(A) The last date for payment of utility bills shall be on or before the 18th day of the current month. If the customer fails to pay the account in full, or fails to arrange a payment schedule approved by the Village Administrator, the Water/Sewer Department shall apply a late payment penalty of 10% of the unpaid balance, print and mail out delinquency notices on the first business day after the due date printed on the bill. The delinquency notice shall indicate the amount of the bill which must be paid in full by the date indicated in the notice, which shall not be less than ten days from the date of the delinquency notice, to avoid termination of service, unless the customer files a written request for a hearing on the account before the Public Utilities Committee of Council prior to the final date established for termination of service.
(B) If payment is not received in full by 10:00 a.m. on the disconnect date, the Water/Sewer Department may terminate service unless the planned disconnection would be between November 15 through April 15, in which case the customer at the premises will be notified ten days prior to the disconnection by personal contact, telephone or hand-delivered written notice. Payments made on the date of disconnect must be by cash, cashier's check or money order. Checks will no longer be accepted on that day. Credit card payments must reach our office prior to the disconnect date to avoid disconnection. Please be mindful that any credit card payment takes a minimum of three business days to process.
(1) If the customer is a renter, a letter will also be mailed to the landlord stating the tenant's name, address, account number, and the amount past due along with the scheduled termination date.
(2) Each customer shall be informed of the right to enter into the below payment plan.
(3) The plan requires payment of three equal monthly payments on arrearages in addition to full payment of current bills.
(4) If no contact from the customer has been made after the deadline, a letter will be sent to the Richland County Job and Family Services to notify them of the intent to terminate the services of the customer (including the name and address of the customer) along with a copy of the letter of termination that was sent to the customer. It will be sent at least 24 hours before such action is taken.
(5) If the customer fails to make contact with the utility office to make payment arrangements, the customer will be contacted by the utility employee(s) with a 24-hour notice of intent to shut-off their utilities. If the customer is not home, or contact is not made, the Administrator will attach a written notice to the premises prior to termination.
(6) Utilities will not be terminated after 12:00 p.m. on Thursday or the day before a holiday when the customer cannot make arrangements or utilities cannot be reconnected.
(C) In the event that a utilities customer has arranged a payment schedule for a delinquent account as approved by the Administrator, and the customer fails to comply with the payment date and amount as established in that written agreement, the Water/Sewer Department shall provide notice by regular first class U.S. mail or by posting a notice on the property that water service will be terminated within five calendar days of the mailing or posting unless the amount is paid in full.
(D) A $50 shut-off charge will be added to the bill. Service may be restored only upon full payment of the account by cash, certified cashier's check, or money order.
(E) If a customer informs the office of a medical problem, the office will inform the customer that a Certificate of Special Danger to Health must be provided in writing from a licensed physician stating the name of the person, that the person is a permanent resident of the premises in question, the name, business address, and telephone number of the physician, the nature of the condition, a signed statement from the physician that the disconnection of service will be especially dangerous to health, and the period of time during which termination will be especially dangerous to health.
(1) The written certification must be on the village approved form.
(2) Initial certification by the physician may be made by telephone if written certification is forwarded to the utility office within seven working days.
(3) Certification shall prohibit disconnection of services for 30 days. Certification may be renewed two additional times (30 days each) by a licensed physician or local Board of Health physician by providing an additional certificate to the office. The total certification period is not to exceed 90 days in any 12 month period.
(4) Upon renewal of certification, the Village Administrator shall make personal contact with the customer and inform them of the governmental assistance programs that may be available.
(5) If a medical certificate is used to avoid disconnection, the customer shall enter into an extended payment plan prior to the end of the medical certification period or be subject to disconnection. The initial payment on the plan shall not be due until the end of the certification period.
(Ord. 2010-84, passed 8-16-2010; Res. 4-2016, passed 2-2-2016)