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Canton Overview
Codified Ordinances of Canton, OH
TITLE ONE - Planning
TITLE THREE - Subdivisions
CHAPTER 1111 Platting Rules and Regulations
CHAPTER 1121 Preamble
CHAPTER 1122 Repeal and Validity
CHAPTER 1123 Policy Statement
CHAPTER 1124 Zoning Districts and Maps
CHAPTER 1126 Minimum Standards
CHAPTER 1127 Multiple Standards
CHAPTER 1128 Prohibitions
CHAPTER 1129 Meanings Generally
CHAPTER 1130 Terms and Words Defined
CHAPTER 1131 Definitions
CHAPTER 1132 Applicability
CHAPTER 1133 Nonconforming Uses, Approach to
CHAPTER 1134 General Provisions
CHAPTER 1135 Exceptions and Modifications
CHAPTER 1136 Purpose - Residential Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1137 Bulk and Area Requirements - Residential Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1138 Permitted Uses - Residential Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1139 Permitted Accessory Buildings and Structures
CHAPTER 1140 Permitted Accessory Uses
CHAPTER 1141 Public Utilities in Residential Districts
CHAPTER 1142 Garage Sales in Residential Districts
CHAPTER 1143 Repair of Motor Vehicles
CHAPTER 1144 R-5 Planned Unit Development District
CHAPTER 1145 Purpose - Business and Industrial Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1146 Bulk and Area Requirements - Business and Industrial Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1147 Permitted Uses - Business and Industrial Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1148 Special Provisions for Business and Industrial Uses
CHAPTER 1149 Accessory Uses
CHAPTER 1150 Outdoor Storage
CHAPTER 1151 Outdoor Merchandise Display in Business Zones
CHAPTER 1152 Drive-Thru Windows
CHAPTER 1153 Outdoor Dining Areas and Sidewalk Cafes
CHAPTER 1154 Purpose and Intent
CHAPTER 1155 General Requirements
CHAPTER 1156 Submittal Process
CHAPTER 1157 Review Criteria
CHAPTER 1158 Bulk and Area Requirements
CHAPTER 1159 Permitted Uses
CHAPTER 1160 Accessory Uses and Structures
CHAPTER 1161 Required Parking and Loading, On-Site and Off-Site
CHAPTER 1162 Purpose - Special Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1163 Permitted Uses - Special Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1164 Bulk and Area Requirements - Special Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1165 Accessory Uses - Special Zoning Districts
CHAPTER 1166 Flood Hazard Zoning District
CHAPTER 1167 Urban Garden District
CHAPTER 1168 Live-Work Overlay District
CHAPTER 1169 Purpose and Intent
CHAPTER 1170 Permitted Uses
CHAPTER 1171 General Requirements
CHAPTER 1172 Submission Requirements
CHAPTER 1173 General Development Plan
CHAPTER 1174 Parking Demand and Management Study
CHAPTER 1175 Review Criteria
CHAPTER 1176 Target Investment Zones
CHAPTER 1177 Traditional Neighborhood Design Standards
CHAPTER 1178 Pedestrian Overlay District
CHAPTER 1179 Urban Form Overlay District
CHAPTER 1180 Purpose
CHAPTER 1181 Intent
CHAPTER 1182 Sustainable Development
CHAPTER 1183 Landscape Requirements
CHAPTER 1184 Off-street Loading and Parking Requirements
CHAPTER 1185 Outdoor Illumination
CHAPTER 1186 Refuse Storage
CHAPTER 1187 Signs
CHAPTER 1188 Wall Murals
CHAPTER 1189 Windmills and Wind Turbines
CHAPTER 1190 Solar Energy Systems
CHAPTER 1191 Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
CHAPTER 1192 Satellite Dish Antennae
CHAPTER 1193 Sexually Oriented Businesses
CHAPTER 1194 Enforcement
CHAPTER 1195 Administrative Agencies and Duties
CHAPTER 1196 Zoning Amendments
CHAPTER 1197 Appeals and Variances
CHAPTER 1198 Conditional Uses
   The following signs shall be prohibited within the City:
   (a)   Roof mounted billboards and advertising signs extending above the roof line.
   (b)   Signs on public or private benches in the public right of way. However, signs on private benches on golf courses or entertainment areas not able to be viewed from the public right of way may be allowed after first obtaining approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals and obtaining zoning permits.
   (c)   Signs tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued, or otherwise attached to utility/traffic poles, trees, stakes, fences, or other objects, or placed on any public property or in the public right-of-way and the edge of a sidewalk; or on any private property without the permission of the Property owner.
   (d)   Pole signs in OS Open Space, CS Community Service, and residential districts R-1 thru R-5 except as regulated by other sections of this Chapter.
   (e)   Permanently installed air activated signs and inflatable attention devices, such as air filled balloons, pinwheels, and other similar devices.
   (f)   Vehicular signs. Any sign attached to, or placed on, a vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property, except for signs meeting all of the following conditions:
      (1)   The primary purpose of such a vehicle or trailer is not the display of signs.
      (2)   The signs are magnetic, decals, or painted upon an integral part of the vehicle or equipment as originally designed by the manufacturer, and do not break the silhouette of the vehicle.
      (3)   The vehicle or trailer is in operating condition, currently registered, insured and licensed to operate on public streets when applicable, and actively used or available for use in the daily function of the business to which such signs relate.
   (g)   Mechanical movement signs, including revolving signs.
   (h)   Pennant strings and streamers.
   (i)   Any signs that imitate, resemble, interfere with, or obstruct official traffic lights, signs, or signals.
   (j)   Signs which prevent free ingress or egress from any door, window, fire escape, or that prevent free access from one part of a roof to any other part. No sign other than a safety sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape.
   (k)   Signs which emit smoke, visible vapors, particulate matter, sound, odor or contain open flames.
   (l)   Reflective signs or signs containing mirrors.
   (m)   Signs incorporating beacon or festoon lighting.
   (n)   Signs erected without the permission of the Property owner, with the exception of those authorized or required by local, state, or federal government.
   (o)   Abandoned Signs.
      (Ord. 25-2019. Passed 2-25-19.)
   The following signs shall be allowed without a sign permit and shall not be included in the determination of the type, number, or area of permanent signs allowed within a zoning district, provided such signs comply with the regulations in this section, if any.
   (a)   Official traffic signs.
   (b)   Government/regulatory signs.
   (c)   Signs inside a building, or other enclosed facility, which are not meant to be viewed from the outside, and are located greater than three (3) feet from the window.
   (d)   Address signs - Up to two (2) signs stating address, number and/or name of occupants of the premises.
      (1)   Residential districts. Signs not to exceed three (3) sq. ft. in area.
      (2)   Non-residential districts. Signs not to exceed five (5) sq. ft. in area.
   (e)   Public signs - Signs erected or required by government agencies or utilities, including traffic, utility, safety, railroad crossing, and identification or directional signs for public facilities.
   (f)   Flagpoles, Flags and pennants not on a string::
      (1)   Location. Flags shall not be located within any right-of-way.
      (2)   Height. Flags shall have a maximum height of thirty (30) ft.
      (3)   Number. No more than three (3) flags per lot.
      (4)   Size. Maximum flag size is twenty-four (24) sq. ft. in residential districts, thirty-five (35) sq. ft. in all other districts.
   (g)    Legal notices.
   (h)    Memorial signs, public monument or historical identification sign erected by the City of Canton, including plaque signs up to three (3) sq. ft. in area.
   (i)    Signs which are a permanent architectural feature of a building or structure, existing at the time of adoption of this ordinance.
   (j)    Temporary signs in accordance with Regulations by Sign Type.
   (k)    ATMs. Signs which are an integral pati of an ATM stmcture as originally designed by the manufacturer, and which do not break the silhouette of the ATM.
   (l)   City of Canton Directional and Information Kiosks located within the Pubic right-of-ways, City property or after first having permission of the Property owner in B-5 Central Business District, Target Investment Zones and Destination Districts.
   (m)    Holiday decorations associated with any generally recognized national, local or religious holiday.
   (n)   Illuminated building accents.
   (o)    Large format video board/ electronic message units ( digital display) and digital kiosks being a programmatic element of Centennial Plaza, located within a Destination District.   (Ord. 164-2020. Passed 9-14-20.)
   Signage can contribute to creating strong building identity when it is well integrated with the design of the adjacent or supporting architecture. A project's signage program must begin during design development to better achieve integration with the architecture. Signs should add
interest to the street frontage and overall environs and should be appropriate in both scale and character.
   (a)   A comprehensive signage plan that includes all signs, both existing and proposed, must be provided.
   (b)   Context, Compatibility and Character.
      (1)   The location, size and appearance of signs should contribute to street activity and enhance the street-level experience that is appropriate to each district or neighborhood.
      (2)   Establishing a rhythm along the street-level facade through continuity and spacing of signs helps to create human scale.
      (3)   Historic buildings with ground floor retail shall have signs that do not obscure the architecture, but are integrated into the original or restored storefront elements.
      (4)   Because residential and commercial uses generally exist in close proximity, signs should be designed and located so that they have little or no impact on adjacent residential neighborhoods.
      (5)   No sign shall imitate governmental signs or signs used in emergencies.
      (6)   The scale of signs should be appropriate for the building on which they are placed and area in which they are located. The size and shape of a sign should be proportional with the scale of the structure.
      (7)   Signage should be used to help distinguish the ground level of a building from the upper levels of a building.
      (8)   Creativity and individual expression in the design and placement of signs are encouraged.
      (9)   Retail signs should be appropriately scaled for the primary viewing audience.
   (c)   Sign Location.
      (1)   No sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger pedestrians, bicyclists, or traffic on a street by obscuring the view or by interfering with official street signs or signals by virtue of position or color.
      (2)   Visibility at Intersections. Signs shall be located and designed so as to maintain a substantially clear view between two and one-half (2.5) feet and eight (8) feet above grade in a triangle formed by intersecting street right-of-way lines and a line thirty (30) feet from the point where the street lines intersect. At the intersection of a driveway and a public street, such triangle shall be defined by the street right-of-way line, the driveway pavement edge and a line ten (10) feet from the point of intersection.
      (3)   Signs and their supporting structures shall maintain clearance and noninterference with all surface and underground utility and communications lines or equipment.
      (4)   Pylon, Freestanding Pole, monument or ground, excluding billboards, will be a minimum of ten (10) feet from the nearest street lines.
      (5)   Billboards shall be freestanding and located twenty-five (25) feet from the nearest edge of roadways and all other property lines.
   (d)   Sign Materials and Construction: Every sign shall be constructed of durable materials, using noncorrosive fastenings; shall be structurally safe and erected or installed in strict accordance with the Ohio Building Code; and shall be maintained in safe condition and good repair at all times.
      (1)   The selected materials should be compatible with the design of the facade on which they are placed and contribute to the legibility of the sign. For example, glossy finishes are often difficult to read due to glare and reflection.
      (2)   Colors should be selected to contribute to legibility and design integrity. For example, too many colors used thoughtlessly can confuse the reader and negate the message of a sign.
      (3)   Contrast is important to the legibility of signs. A substantial contrast should be provided between the color and material of the background and the letters or symbols to make the sign easier to read in both day and night. For example, light letters on a dark background or dark letters on alight background are most legible.
   (e)   Sign Area.
      (1)   The area of a sign shall mean the area of all lettering, wording, and accompanying designs, logos, and symbols. The area of a sign shall not include any supporting framework, bracing or trim which is incidental to the display, provided that it does not contain any lettering, wording, or symbols.
      (2)   Where the sign consists of individual letters, designs, or symbols attached to a building, awning, or wall, the area shall be that of the smallest rectangle which encompasses all of the letters, designs, and symbols.
      (3)   Signs may be double-sided.
         A.   Only one (1) side shall be considered when determining the sign area, provided that the faces are equal in size, the interior angle formed by the faces is less than forty-five (45) degrees, and the two faces are not more than eighteen (18) inches apart.
         B.    Where the faces are not equal in size, but the interior angle formed by the faces is less than forty-five (45) degrees and the two (2) faces are not more than eighteen (18) inches apart, the larger sign face shall be used as the basis for calculating sign area.
         C.    When the interior angle formed by the faces is greater than forty-five (45) degrees, or the faces are greater than eighteen (18) inches apart, all sides of such sign shall be considered in calculating the sign area.
      (4)   Signs that consist of, or have attached to them, one or more three- dimensional or irregularly shaped objects, shall have a sign area of the sum of two adjacent vertical sign faces of the smallest cube encompassing the sign or object.
      (5)   If elements of a sign are movable or flexible, such as a flag or banner, the measurement is taken when the elements are fully extended and parallel to the plane of view.
      (6)   The permitted maximum area for all signs is determined by the sign type, the zoning district in which the sign is located, and, in certain cases, the use with which it is associated.
   (f)   Sign Height.
      (1)   Sign height shall be measured as the distance from the highest portion of the sign to the mean finished grade of the street closest to the sign. In the case of a sign located greater than 100 feet from a public street, height shall be measured to the mean grade at the base of the sign.
      (2)   Clearance for freestanding and projecting signs shall be measured as the smallest vertical distance between finished grade and the lowest point of the sign, including any framework or other structural elements.
      (3)   The permitted maximum height for all signs is determined by the sign type, the zoning district in which the sign is located, and, in certain cases, the use with which it is associated.
   (g)   Sign Spacing: The spacing between sign structures shall be measured as a straight-line distance between the closest edges of each sign.
   (h)   Sign Illumination.
      (1)   Signs may be illuminated, unless otherwise specified herein, consistent with the following standards:
         A.    Location. The summary table below provides detailed information about what types of illumination are permitted in each zoning district.
         B.    Light sources to illuminate signs shall neither be visible from any street right-of-way, nor cause glare hazardous or distracting to pedestrians, vehicle drivers, or adjacent properties.
         C.    No more than 0.2 foot-candle of light shall be detectable at the boundary of any abutting Property.
         D.    Hours of Operation:
            i.    Signs on non-residential properties may be illuminated from 5:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., or one-half (½) hour past the close of any legally permitted business located on the same property as the sign, whichever is later.
            ii.   Signs shall provide an automatic timer to comply with the intent of this Section.
         E.    Brightness: Digital displays are subject to the following brightness limits:
            i.   During daylight hours between sumise and sunset, luminance shall be no greater than five thousand (5,000) nits.
            ii.   At all other times, luminance shall be no greater than two hundred fifty (250) nits and illuminance shall be no greater than 0.3 foot candles above ambient light levels, as measured at the distance specified in subsection (h)(7) hereof, Digital Display Illumination Measurement Criteria.
            iii.   Each sign must have a light sensing device that will automatically adjust the brightness of the display as the natural ambient light conditions change to comply with the limits set herein.
         F.    Message Duration: The minimum length of time each message may be displayed on a digital display or Tri-Vision Board sign shall be regulated as follows:
            i.   Thirty (30) seconds for signs oriented towards a limited-access roadway.
            ii.   Twenty (20) seconds for all other automatic changeable copy signs.
         G.    Existing Signs: Signs legally in existence at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance shall be operated in conformance with these regulations unless a variation is authorized.
      (2)   Types of Illumination: Where permitted, illumination may be:
         A.    External: Externally illuminated signs, where permitted, are subject to the following regulations:
            i.   The source of the light must be concealed by translucent covers.
            ii.    External illumination shall be by a steady, stationary light source, shielded and directed solely at the sign. The light source must be static in color.
         B.    Internal: Internally illuminated signs, where permitted, are subject to the following regulations:
            i.   Internal illumination, including neon lighting, must be static in intensity and color.
            ii.    Digital displays are permitted in accordance with the regulations contained here within.
      (3)   Digital display signs are subject to the following regulations in addition to all other requirements established in this Section.
         A.    Sign Type: Digital displays are only permitted in the form of freestanding and wall signs, in accordance with the regulations established herein.
         B.    Height: A digital display shall have the same height limits as for other permitted signs of the same type and location.
         C.    Area:
            i.   Freestanding signs.
               •    Digital displays oriented towards roadways with speed limits lower than thirty-five (35) miles per hour or with fewer than four (4) automobile travel lanes shall not exceed more than twelve (12) square feet in area.
               •    Digital displays oriented towards roadways with speed limits at or above thirty-five (35) miles per hour and with at least four (4) automobile travel lanes shall not exceed more than sixteen (16) square feet in area.
            ii.    Wall signs. Digital displays shall not exceed more than ten (10) square feet in area.
         D.    Maximum Number per Property: Where permitted, one (I) digital display sign is permitted per Property.
         E.    Message Display:
            i.   One message/display may be brighter than another, but each individual message/display must be static in intensity.
            ii.   The content of a digital display must transition by changing instantly, with no transition graphics. For example, no fade-out or fade-in.
            iii.   Default Design: The sign shall contain a default design which shall freeze the sign message in one position if a malfunction should occur.
         F.    Conversion of a permitted non-digital sign to a digital sign requires the issuance of a permit pursuant to Permits and Applications.
         G.    The addition of any digital display to a nonconforming sign is prohibited.
         H.    Existing Signs: Signs legally in existence at the time of the adoption of this section shall be operated in conformance with these regulations unless a variation is authorized under the provisions herein.
      (4)   Electrical Standards.
         A.    Permits for illuminated signs will not be issued without an electrical permit, if required. Applications for electrical permits shall be filed at the same time as the sign permit application.
         B.    All work shall be completed in full compliance with the City of Canton Building Code as set forth in the Ohio Building Code.
         C.    The electrical supply to all exterior signs, whether to the sign itself or to lighting fixtures positioned to illuminate the sign, shall be provided by means of concealed electrical cables. Electrical supply to freestanding signs shall be provided by means of underground cables.
         D.    The owner of any illuminated sign shall arrange for a certification showing compliance with the brightness standards set forth herein by an independent contractor and provide the certification documentation to the City of Canton as a condition precedent to the issuance of a sign permit.
      (5)   Glare Control: Glare control shall be achieved primarily through the use of such means as cutoff fixtures, shields, and baffles, and appropriate application of fixture mounting height, wattage, aiming angle, and fixture placement. Vegetation screens shall not be employed to serve as the primary means for controlling glare.
      (6)   Illumination Standards by District.
Table of Illumination Standards by District
Zoning District
Illumination Type
Size Limitation
Digital Display
Automatic Changeable Copy Signs
Residential Districts
Business Districts
15 square feet
Industrial Districts
15 square feet
Hall of Fame Village District
Special Zoning Districts; OS, CS, FH, UG, and LWO
Target Investment Zones including PO and UFO Districts
Limited Duration Signs
Temporary Signs
Portable Signs
(1) Limited Duration, Temporary and Portable Signs are subject to the illumination regulations governing Limited Duration, Temporary and Portable Signs, rather than the illumination standards governing the specific district where the sign is located.
(2) ^ Certain exemptions apply to parks and stadiums.
P = Permitted, N= Not Permitted, and N/A = Not Applicable
      (7)   Digital Display Illumination Measurement Criteria.
         A.    The luminance of a Digital Display shall be measured with a luminance meter.
         B.    The illuminance of a Digital Display shall be measured with an illuminance meter set to measure foot candles accurate to at least two decimals. All measurements shall be taken as close as practical to a perpendicular plane of the sign at the distance determined by the total square footage of the Digital Display as set forth in the Sign Area of a Sign versus Measurement Distance table.
Area of Sign (SF)
Measurement (Feet)
(Ord. 164-2020. Passed 9-14-20.)
   Sign area shall be measured (See Illustration #10).
Sign Type Diagram
Illustration #10
(Ord. 25-2019. Passed 2-25-19.)
   (a)   Building or Wall Signs.
      (1)   No portion of a wall sign shall be mounted less than eight (8) feet above the finished grade or extend out more than twelve (12) inches from the building wall on which it is affixed. If the wall sign projects less than three (3) inches from the building wall on which it is affixed, the eight-foot height requirement need not be met.
   (b)   Canopy or Awning Signs.
      (1)   A canopy or awning without lettering, advertising, or other symbols shall not be regulated as a sign.
      (2)   Canopy or awning signs must be centered within or over architectural elements such as windows or doors.
      (3)   No awning or canopy sign shall be wider than the building wall or tenant space it covers.
      (4)   Sign Placement.
         A.   Signs are permitted on the front and side vertical faces of the awning or canopy, and on the top or angled portion of the awning or canopy.
         B.   Signs on the top or angled portion of the awning or canopy may not exceed three square feet on any one awning or canopy.
      (5)   Sign Height.
         A.   The lowest edge of the canopy or awning sign shall be at least eight (8) feet above the finished grade.   
      (6)   Awnings above the ground floor may be fixed, provided they do not project more than four (4) feet from the face of the building.
      (7)   Multi-tenant Buildings. If the awning or canopy sign is mounted on a multi-tenant building, all awning or canopy signs shall be similar in terms of height, projection, and style across all tenants in the building.
   (c)   Projecting or Blade Signs.
      (1)   Projecting Signs over sidewalks or public rights of way shall only be allowed within B-5 Central Business District, the Hall of Fame Village District, and the Target Investment Zones and Pedestrian/Urban Form Overlay Districts.
      (2)   No portion of a projecting signs shall project more than five (5) feet from the face of the building.
      (3)   The outermost portion of a projecting sign shall project no closer than three (3) feet from a curb line or shoulder of a public street.
      (4)   Sign Height. The lowest edge of a projecting sign shall be at least eight (8) feet above the finished grade.
   (d)   Marquee Signs.
      (1)   Marquee's shall be limited to the B-5 Central Business District.
      (2)   No portion of a marquee sign shall project more than five (5) feet from the face of the building.
      (3)   Such signs shall be located only above the principal public entrance of a building facing a public street or parking lot.
      (4)   No marquee shall be wider than the entrance it serves, plus two (2) feet on each side thereof.
      (5)   No marquee shall extend closer to the curb than three (3) feet.
      (6)   Sign Height.
         A.   No portion of a marquee sign shall extend vertically above the eave.
         B.   The lowest edge of the marquee sign shall be at least ten (10) feet above the finished grade.
   (e)   Freestanding Pole, Monument or Ground Signs.
      (1)   Freestanding signs should be of a ground-mounted monument style and signage for multi-tenant buildings, that exceed three (3) businesses, should be limited to the name of anchor tenant, building or plaza. Lighting of signs should be inconspicuous or concealed.
      (2)   Individual tenant sign panels should be uniform in size recognizing that the major tenant, or the name of the center may have a slightly larger sign panel.
      (3)   Sign panels should be limited in size to the width of the architectural support elements of the sign.
      (4)   The sign structure should be architecturally designed and incorporate design details, materials and colors of the associated building.
      (5)   Masonry or stone bases are strongly encouraged, and support poles should be entirely concealed.
      (6)   Signs should be situated in a curbed, planted island or area a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet in area.
      (7)   Freestanding signs should generally not exceed six (6) feet in height.
      (8)   The lowest edge of any freestanding pole sign shall be either less than four (4) feet or greater than six (6) feet above the ground.
      (9)   Freestanding ground signs shall be supported and permanently placed by embedding, anchoring, or connecting the sign in such a manner as to incorporate it into the landscape or architectural design scheme.
         A.   A free-standing ground sign exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area and located in front of a "Specific or Setback Building Line" or in a front yard area shall be set within a curbed, planted island or area a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet in area.
      (10)   Sign Placement.
         A.   All freestanding signs shall be set back ten (10) feet from the nearest street lines, except for official traffic signs and government/regulatory signs.
         B.   No freestanding sign may occupy an area designated for parking, loading, walkways, driveways, fire lane, easement, cartway of the right-of-way or other areas required to remain unobstructed.
   (f)   Manual Changeable Copy Signs.
      (1)   Manual changeable copy signs are permitted only when integrated into a freestanding, marquee, wall, or portable sign.
   (g)   Upper Level Building Signs.
      (1)   Upper Level Building Signs shall be Wall Signs. Changeable Copy is prohibited.
      (2)   Upper Level Building Signs shall only be made of letters and symbols individually-mounted to the surface upon which they are attached. The use of raceways is prohibited.
   (h)   Roof Signs.
      (1)   Rooftop mounted signs and building-mounted signs erected upon, against, or over the roof of a building and/or extending above the roof line shall be permitted within B-5 Central Business District after first having a zoning permit issued.
      (2)   A roof sign shall be set back from the ends of the building or party wall lines a minimum distance of two (2) feet.
   (i)   Billboards.
      (1)   Billboards/off-premise signs, not exceeding 700 square feet in size, fifty feet in height, twenty-five feet from any property line and the nearest edge of roadway, and 500 feet from any other billboard/off-premise sign, residential structure, place of religious worship, accredited school or college, or institution for human care. Such off-premise signs may utilize electronic message unit devices following illumination types shall be permitted subject to the general regulations outlined in 1187.07, except for:
         A.   Words, numbers and pictures may be displayed.
         B.   Display may be kept on for eight seconds.
         C.   There shall be no maximum height for numbers and lettering.
         D.   There shall be no restrictions on colors.
            (Ord. 25-2019. Passed 2-25-19.)
   (a)   Limited duration signs in Section 1187.02 Definitions, located on private property are subject to the regulations set forth below. Limited Duration signs that comply with the requirements in this subsection shall not be included in the determination of the type, number, or area of signs allowed on a Property. (Note: Regulations of this chapter do not apply to banners displayed in the public right-of-way).
   (b)   Size and Number.
      (1)   Non-Residential Districts:
         A.   Large Limited Durations Signs: One (1) large limited duration sign is permitted per Property in all non-residential districts. If a Property is greater than five (5) acres in size and has at least 400 feet of street frontage or has more than 10,000 square feet of floor area, one (1) additional large limited duration sign may be permitted so long as there is a minimum spacing of 200 feet between the two (2) large limited duration signs.
            i.   Type:
               •   Building or Wall sign
               •   Freestanding Pole, Monument or Ground sign
               •   Window sign
               •   Banner
            ii.   Area: Each large limited duration sign shall have a maximum area of 16 sq. ft.
            iii.   Height: Large limited duration signs that are freestanding shall have a maximum height of eight (8) feet.
         B.   Small Limited Duration Signs: In addition to the large limited duration sign(s) outlined above, one (1) small limited duration sign is permitted per Property in all nonresidential zones. If a Property is greater than five (5) acres in size and has at least 400 feet of street frontage or has more than 10,000 square feet of floor area, one (1) additional small sign may be permitted.
            i.   Type:
               •   Building or Wall sign
               •   Freestanding Pole, Monument or Ground sign
               •   Window sign
            ii.   Area: Each small limited duration sign shall have a maximum area of six (6) sq. ft.
            iii.   Height: Small limited duration signs that are freestanding shall have a maximum height of six (6) feet.
      (2)   Residential Districts:
         A.   Large Limited Duration Sign: One (1) large limited duration sign is permitted per Property so long as the Property is greater than five (5) acres in size and has at least 400 feet of street frontage or has more than 10,000 square feet of floor area.
            i.   Type:
               •   Building or Wall sign
               •   Freestanding Pole, Monument or Ground sign
               •   Window sign
               •   Banner
            ii.   Area: Each large limited duration sign shall have a maximum area of 16 sq. ft.
            iii.   Height: Large limited duration signs that are freestanding shall have a maximum height of eight (8) feet.
         B.   Small Limited Duration Sign: One (1) small limited duration sign is permitted per Property.
            i.   Type:
               •   Building or Wall sign
               •   Freestanding Pole, Monument or Ground sign
               •   Window sign
               •   Wall sign
            ii.   Area: Each small limited duration sign shall have a maximum area of six (6) sq. ft.
            iii.   Height: Small limited duration signs that are freestanding shall have a maximum height of six (6) feet.
         C.   Installation and Maintenance.
            i.   All limited duration signs must be installed such that in the opinion of the City of Canton building official, they do not create a safety hazard.
            ii.   All limited duration signs must be made of durable materials and shall be well-maintained.
            iii.   Limited duration signs that are frayed, torn, or broken will be deemed unmaintained and required to be removed.
         D.   Illumination: Illumination of any limited duration sign is prohibited.
Table of Sign Regulations by Type - Limited Duration Signs
Non-Residential Districts
Residential Districts
Large Limited Duration Signs (max. area 16 sq. ft.)
Number: 1 per property, 2 if property is 5+ acres with 400+ ft. of street frontage or has > 10,000 square feet of floor area.
Height: Maximum 8 ft.
1 per property if property is 5+ acres with 400+ ft. of street frontage or has > 10,000 square feet of floor area.
Height: Maximum 8 ft.
Small Limited Duration Signs (max. area 6 sq. ft.)
Number: 1 per property; 2 if property is 5+ acres with 400+ ft. of frontage or has > 10,000 square feet of floor area.
Height: Maximum 6 ft.
Number: 1 per property
Height: Maximum 6 ft.
(Ord. 25-2019. Passed 2-25-19.)
   (a)   Temporary signs, defined in section 1187-02, located on private property, are exempt from standard permit requirements. Temporary signs that comply with the requirements in this sub-section shall not be included in the determination of the type, number, or area of signs allowed on a Property. (NOTE: Regulations of this chapter do not apply to banners displayed in the public right-of-way).
   (b)   Size and Number.
      (1)   Non-Residential Districts:
         A.   Large Temporary Signs: One (1) large temporary sign is permitted per Property in all non-residential districts. If a Property is greater than five (5) acres in size and has at least 400 feet of street frontage or has more than 10,000 square feet of floor area, one (1) additional large temporary sign may be permitted so long as there is a minimum spacing of 200 feet between the two (2) large temporary signs.
            i.   Type:
               •   Building or Wall sign
               •   Freestanding Pole, Monument or Ground sign
               •   Window sign
               •   Banner
            ii.   Area:
               •   Each large temporary freestanding, window, or wall sign shall have a maximum area of 16 sq. ft.
               •   Each large temporary banner shall have a maximum area of 32 sq. ft.
            iii.   Height:
               •   Large temporary signs that are freestanding shall have a maximum height of eight (8) feet.
               •   Banners shall hang at a height no greater than 24 feet.
         B.   Small Temporary Signs: In addition to the large temporary sign(s) outlined above, three (3) small temporary signs are permitted per Property in all non-residential districts. If a Property is greater than five (5) acres in size and has at least 400 feet of street frontage or has > 10,000 square feet of floor area, one (1) additional small sign may be permitted.
            i.    Type:
               •   Building or Wall sign
               •   Freestanding Pole, Monument or Ground sign
               •   Window sign
            ii.   Area:
               •   Each small temporary sign shall have a maximum area of six (6) sq. ft.
               •   Height: Small temporary signs shall have a maximum height of six (6) feet.
      (2)   Residential Districts:
         A.   Large Temporary Signs: One (1) large temporary sign is permitted per residential Property so long as the Property is greater than five (5) acres in size and has at least 400 feet of street frontage or has more than 10,000 square feet of floor area.
            i.   Type:
               •   Building or Wall sign
               •   Freestanding Pole, Monument or Ground sign
               •   Window sign
               •   Banner
            ii.   Area:
               •   Each large temporary freestanding, window, or wall sign shall have a maximum area of 16 square feet.
               •   Each large temporary banner shall have a maximum area of 32 square feet.
            iii.   Height:
               •   Large temporary signs that are freestanding shall have a maximum height of eight (8) feet.
               •   Banners shall hang at a height no greater than 24 feet.
         B.   Small Temporary Signs: Three (3) small temporary signs are permitted per residential Property.
            i.   Type:
               •   Building or Wall sign
               •   Freestanding Pole, Monument or Ground sign
               •   Window sign
            ii.   Area: Each small temporary sign shall have a maximum area of six (6) sq. ft.
            iii.   Height: Small temporary signs shall have a maximum height of six (6) feet.
   (c)   Duration.
      (1)   Temporary signs may be displayed up to a maximum of 30 consecutive days, two (2) times per year.
   (d)   Permission: The party posting the temporary sign is solely responsible for obtaining the permission of the Property owner before posting their temporary sign.
   (e)   Municipal Notification: Temporary signs are exempt from the standard permit requirements but the date of erection of a temporary sign must be written in indelible ink on the lower right hand corner of the sign.
   (f)   Installation and Maintenance.
      (1)   All temporary signs must be installed such that in the opinion of the City of Canton's building official, they do not create a safety hazard.
      (2)   All temporary signs must be made of durable materials and shall be well-maintained.
   (g)   Illumination: Illumination of any temporary sign is prohibited.
Table of Sign Regulations by Type - Temporary Signs
Non-Residential Districts
Residential Districts
Large Temporary Signs (max area: 32 sq. ft. for banner, 16 square feet for all other signs)
Number: 1 per Property; 2 if Property is 5+ acres with 400+ ft. of street frontage, or has > 10,000 square feet of floor area
Ground: Max 8 ft.
Banner: Max. 24 ft.
Number: 1 per Property if Property is 5+ acres with 400+ ft. of street frontage, or has > 10,000 square feet of floor area
Ground: Max 8 ft.
Banner: Max. 24 ft.
Small Temporary Signs (max area: 6 sq. ft.)
Number: 3 per Property; 4 if Property is 5+ acres with 400+ ft. of street frontage, or has > 10,000 square feet of floor area
Height: Max 6 ft.
Number: 3 per Property
Height: Max 6 ft.
(Ord. 25-2019. Passed 2-25-19.)