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All mechanical equipment used in supplying or recirculating air in an exhibition area shall be automatically stopped by smoke detectors. Smoke detectors shall be approved as required in Section 13-84-330 of this Code.
(Prior code § 54-9.5)
All temporary booths erected within assembly units shall comply with the following minimum requirements:
a. One approved battery-operated smoke alarm for each 1,000 square feet of enclosed area; and
b. One approved fire extinguisher for each 1,000 square feet of enclosed area.
(Added Coun. J. 9-15-93, p. 37767; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. VI, § 23)
Areas used for storage of combustible containers in new and existing buildings with exhibition areas shall be enclosed with two-hour fire-resistive construction and shall have a standard sprinkler system as defined in Chapter 15-16 of this Code.
(Prior code § 54-10)
In open plan schools, individual open plan floor areas shall be limited to an area not exceeding 30,000 square feet and a maximum linear dimension of 300 feet, unless an approved automatic sprinkler system, as defined in Chapter 15-16 of this Code, is installed throughout the building. Separation of individual open plan areas shall be achieved by the provision of smoke- stop barriers constructed of noncombustible materials having fire resistant properties not less than that of one- fourth inch thick wired glass installed in steel sash and frames. Doors provided therein shall be not less fire resistant than the barriers on which they are installed, shall close the opening completely with only such clearance as is necessary for proper operation, and shall be equipped with approved self-closing devices. Whenever such doors must be maintained open, approved electro-magnetic hold open devices shall be provided, arranged to close the doors automatically when activated by the building's fire alarm system or by specially installed approved smoke detectors located above such door openings.
(Prior code § 54-11)
Required stair enclosures shall comply with the requirements of Section 15-8-140. All other vertical openings shall be enclosed by smoke-tight partitions having a standard fire resistance of one hour except that vertical openings may remain unprotected in two story high spaces in open plan schools if an approved automatic sprinkler system, as defined in Chapter 15-16 of this Code, is installed throughout the building.
(Prior code § 54-12)
For fire guard requirements, see Chapter 15-4 of this Code.
(Prior code § 54-13)
The owner, lessee or person in charge of every theater, public assembly unit or open air assembly unit shall submit to the department of buildings a diagram indicating the arrangement and number of tables, chairs or seats, and dimensions of dancing space, stages, platforms, aisles and means of exit.
The diagram shall also show the amount and type of scenery permitted on the stage or platform, if there be a stage or platform, and the total yardage of decorations permitted to hang in the audience room or hall. One copy of such diagram, which has been approved by the department of buildings, shall be kept on the premises for which the approval has been granted and shall be conspicuously displayed.
(Prior code § 54-14; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604; Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, § 23; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1)