In the most current comprehensive plan, and subsequent amendments approved by Council, Core Targeted Investment Areas have been identified, encompassing the areas noted below, to coordinate public and private investment and to develop in a manner that preserves the contextual neighborhood character, while supporting new investment and development. Subsequently, Target Investment Zones (TIZ) have been developed including design guidelines that incorporate form-based principles to encourage fully integrated pedestrian oriented traditional neighborhood design standards as set forth in Chapter 1177 of this Title XIX.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)
The intent of the TIZ is to create a zoning mechanism that will enable the land area within these designated zones to be developed in a responsible yet efficient manner. Because the TIZ's are proposed to create a comprehensively designed and often mixed use environment, with a variety of land uses carefully integrated horizontally and vertically in a compact form, a conventional zoning approach and district(s) that separates land uses into single-use areas is unworkable and inappropriate for the development and redevelopment of these areas. Accordingly, the TIZ's are hereby created to accommodate and facilitate investment and development in the following areas as identified in the most current comprehensive plan, and subsequent amendments approved by Council, with the exception of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Village Area, for which a separate and individual zoning district (Title XV) has been established, and the exclusion of the Timken Steel Area:
• Aultman Hospital Area Neighborhood
• Mercy Area Neighborhood
• The Shorb Corridor Area
• Downtown Canton
As an overlay zone, the underlying zoning designations remain intact and apply to all existing single and two family residential properties (unless otherwise stated) and said properties are not required to utilize the TIZ designation and related provisions and requirements. The TIZ designation and related provisions and requirements shall apply to existing multi-family and commercial uses/properties within the designated areas and all new construction of commercial, multi-family, public, and institutional uses. While the intent of the TIZ's is to create higher density, mixed-use, traditional neighborhood development, other innovative and creative developments can be considered by the Commission (and Council).
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)