Sec. 21-18. Wasting or abusing athletic facility lighting; fines and penalties.
   (a)   The person or persons who fail to extinguish the lights after use of any parks and recreation department athletic facility shall be subject to the following fines or penalties:
   First offense: A minimum of a forty dollar ($40.00) fine.
   Second offense: A minimum of a eighty dollar ($80.00) fine.
   Third offense: Revocation of the privilege of being able to reserve any athletic facilities for nighttime use for a period of one (1) year.
   (b)   In those parks in the city that have a posted hour of closing, it shall be unlawful to continue to use lighted athletic facilities after the hour of closing without authorization from the director of parks and recreation. This shall subject the individual or individuals utilizing the facility to the following fines or penalties:
   First offense: A minimum of a forty dollar ($40.00) fine.
   Second offense: A minimum of a eighty dollar ($80.00) fine.
   Third offense: Revocation of the privilege of being able to reserve any athletic facilities for nighttime use for a period of one (1) year.
(Ord. No. 4657, § 5, 5-23-77; Ord. No. 9757, § 19, 8-5-02)
   Editors Note: Ord. No. 4657, § 5, adopted May 23, 1977, specifically amended the Code by repealing former § 21-18 and adopting in lieu thereof a new § 21-18 as herein set out. Former § 21-18 had pertained to fees for adult tennis, slimnastics, self-defense and fencing lessons, and had been derived from Ord. No. 4466, § 2, adopted Apr. 12, 1976.