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West Jordan, UT Code of Ordinances
West Jordan General Plan
West Jordan Midvale 3 Stations Plan
West Jordan Parks and Recreation Master Plan
West Jordan Sanitary Sewer Master Plan
West Jordan Storm Drainage Master Plan
West Jordan Active Transportation Plan
West Jordan Transportation Master Plan
West Jordan Water Master Plan
The following signs are prohibited:
   A.   Portable Signs: Portable signs and signs not permanently installed in the ground or on a pole or building, except as specifically allowed by this title.
   B.   Signs On Public Property: Signs located on public property; within street rights of way, including sidewalks; or those attached to any structure or appurtenance on public property; however, the following signs may be displayed on public property subject to the provisions of this title: 1) public necessity signs, traffic regulatory signs, and directional signs related to public uses and facilities installed by a governmental agency; 2) temporary signs, placed during major street construction as described in subsection 12-3-3P of this chapter; 3) handheld signs, no larger than six (6) square feet in size, displayed by individuals on traditional public fora, including public sidewalks, in such a way that the sign does not unreasonably impede or inhibit pedestrian and other traffic on or over the public property; impede or inhibit ingress or egress to buildings or other areas which must be accessed from or over the public property; or subject to constitutionally protected rights, create a hazard, or which unreasonably restricts the lawful use of the public property by others; and 4) bus bench and bus shelter signs, subject to the provisions of subsection 12-3-3C of this chapter.
   C.   Home Occupation Signs: Home occupation signs, except for nameplate signs.
   D.   Signs Which Distract: Signs which simulate or imitate in size, coloring, lettering or design any traffic sign or signal, or use the words "stop", "yield", "danger" or any other words, phrases, symbols or characters in such a way as to interfere with, mislead or confuse drivers.
   E.   Reader: Portable reader signs.
   F.   Obsolete Or Abandoned Signs: Conforming sign structures may remain on a site but all sign copy shall be removed and the sign shall be covered with a durable opaque material to prevent deterioration during the period in which the sign structure is unused.
   G.   Flashing Signs: Signs with flashing or strobelike lighting effects.
   H.   Signs With Sound Emitting Devices: Any sign equipped with any device which creates or amplifies sound.
   I.   Extending: Extending signs.
   J.   Clear Vision Zone: Signs in clear vision zone.
   K.   Snipe: Snipe signs.
   L.   Vehicle: Vehicle signs.
   M.   Roof Signs: Any sign mounted on the top of, or roof of, any building or structure.
   N.   Noncomplying Signs: Any other sign not complying with the provisions of this title, title 13 of this code, or any prior ordinance. (2001 Code § 89-6-1104; amd. 2009 Code)