General Provisions
   71.001   Application to government vehicles
   71.002   Application to push carts and animal-driven vehicles
   71.003   Obedience to Police and Fire Department officials
Emergency Vehicles
   71.015   Exemptions from traffic and parking rules; application
   71.016   Yielding to emergency vehicles
   71.017   Due regard
   71.018   Following emergency vehicles restricted
   71.019   Crossing fire hose prohibited
Traffic-Control Devices and Controlled Zones
   71.030   Obedience to traffic-control devices
   71.031   Traffic-control device intersections
   71.032   Play streets; restrictions; exceptions
   71.033   Quiet zones; restrictions
   71.034   Lane and crosswalk designation; signs, markers, and the like
   71.035   Obedience to lane markers required
   71.036   Board responsibility; street and traffic-control signs
   71.037   Unauthorized signs prohibited
   71.038   Removal of unauthorized signs
   71.039   Tampering with official signs prohibited
   71.040   Violations; liability
School Zones
   71.050   Definition
   71.051   Speed limit
   71.052   Loitering restricted
   71.053   Exceptions
   71.054   Violations
Processions and Parades
   71.065   Permit required
   71.066   Waiting period for application
   71.067   Parade hours established by Board
   71.068   Funeral processions; notification required
   71.069   Funeral procession driving
   71.070   Funeral procession identification
   71.071   Driving between procession vehicles restricted
Stops and Yields
   71.085   Designated through streets; stops and yields
   71.086   Crossing alleys; stops and yields
   71.087   Stop intersections
   71.088   Railroad crossings; required stops
   71.089   Yield intersections
Additional Driving Rules
   71.100   Speed limits; violations
   71.101   U-turns prohibited
   71.102   Driving on sidewalk prohibited
   71.103   Backing vehicles
   71.104   Riding on motorcycles
   71.105   Roller skates, coasters, and the like prohibited on streets
   71.106   Attaching to vehicles prohibited
   71.107   Hitching animals restricted
   71.108   Pedestrian rules
Street Closings
   71.120   Temporary street closings; policy
   71.121   Snow emergency; authority and procedures
   71.122   Board authority over street events
   71.123   Closing for events; advance notice required
   71.124   Street Commissioner authority over maintenance
   71.125   Closing for maintenance; procedure
   71.126   Violations
   71.127   Removal of vehicles in violation; towing
   71.130   Driving on or across sidewalks; yielding to bicycle operator on sidewalk
   71.131   Bicycle paths and lanes
   71.132   Yielding to bicycle operator in bicycle path or lane
   71.133   Driving, standing or parking on bicycle paths or lanes prohibited
   71.134   Duty to yield to bicycle operator; minimum passing distance
   71.135   Fines and penalties
Truck Regulations
   71.140   Commercial vehicle defined
   71.141   Driving restrictions on vehicles over 5,000 pounds
   71.142   Semi-truck traffic restrictions on local roads
Train Regulations
   71.155   Obstruction of crossings restricted
   71.156   Dangerous cargo; storage restricted
   71.157   Boarding trains restricted
   71.158   Unnecessary whistle sounding restricted
   71.159   Warning devices required at crossings
   Freeman Field Regulations, see Ch. 72
   Potentially Damaging Street Usage, see §§ 94.01 et seq.