction, other than theaters, there may be not more than 20 seats between aisles and not more than ten seats abutting an aisle at one end only.
      (2)   When the distance between rows of seats is increased above that required by Section 13-84-230(e), the number of seats between aisles may be increased by one seat for each inch that such distance is increased; provided, however, that in no case shall there be more than ten seats in a row abutting an aisle on one end only.
      (3)   When the distance between rows of seats is increased above that required in Section 13-84-230(e), by an amount of eight inches, rows not exceeding 48 seats between aisles shall be permitted.
   (c)   Transverse Aisles.
      (1)   Transverse aisles leading to exits shall be provided at the rear of every seating level unless there are exits at the end of each longitudinal aisles.
      (2)   Transverse aisles shall be provided in all seating levels so that in no case shall there be a difference of level exceeding 12 feet between intermediate transverse aisles nor six feet from the lowest seat platform and a transverse aisle; provided, however, that in lieu of such transverse aisles there may be vomitories or other direct exits from each longitudinal aisle located at the same maximum difference of level.
   (d)   Width of Aisles.
      (1)   No aisle shall be less than 36 inches in width except that aisles with seats on one side only, and aisles serving not more than 60 seats, may have a minimum width of 30 inches.
      (2)   Transverse aisles shall have a minimum width of 44 inches.
      (3)   Aisles shall be increased in width where necessary to provide a clear width at every point equal to 18 inches for each 100 persons served. Such increase shall be cumulative in the direction of normal exit.
   (e)   Spacing of Rows.
      (1)   Rows of seats without backs shall be not less than 28 inches apart measured from corresponding points of adjacent rows. Telescoping bleachers without backs shall be not less than 24 inches apart measured from corresponding points of adjacent rows.
      (2)   Rows of seats with backs shall be spaced not less than 34 inches apart, measured back to back except that such distance may be reduced to 32 inches when the thickness of the back does not exceed three- fourths inch.
(Prior code § 54-8.7)