(A) The owner of all existing buildings within the village which are located on a public street right-of-way or permanent easement owned by this village which contains a municipal water line or municipal sanitary sewer line shall connect to the water or sanitary sewer line within one year after the effective date of this section or one year after the completion and acceptance of any sanitary sewer or water line constructed in the future.
(B) The owner of all new or proposed buildings which are located on a public street right-of-way or permanent easement owned by this village which contains a municipal water line or sanitary sewer line shall connect to the lines within 90 days after the issuance of the zoning permit for the building.
(C) Upon application in writing to this village supported by documentation showing that the owner of the building has an annual income of less than 80% of the medium family income in the village in accordance with the most recently available data and provided the application shall be received within nine months of the effective date of this section or nine months after the completion of any future water or sanitary sewer line, Council may by motion and for good cause shown extend the time for the connection to the water or sanitary sewer line for a period of time not to exceed two years.
(D) In the event a public water supply and a public sewage disposal system cannot reasonably be made available, the developer shall submit proof satisfactory to the village and to the appropriate Board of Health that a safe and adequate source of water for domestic use and a safe and adequate means of sewage disposal can and will be provided.
(Ord. 2010-84, passed 8-16-2010)