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(a) The facias of boxes, balconies, galleries and at the end of the aisles shall have substantial metal protective railings not less than 30 inches high above the floor. The railings at the foot of steps shall be not less than 36 inches high for the width of the steps.
(b) Cross-aisles, except where the backs of seats on the front of the aisles project 24 inches or more above the floor of the aisles, shall be provided with railings not less than 26 inches high.
(c) In balconies, galleries or other locations where seats are arranged on platforms or successive tiers, and the height of the rise from one platform to another below and in front of it exceeds 21 inches, a substantial railing not less than 26 inches high shall be placed at the edge of the platform along the entire rows of seats.
(Prior code § 54-8.8)
Steps shall not be used in aisles where differences of level can be overcome by ramps having a grade of not more than one in eight. Where steps are used in aisles, such steps shall extend across the full width of aisles and shall be illuminated. Treads and risers shall be as required in Chapter 13-160 of this Code for exit stairs.
(Prior code § 54-8.9)
(a) There shall be not less than two exits from every part of a stage block.
(b) Exits from the stage floor level shall be located at opposite sides of the stage.
(c) One of the required exits from every gridiron shall extend to the roof of the stage block or to a doorway through the wall.
(d) Every stairway located within a stage block shall be constructed of noncombustible materials.
(Prior code § 54-8.10)
In places of public assembly where more than 200 seats are arranged in rows, the seats shall be securely fastened to the floor except as follows:
(a) Seats in boxes and railed-in enclosures having not more than 14 seats.
(b) Temporary seating in a place of assembly secured together in units of not less than five seats.
(Prior code § 54-8.11)
Every floor above the second floor in a school for crippled children shall be served by an elevator or elevators with a floor area of at least four square feet per person, computed on the basis of a carrying capacity of all elevators sufficient to empty the school above the second floor in 20 minutes.
(Prior code § 54-8.12)
Places of assembly shall conform to the following requirements in addition to requirements set forth in other sections of this Code:
(a) Such places of assembly shall provide a clear space in the assembly units for individuals in wheelchairs;
(b) These spaces shall be located so as not to interfere with egress from any row of seats;
(c) Places of assembly with fixed seating arrangements shall provide viewing positions for individuals in wheelchairs in accordance with the following schedule:
Capacity of Assembly Space: | Number of Viewing Spaces: |
Up to 50 seats: | 2 spaces |
51 to 400 seats: | 4 spaces |
401 or more seats: | An even number of spaces not less than 1% of total seats. |
(Prior code § 54-8.13)
Automatic smoke and heat vents shall be installed on the topmost occupied level of every exhibition area at a vent ratio of one square foot of vent area for each 100 square feet of floor area. Vents shall be spaced no greater than 100 feet apart (on centers).
(Prior code § 54-9.1)