1023.11.2 Enclosure access.
Access to the stairway or ramp within a smokeproof enclosure shall be by way of a vestibule or an open exterior balcony.
Exception: Access is not required by way of a vestibule or exterior balcony for stairways and ramps using the pressurization alternative complying with Section 909.20.5.
1024.1 Exit passageways.
Exit passageways serving as an exit component in a means of egress system shall comply with the requirements of this section. An exit passageway shall not be used for any purpose other than as a means of egress and a circulation path.
1024.2 Width.
The required capacity of exit passageways shall be determined as specified in Section 1005 but the minimum width shall be not less than 44 inches (1117.6 mm), except that exit passageways serving an occupant load of less than 50 shall be not less than 36 inches (914.4 mm) in width. The minimum width or required capacity of exit passageways shall be unobstructed.
Exception: Encroachments complying with Section 1005.7.
1024.3 Construction.
Exit passageway enclosures shall have walls, floors and ceilings of not less than a 1-hour fire-resistance rating, and not less than that required for any connecting interior exit stairway or ramp. Exit passageways shall be constructed as fire barriers in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both.
1024.4 Termination.
Exit passageways on the level of exit discharge shall terminate at an exit discharge. Exit passageways on other levels shall terminate at an exit component.
1024.5 Openings.
Exit passageway opening protectives shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 716.
Except as permitted in Section 402.8.7, openings in exit passageways other than unprotected exterior openings shall be limited to those necessary for exit access to the exit passageway from normally occupied spaces and for egress from the exit passageway.
Where an interior exit stairway or ramp is extended to an exit discharge or a public way by an exit passageway, the exit passageway shall comply with Section 1023.3.1.
Elevators shall not open into an exit passageway.