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In all buildings more than two stories and attic in height of Types III-B, III-C, and IV-A construction, all basement columns and basement bearing walls shall be of noncombustible materials or of heavy timber construction.
(Prior code § 49-10.1)
(a) Except in single-family and two-family dwellings, floor construction over basements shall provide fire resistance of not less than one hour.
(b) In buildings of Types III-B, III-C, IV-A and IV-B construction, fire protection shall not be required for floor construction over unexcavated spaces below the first floor, nor for floor construction over basements in single-family dwellings.
(Prior code § 49-10.3)
Driveways and loading spaces extending into a building and complying with the requirements of an auxiliary use under the provisions of Section 13-56-250 shall be enclosed as follows:
(a) Except in buildings of industrial or storage occupancy, the floors of such spaces and the floor construction separating such spaces from a floor above shall be of construction providing fire-resistance of not less than three hours. The walls of such spaces shall be of construction not less fire-resistant than required for the exterior walls of the building.
(b) In buildings of industrial and storage occupancy, no enclosures shall be required, provided however, that the floor below such spaces shall be of construction providing fire resistance of not less than three hours.
(Prior code § 49-11)