1014.8 Projections.
On ramps and on ramped aisles that are part of an accessible route, the clear width between handrails shall be 36 inches (914.4 mm) minimum. Projections into the required width of aisles, stairways and ramps at each side shall not exceed 4 1/2 inches (114.3 mm) at or below the handrail height. Projections into the required width shall not be limited above the minimum headroom height required in Section 1011.3. Projections due to intermediate handrails shall not constitute a reduction in the egress width.
Exception: The available egress width shall be reduced by the distance between the closest edges of a pair of intermediate handrails where:
1. Such pair of intermediate handrails are provided within the stairway width without a walking surface between the pair; and
2. The distance between the closest edges of such pair of intermediate handrails is greater than 6 inches (152.4 mm).
1014.9 Intermediate handrails.
Stairways shall have intermediate handrails located in such a manner that all portions of the stairway minimum width or required capacity are within 30 inches (762 mm) of a handrail. On monumental stairs, handrails shall be located along the most direct path of egress travel.
1015.1 General.
Guards shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1015.2 through 1015.7. Operable windows with sills located more than 72 inches (1828.8 mm) above finished grade or other surface below shall comply with Section 1015.8.
1015.2 Where required.
Guards adequate in strength and attachment in accordance with Section 1607.8 shall be located along open-sided walking surfaces that are more than 30 inches (762 mm) measured vertically to the floor or grade below at any point within 36 inches (914.4 mm) horizontally to the edge of the open side. Such open-sided walking surfaces shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Roofs and setback roofs such as terraces accessible by a stairway, including those required by Section 1011.12;
2. Where protective guards are required on building roofs pursuant to Section 1510.8;
3. Mezzanines;
4. Balconies;
5. Equipment platforms;
6. Aisles;
7. Stairs;
8. Ramps; and
9. Landings.
Exception: Guards are not required for the following locations:
1. On the loading side of loading docks or piers.
2. On the audience side of stages and raised platforms, including stairs and ramps leading up to the stage and raised platforms.
3. On raised stage and platform floor areas, such as runways, ramps and side stages used for entertainment or presentations.
4. At vertical openings in the performance area of stages and platforms.
5. At elevated walking surfaces appurtenant to stages and platforms for access to and utilization of special lighting or equipment.
6. Along vehicle service pits not accessible to the public.
7. In assembly seating areas at cross aisles in accordance with Section 1029.16.2.
1015.2.1 Glazing.
Where glass is used to provide a guard or as a portion of the guard system, the guard shall comply with Section 2407. Where the glazing provided does not meet the strength and attachment requirements of Section 1607.8, complying guards shall be located along glazed sides of open-sided walking surfaces.
1015.3 Height.
Required guards shall be not less than 42 inches (1066.8 mm) high, measured vertically as follows:
1. From the adjacent walking surfaces.
2. Where any portion of fixed seating, fixed planters or similar fixed elements are located within 21 inches (533.4 mm) horizontally of the guards, from the upper most surface of such portion of the fixed seating or fixed element.
3. On stairways and stepped aisles, from the line connecting the leading edges of the tread nosings.
4. On ramps and ramped aisles, from the ramp surface at the guard.
1. For occupancies in Group R-3, and within individual dwelling units in occupancies in Group R-2, guards on the open sides of stairs shall have a height not less than 34 inches (863.4 mm) measured vertically from a line connecting the leading edges of the treads.
2. For occupancies in Group R-3, and within individual dwelling units in occupancies in Group R-2, where the top of the guard also serves as a handrail on the open sides of stairs, the top of the guard shall be not less than 34 inches (863.4 mm) and not more than 38 inches (965.2 mm) measured vertically from a line connecting the leading edges of the treads.
3. The guard height in assembly seating areas shall comply with Section 1029.16 as applicable.
4. Along alternating tread devices and ships ladders, guards where the top rail also serves as a handrail shall have height not less than 30 inches (762 mm) and not more than 34 inches (863.4 mm), measured vertically from the leading edge of the device tread nosing.