The Village of Bellville shall be responsible for repairs and maintenance of service lines from the main to, and including, the curb stop. Maintenance of the service line from the curb stop to the building is the responsibility of the property owner. If a property owner fails to make arrangements for repairs to correct a leaking service line within a reasonable time, as determined by the Administrator, the village may discontinue service. If the property owner wishes to pay the village the costs of labor and materials to make necessary repairs, a temporary work easement will be required to permit the village to enter onto private property to perform the work, and to limit the village’s liability for potential damages. If payment is not received within 60 days after the billing date for the repair work, the past due amount will be certified to the Richland County Auditor to be placed upon the tax duplicate for that property for collection with real estate taxes under the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 2010-84, passed 8-16-2010; Res. 2013-30, passed 10-1-2013)