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West Jordan Overview
West Jordan, UT Code of Ordinances
West Jordan General Plan
West Jordan Midvale 3 Stations Plan
West Jordan Parks and Recreation Master Plan
West Jordan Sanitary Sewer Master Plan
West Jordan Storm Drainage Master Plan
West Jordan Active Transportation Plan
West Jordan Transportation Master Plan
West Jordan Water Master Plan
Sign Type
Sign Standards
Maximum Area
Maximum Height/ Projection/ Width
Front Setback
Sign Type
Sign Standards
Maximum Area
Maximum Height/ Projection/ Width
Front Setback
A-frame signs1
10 sq. ft. per sign face with a maximum of 2 sign faces
Height: 4'
1 per business
75' from any other sign
Signs must be within 20' of the primary entrance to the business
Animated signs
Integrated in the design of another approved sign and not to exceed 25% of the area of such sign
Awning signs1
Sign: 25% of the building facade
Copy or design: 50% of the awning area
Height: 5'
Projection: 3' or 33% of window height whichever is less
Awnings shall not project into any public right of way
300 sq. ft.
Height: 35'
See subsection 12-3-3D of this chapter for density
Not less than 500' from any other billboard
Bus bench/shelter signs1,2
Bench sign: 16 sq. ft.
Shelter sign: 22 sq. ft.
Bench sign height: 42"
Shelter sign height: 6'
One at each UTA bus stop
500' from any other bench/shelter sign and 50' from any other freestanding sign, except pole signs. There is no required separation between pole signs and bus bench/shelter signs
A minimum distance between the front edge of the bench or shelter and the face of the adjacent curb of 48" on state roads and 24" on city streets
Changeable copy signs1
Integrated with another approved sign and not to exceed 30% of the area of such sign
Directional signs1
6 sq. ft.
6 sq. ft. per individual sign area on a single pole, if approved with a sign development plan
Height: 6'
12' if approved with a sign development plan
See Spacing
50' from any other freestanding sign, unless approved as part of a sign development plan
Public use directional signs may be located within public rights of way
Other directional signs: 18"
Directory signs
50 sq. ft.
Height: 10'
1 for each primary entrance into a commercial, industrial or office complex
Integrated with another approved sign up to 50% of sign area
Freeway oriented signs1
950 sq. ft.
For master planned developments having 5,000 linear feet or more of frontage on a freeway, not more than 1 sign may be up to 1,500 sq. ft., including the area of any shopping center logo
Height: 50'
For master planned developments having 5,000 linear feet or more of frontage on a freeway, not more than 2 signs may be up to 72' in height
See Spacing
1 sign for each 800' of highway frontage
Historical markers1
8 sq. ft.
Height: 6'
Inflated sign display1
Height: 25'
1 per commercial complex or 1 for each business not located in a commercial complex
200' from any other freestanding sign
In compliance with setbacks of the zone in which the sign is located
Kiosk sign1
Overall kiosk sign: 12'x4'6"
Sign panels: 7 (1'x4')
Height: 12'
300' from any other kiosk sign; 50' from any other freestanding sign
Monument signs 4' or less in height1
20 sq. ft.
The architectural element shall not be considered part of the sign area
Height: 4' above grade or 6' above the elevation of the nearest sidewalk, whichever is greater
A domed, gabled shaped architectural element may extend 1' above the sign for a maximum height of 7' and may incorporate a building address but no other copy or logo shall be permitted within this area
1 for each agricultural sales or service business
4' except for corner properties and all driveways, where the minimum setback is 15'
Monument signs over 4' in height1
50 sq. ft. on sites with less than 250' of street frontage
78 sq. ft. on sites with more than 250' of street frontage
The architectural element shall not be considered part of the sign area
Height: All monument signs shall sit on a base no greater than 2' in height. The sign itself shall not exceed 6' in height
A domed, gabled or similar shaped architectural element may extend 1' above the sign for a cumulative height of 9' and may incorporate a building address but no other copy or logo shall be permitted within this area
Width: The total width of the sign shall not exceed 13'
1 for sites having only 1 business
For all other sites, as approved on a sign development plan
Not less than 100' from any other freestanding sign
4' except for corner properties and all driveways, where the minimum setback is 15'
Neighborhood entryway monument sign1
20 sq. ft.
Height: 4' above grade or 6' above the elevation of the nearest sidewalk, whichever is greater
2 per main entrance along collector and arterial streets for each planned development and subdivision
50' from other monument sign, 100' from any other entrance or pole sign
Neighborhood entryway sign1
20 sq. ft.
Height: Incorporated into a wall to assume the approved wall height
2 per main entrance along collector and arterial streets
50' from other neighborhood entryway sign, 100' from any other monument or pole sign
10', outside of clear vision area
Off premises development signs1
32 sq. ft.
Height: 12'
1 sign per 100 residential units in a development
50' from any other freestanding sign or structure
Planned center gateway sign1
n/a, except as dictated by maximum height and minimum vehicle/pedestrian clearances
Height: 30'
1 per 15 acres of total planned development area and included in an approved sign plan
150' from any other pole, pylon, planned center sign or planned center gateway sign, 100' from any monument sign and 50' from any other freestanding sign, except bus bench and bus shelter signs
Support columns shall be placed outside of clear vision area
Planned center sign1
250 sq. ft.
Height: 25'
1 per frontage onto an arterial/collector right of way
200' from any other pole sign, 150' from any monument sign and 50' from any other freestanding sign, except bus bench and bus shelter signs
Pole signs1
80% of the street frontage of the lot upon which the sign will be located, up to a maximum of 200 sq. ft.
Height: 25'
1 sign per 200' of street frontage and 1 additional sign for developments with 400' or more of street frontage
For corner lots, each frontage shall be computed separately
200' from any other pole sign, 150' from any monument sign and 50' from any other freestanding sign, except bus bench and bus shelter signs. There is no required separation between pole signs and bus bench/shelter signs
Pylon sign, minor
64 sq. ft.
Height: 12'
Approved as an element of a sign development plan
Not less than 150' from any other freestanding sign
Pylon sign, major
200 sq. ft.
Height: 25'
Approved as an element of a sign development plan
200' from any other pylon sign or pole sign, 150' from any monument sign, and 75' from any other freestanding sign
Sculptured signs
As approved by planning commission
Height: 8' above grade or 10' above the elevation of the nearest sidewalk, whichever is greater
Suspended signs
4 sq. ft.
Temporary promotional signs1
Wall banners: 40 sq. ft.
Freestanding signs: 24 sq. ft.
Wall banners: n/a
Freestanding sign height: 6'
Wall banners: 1 per business plus 1 additional banner for a business located in a building having a front face of 150 linear feet or more
Freestanding signs: 1 per business. Sign shall be securely attached to the ground
Wall banners: n/a
Freestanding signs: 25' from any other freestanding sign
Wall banners shall be securely attached to the building facade
Freestanding signs: 18"
Searchlights: 50' from the edge of any street pavement
Village center advertisement signs
15% of building facade; max. 100 sq. ft./sign
No higher than second level/story of parking structure or commercial building
As approved in the development plan
Wall signs1
15% of each facade of a building
Height: n/a
Projection from building: Not more than 18"
1 for each business occupying a building
   1.   See section 12-3-3 of this chapter for exceptions and qualifications.
   2.   See also subsection 8-8-8B of this code, subsection 12-2-3F4 of this title and subsection 12-3-3C of this chapter.
(2001 Code § 89-6-1107; amd. 2009 Code; Ord. 10-20, 7-28-2010; Ord. 11-08, 3-23-2011; Ord. 14-29, 8-27-2014; Ord. 16-33, 8-24-2016; Ord. 16-50, 11-16-2016)