(a) General Provisions.
(1) Illumination: Illumination of any portable sign is prohibited.
(2) Hours of Display.
A. Signs shall not be displayed on any premises before 6:00 AM and shall be removed each day at or before 10:00 PM
B. All portable signs must be taken in during inclement weather.
(b) Sandwich Board or A-frame Signs. Sandwich board signs that comply with the requirements in this sub-section shall not be included in the determination of the type, number, or area of signs allowed on a Property.
(1) Number: One (1) sandwich board sign is permitted per establishment. For the purposes of this subsection, a parking garage or parking lot shall be considered an establishment.
(2) Area: Each sign shall have a maximum area of seven (7) sq. ft. per sign face.
(3) Height: Signs shall have a maximum height of three and one-half (3.5) feet.
(4) Sign Placement.
A. If a sign is located on a public or private sidewalk, a minimum of 36 inches of unobstructed sidewalk clearance must be maintained between the sign and any building or other obstruction.
B. The sign must be located within 12 feet of the primary public entrance, of a legally-permitted business establishment. For the purposes of this subsection, a public entrance includes a vehicular entrance into a parking garage or parking lot.
C. Portable signs shall be weighted, temporarily secured, or strategically placed so as to avoid being carried away by high winds.
(5) Manual Changeable Copy.
A. Manual changeable copy signs are permitted when integrated into a sandwich board sign.
(Ord. 25-2019. Passed 2-25-19.)
(a) The sign permit applicant should include manufacturer affidavit verifying that the sign has been factory pre-set not to exceed 5,000 nits ( candles per square meter) in the daytime and 250 nits in the evening.
(b) The sign should include an automatic light sensing device and should autodim during evening hours.
(c) Only one EMU per site where permitted.
(d) All requirements as set fmth within General Requirements, Digital Display and all other requirements herein.
(e) Electronic Message Units (EMU's) shall be allowed in B-3 General Business through I-2 Heavy Industrial Districts subject to the following requirements:
(1) When located as pait of a free standing sign, EMU signs should be situated on the lower or middle third of a monument sign with a brick or masonry base.
(2) Display must remain on for ten (10) seconds minimally.
(f) EMU's shall be allowed in Community Service Districts subject to the following requirements:
(1) Twenty (20) feet from a property line abutting OS, CS, and/or 5 Residential Zoning Districts.
(2) Signs in the premises of institutional uses (schools, houses of worship, etc.) should use only monochromatic, amber or red text on a black background.
(3) Digital signs should not have direct sight-lines to windows of existing residences.
(4) An EMU shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area nor eight (8) feet in height.
(5) An EMU shall be placed as a ground/monument sign.
(Ord. 164-2020. Passed 9-14-20.)
(a) Aerial banners across streets shall be allowed after first having permission of the Property owner, road and a zoning permit issued.
(b) Temporary banners made of canvas or other sturdy, flexible material, not exceeding 4 feet in depth may be suspended over and across the public right of way only in locations which have been equipped with banner connectors and approved by the City for that purpose. Access shall be granted to nonprofit, educational, charitable or civic organizations to carry announcements of public events or fund raisers serving a public purpose in the City. No banner will be displayed which contains political material, or seeks to influence the outcome of an election or the determination of public policy.
(c) Banners shall be installed and removed by sign contractors with a valid City of Canton sign contractor's license. In the event that a banner remains on display after the expiration of the permit, City employees may remove such banner at the expense of the applicant organization. City employees may install and remove banners at the request of the organization, provided that an additional fee to reimburse the cost to the City shall be charged for each such banner. (Ord. 25-2019. Passed 2-25-19.)
(a) Street banners across streets shall be allowed after first having a zoning permit issued.
(b) Special Event Banners announce non-profit events or community activities of public interest and may identify a sponsor in accordance with the guidelines on sponsorships.
(c) Identification Banners specifically identify the location of a particular geographic area or institution and may include other information in accordance with the guidelines on "contents".
(d) Contents:
(1) Banner shall display graphics, which may be supplemented by lettering, for the purpose of identifying and presenting information regarding a geographic district within the City or non-profit institutions or community facilities or for the purpose of announcing special events of a cultural, civic or community nature. Banners may not be used to display Alcohol-related or tobacco-related content any other type of information.
(2) More specifically, banners shall display no information which identifies or advertises for-profit businesses, except for permitted "sponsorship" information, or which seeks to gain competitive advantage for any organization or business, either for-profit or non-profit, through the use of language regarding sales, prices, phone numbers, or any statements or slogans which claim or imply that one organization or entity is "better" than other similar organizations.
(e) Commercial institutions, corporations and/or foundations that are sponsors of an event may be credited (and occupy no more than 10% of the total banner) on a 12-inch section of the Special Event banner; usually measured from the bottom hemline. Company names and logos may be acceptable to signify sponsorship; however, no addresses, telephone numbers, or other forms of advertising are permitted. Such entities may not be credited with sponsorship on an Identification Banner.
(f) Banners shall be constructed of high-quality, flame retardant awning fabric (no vinyl).
(g) Dimensions for single-hung banners shall be between 31 by 72 inches minimum and 31 by 99 inches' maximum when measured flat and shall be printed on both sides. Dimensions for double-hung banners shall be 31 by 72 inches each, measured flat and each shall be printed on both sides.
(h) The graphic content of banners should enhance the attractiveness of the surrounding area and should symbolically represent the subject matter. The background of a banner should be a single primary color (red, green, blue, etc.). A white background is not recommended.
(i) Location:
(1) Banners shall be hung so they do not obstruct traffic signals, signs or railroad signals.
(2) No cross-street banner shall be hung within 150 feet of a traffic signal.
(3) The minimum clearance below a banner hung over a sidewalk is 10 feet. The minimum clearance below a banner hung over a street is 18 feet.
(j) Length of Exposure:
(1) The minimum length a banner may be displayed is 30 days.
(2) The maximum length a banner may be displayed is 60 days. Under special circumstances, generic banners may be allowed to be displayed for up to one year.
(3) Special Event banners must be removed within seven days of the conclusion of the event.
(k) Defective or damaged banners must be removed as soon as possible.
(l) Applications for a permit shall be made by the organization sponsoring the event to the Director of Public Safety. A permit fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be charged regardless of the number of banner sites.
(Ord. 25-2019. Passed 2-25-19.)
(a) Neighborhood association vertical banners shall be allowed after first having a zoning permit issued.
(b) Vertical banners may be suspended from lampposts or other utility poles in City neighborhoods for the purpose of identifying that specific locality in the City. Access to lampposts or utility poles in the City's right of way may be granted to nonprofit, neighborhood associations provided the owner of the pole gives written permission to the City.
(Ord. 25-2019. Passed 2-25-19.)