Sec. 21-1. Definitions.
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
   Sec. 21-1(1). Camping means the placement of any tent, temporary shelter or structure, blanket, cloth, or other sleeping implements on park property for the purpose of protection from the elements for any persons remaining in the park.
   Sec. 21-1(2). Director means the director of parks and recreation.
   Sec. 21-1(3). License means a permit for more than a one-time event.
   Sec. 21-1(4). Park means any public park or recreation or playground area within or outside the corporate limits of the city, owned and maintained by the city as a public park, or recreation or playground area, including Randolph and El Rio golf courses, and Hi Corbett field.
   Sec. 21-1(5). Park ranger means a city employee under the supervision of the director, authorized by his commission to enforce all park rules and regulations and all criminal and traffic laws within a park.
   Sec. 21-1(6). Permit means authority issued by the director granting a named person or persons permission to perform a specified activity in a parks and recreation department facility or any portion thereof.
   Sec. 21-1(7). Pollution means the contamination or other alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of park waters, including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity or odor of the waters, or discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid radioactive or other substance into any park waters as will or is likely to create a public nuisance or render park waters harmful, detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, recreational or other beneficial uses, or to wild animals, birds, fish or other aquatic life.
   Sec. 21-1(8). Reservation means authority issued by the director for named persons to use a parks and recreation department facility or any portion thereof for a specified time and purpose.
   Sec. 21-1(9). Resident is hereby defined as any person who is in possession of a valid proof of residency within the Tucson city limits pursuant to the rules and regulations established by the director of parks and recreation. Persons qualified as residents as set forth shall be permitted to use any city-owned parks and recreation department facility and fee based programs upon payment of the resident fee, proper identification as determined by the director of parks and recreation.
   Sec. 21-1(10). Vehicle means any wheeled conveyance, whether motor-powered, animal- drawn, or personally propelled, including any trailer in tow of any size, kind or description. Not included are baby carriages, vehicles in the service of the city, and vehicles authorized and properly equipped for emergency duties.
(Ord. No. 4610, § 2, 1-10-77; Ord. No. 9850, § 1, 5-12-03)