(A)   Utility bills will be sent to the name and address of the account holder as established with the Utilities Clerk on or before the 1st day of the billing month. The account holder shall be the customer who has entered into an agreement to pay for utilities service. The account may be in the name of the property owner or tenant or other consumer who occupies a unit to which utilities service is provided. The village will accept payment for water and sewer accounts from the owner of the premises or from another consumer such as a tenant, but the responsibility for payment of unpaid accounts rests with the property owner.
   (B)   The owner of a rental property may elect to execute a "water service contract" with the village whereby the owner maintains the water/sewer account in his or her name and all utility bills are sent to the owner. It is the responsibility of the owner to collect for water/sewer usage from all tenants at that premises. When accounts become delinquent, the owner assumes responsibility for any penalties or late charges or disconnection of service. Accounts remaining unpaid after a period of six months will be certified to the Richland County Auditor to be placed upon the real property tax duplicate, or the village may attempt to collect unpaid accounts by civil action. The owner of the property agrees to provide the village with at least 14 days advance notice of a pending sale of the property.
   (C)   All unpaid accounts may be placed as a lien against the property served.
   (D)   Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity having a delinquent service account with the Bellville Water/Sewer Department shall not be furnished service at any other premises until such delinquent account is paid in full, including all penalties and service charges.
(Ord. 2010-84, passed 8-16-2010; Res. 4-2016, passed 2-2-2016)