General Provisions
   51.001   Water and sanitary sewer bylaws adopted
   51.002   Construction of new water wells prohibited
Sewer Use
   51.015   Definitions
   51.016   Prohibited discharges
   51.017   Use and requirements of public sewers
   51.018   Control of prohibited wastes
   51.019   Industrial wastewater monitoring and reporting
Water and Sanitary Sewer Bylaws
   51.030   Control of system
   51.031   Connection to water and sewer lines required
   51.032   Water and sewer consumption charges
   51.033   Water tap fees
   51.034   Water supply and sewer system
   51.035   Maintenance of water and sewer connections
   51.036   Restrictions on water usage
   51.037   Water service line repair
   51.038   Meter requirements
   51.039   Maintenance of meters
   51.040   Secondary or “deduct” meters
   51.041   Backflow contamination prevention
   51.0411   Booster pumps
   51.042   Responsibility for payment of accounts
   51.043   Voluntary disconnection of service
   51.044   Termination of accounts for nonpayment
   51.045   Appeals to public utility committee
   51.046   Fees for water shut-offs
   51.047   Reading of meters
   51.048   Service to nonresidents
   51.049   Connection permits
   51.050   Private sanitary sewer systems prohibited
   51.051   Disposition of sanitary sewage
   51.052   Sewer system design
   51.053   Peak design flow
   51.054   Sanitary sewer mains
   51.055   Sanitary sewer tap fees
   51.056   Service connections
   51.0561   Service line shut-off valves
   51.057   Bedding; line, grade and location
   51.058   Tapping existing lines
   51.059   Service connections at manholes
   51.060   Backfill requirements
   51.061   Street openings
   51.062   Illegal connections
   51.063   Corrective order and expenses therefor
   51.064   Waters and wastes not to be discharged
   51.065   Control manhole
   51.066   Definitions
   51.080   Enforcement procedures
Terms and Conditions for Selling Surplus Water
   51.095   Authorization to sell; rate
   51.096   Location of taps
   51.097   Limited responsibility of village
   51.098   No contract for sale of surplus water
   51.099   Definition
   51.999   Penalty