These Target Investment Zone (TIZ) overlay districts are established to provide for residential, commercial, and mixed use neighborhoods that are in harmony with the natural features of the land, economic conditions, and the needs of Canton residents, both present and future. In addition, the TIZ's correspond with the Core Targeted Investment Areas recommendation in the most current comprehensive Plan, and subsequent amendments approved by Council, and are designed to implement the Plan recommendations for those areas by providing a flexible approach to zoning that will encourage the style, density, and uses recommended in the Comprehensive Plan. The following areas are designated as TIZ's, and their specific purpose and intent are as described below:
(a) Aultman Hospital Area Neighborhood Target Investment Zone: The purpose and intent of this zone is to "re-weave" the hospital back into the surrounding blocks and make the neighborhood a more desirable place to live and work. Therefore, the Aultman Hospital Area Neighborhood TIZ is envisioned to provide a range of residential and compatible office and commercial uses as well as to have multifamily dwellings nearer the hospital and single family detached homes further away, resulting in a range of densities from moderate (10-20 du/acre) to higher (20-30 du/acre) densities. Commercial office uses are to cluster near the hospital and commercial retail, restaurants, and medical offices shall be encouraged and located at major corners. Site design shall emphasize high quality architecture and landscaping, and streetscapes shall include street trees, wide sidewalks, and boulevards to make walking and biking appealing and safe.
(b) Mercy Area Neighborhood Target Investment Zone: The Mercy Area Neighborhood TIZ is designed to protect and enhance the existing single-family residential character of this area while encouraging and facilitating the redevelopment Fulton Road and 12th Street corridors. Therefore, the single-family residential areas shall remain as such and the Fulton Road and 12th Street corridors shall allow higher density (up to 30/du per acre) mixed-use commercial development, including residential use and the preservation of the existing grand single family homes.
(c) The Shorb Corridor Area Target Investment Zone: The Shorb Corridor Area TIZ is designed and intended to preserve the residential character of this area and to encourage and facilitate reinvestment in workforce housing. Therefore, existing residential uses, character, and densities shall be respected, except for the southeast area of the zone, working north from 6th Street NW and west from McKinley Avenue NW shall encourage and allow a variety of densities and housing types including town homes, small apartments, and single family homes on larger lots. Additionally, the Lower Shorb Area defined by12th Street NW to the North, Tuscarawas Street W to the South, Monument Road NW to the West and Fulton Road NW to the East shall encourage high density town homes/row housing development complimented by mixed-use commercial development.
(d) Downtown Canton Target Investment Zone: The Downtown Canton TIZ is designed to encourage and enhance the broad mix of uses and densities already existing within the area. Therefore, the Downtown Canton TIZ is a high-density mixed-use zone intended to create a walkable urban environment that is vibrant and welcoming to residents, businesses, workers, and visitors. Architecture and design shall focus on the relationship between buildings, sidewalks, and streets. Densities shall be high, parking requirements flexible, and streetscapes of high quality.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)
The bulk and area requirements for the existing zones shall remain in effect for single family and two-family residential in-fill development on vacant lots or for the reconstruction, renovation, or expansion of single and two-family dwelling units on existing lots. All other development-commercial, residential, multi-family, public, and institutional-including new construction, reconstruction, renovations, and expansions shall be subject to the bulk and area requirements prescribed in this Section.
Table of Permitted Bulk and Area Requirements
Height | Lot | ||||||
Feet | Stories | Area | Density | Coverage | Landscape | ||
Primary | Access. | ||||||
Aultman | 72 | 15 | 6 | n/a | 30 du/ac | n/a | 15% |
Mercy | 72 | 15 | 6 | n/a | 30 du/ac | n/a | 15% |
Shorb | 45 | 15 | 4.5 | n/a | 20 du/ac | n/a | 15% |
Downtown | 375 | 25 | 35 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
(1) Refer to Chapter 1178. Pedestrian Overlay District, Table of New Construction for Setbacks and Building Configuration Requirements.
(2) Refer to Chapter 1179. Urban Form Overlay District, Table of New Construction for Setbacks and Building Configuration Requirements.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)
Table of Permitted Uses
Use | Aultman | Mercy | Shorb | Downtown |
Residential Uses | ||||
Single-Family Homes | P | P | P | -- |
Two Family Dwellings | P | P | P | -- |
Three to Six Unit Dwellings | P | CU | CU | CU |
Townhouses | P | P | P | P |
Multi-Family Dwellings | P | CU | CU | P |
Historic Rehab and Commercial Conversion to Residential | P | -- | -- | P |
Home Occupation | P | P | P | P |
Use | Aultman | Mercy | Shorb | Downtown |
Mixed-Uses | ||||
Office, Retail, Restaurants, and Residential | P | P | P | P |
Commercial Office and Retail | P | P | P | P |
Commercial Office, Retail, Restaurants, and Entertainment | -- | -- | -- | P |
Commercial Uses | ||||
Retail, Neighborhood (1) | P | P | P | P |
Retail, Community (1) | P | CU | CU | P |
Retail, Regional (1) | CU | -- | -- | P |
Personal Service (1) | P | P | P | P |
Professional Service (1) | P | P | P | P |
Restaurants, Cafes and Bakeries (1) | P | P | P | P |
Drive-Thru Service (1) | CU | CU | CU | -- |
Financial Services (1) | P | P | P | P |
Child and Adult Day Care | P | P | P | P |
Entertainment and Museums (1) | CU | -- | -- | P |
Recreation, Indoor and Outdoor (1) | CU | -- | -- | CU |
Business Office (1) | P | -- | -- | P |
Medical and Dental Office (1) | P | -- | -- | P |
Medical Laboratory (1) | P | -- | -- | -- |
Broadcast Studios (1) | -- | -- | -- | P |
Hotels (1) | -- | -- | -- | P |
Conference and Convention Facilities(1) | -- | -- | -- | P |
Commercial Parking | -- | -- | -- | P |
Use | Aultman | Mercy | Shorb | Downtown |
Public Uses | ||||
Government Buildings and Schools | P | P | P | P |
Community and Recreation Facilities | P | P | P | P |
Parks and Open Space | P | P | P | P |
Public Events and Assembly | CU | CU | CU | P |
(1) Use only allowed in those areas of the zoning district conceptualized in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan as suitable for commercial activities.
(Ord. 147-2018. Passed 7-2-18.)